"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

tweets are something we are suppose to take serious?

If it can be spun to make Obama look like less of a complete domestic failure or distract away from his record on jobs and the economy then, yes, we are to take them serious.

Now if they are tweets of Obama telling entrepreneurs they didn't create the businesses they run, well, that is to be ignored.
tweets are something we are suppose to take serious?

If it can be spun to make Obama look like less of a complete domestic failure or distract away from his record on jobs and the economy then, yes, we are to take them serious.

Now if they are tweets of Obama telling entrepreneurs they didn't create the businesses they run, well, that is to be ignored.

I know that's right
Carl Lewis, who spoke to The Independent as the First Lady, Michelle Obama, arrived in London to lead the US delegation, said: "Every Olympics is ready, I don't care whatever he [Romney] said. I swear, sometimes I think some Americans shouldn't leave the country. Are you kidding me, stay home if you don't know what to say."

#Romneyshambles: 'Some Americans just shouldn't leave the country', says Carl Lewis - Home News - UK - The Independent


well then, maybe he should give his medals back that all "those Americans" supported him in winning
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And we give a fuck what England thinks because.....?

This is how you know the left has failed miserably. They need to point to another country, who is not eligible to vote in our elections, for support of their guy... :lol:
And we give a fuck what England thinks because.....?

This is how you know the left has failed miserably. They need to point to another country, who is not eligible to vote in our elections, for support of their guy... :lol:

Because we kicked them, while they were the "most powerful nation", out of the colonies and took control to form our own nation.....oh wait that isn't a good reason to care :p

Ahhhh because they are one of our most steadfast allies in the world even if Obama has taken every opportunity to slight them.
Romney in Shambles as Britain Proclaims Him Worse than Sarah Palin

Daily Mail Political Editor James Chapman has been providing the world a play by play of Romney’s British implosion via his Twitter account. Romney started things off by criticizing London’s preparedness for the Olympics. He then forgot the name of British Labour Leader Ed Miliband, and then he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing by MI6. This led the British to ask aloud if they have another George W. Bush on their hands, “Romney blunders again by revealing he’s had (supposedly) top secret briefing by John Sawers, MI6 boss. Do we have a new Dubya on our hands?”
Of course the RightyTighties won't care, because they didn't care when Dubya was in office, making our country look all dumb-a-fied. But it does make me very happy to know that people in other countries, and our closest allies at that, think that this guy is a walking, talking, unmitigated (Un-Mitt-igated?) disaster.

Another reason not to vote for this clown.

Here's another story for the RightyTighties: London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com
England is that country that is ruled by a hereditary bloodline not unlike North Korea right?


The Royals have no power.

Catch up.

Because we kicked them, while they were the "most powerful nation", out of the colonies and took control to form our own nation..[/QUOTE]

With the help of the French....and the Spanish.....and the Dutch.....and Native Americans.....
Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?
Yup. Funny how it only matters what other countries think when they are unamused with Obama.

When he had a wildly successful first trip (like Mitt's, only - you know - successful), they made 'rock star' noises in his general direction.
Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

"But at least the trees are the right hight!"

Or are they?

Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

You're going to post that with NO link?
and it's not like Obama was some foreign policy genius when he was elected...He was a friggen JUNIOR SENATOR for crying out loud..Governors have some foreign policy experience at least
Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

You're going to post that with NO link?
and it's not like Obama was some foreign policy genius when he was elected...He was a friggen JUNIOR SENATOR for crying out loud..Governors have some foreign policy experience at least

Mittens book, No Apology ffs. Idiot.

And funny - Romney is the one with all the experience, but Obama is the one that the rest of the world welcomed with open arms and hearts in 2008.

Things that make you go hmm.
So a remark over the Olympics is now going to be turned into someones Foreign policy experience...they did the same thing with Palin..

a Governor has some Foreign Policy experience...and surely more that the Junior Senator Obama had, yet you all had no problems installing his as President
You know, typing in a bigger font doesn't make you any smarter Chihuahua boy. It just makes your stupidity more obvious...

Says the Aussie asshole who mooches of the Australian government and who is also not eligible to vote in our elections.

Why don't you go worry about Austrlia, you parasite to society, since your opinion means absolutely nothing to the greatest country in the world.

I find it hilarious how Communists hate the US so much, they actually spend their time in other countries giving their unsolicited opions on OUR nation. Fucking parasite useless tool....
Here's Romney on England:


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

You're going to post that with NO link?
and it's not like Obama was some foreign policy genius when he was elected...He was a friggen JUNIOR SENATOR for crying out loud..Governors have some foreign policy experience at least

Mittens book, No Apology ffs. Idiot.

And funny - Romney is the one with all the experience, but Obama is the one that the rest of the world welcomed with open arms and hearts in 2008.

Things that make you go hmm.

fuck off twit...I didn't ask you
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Here's Romney on England:

"England [sic] is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy. And if it hadn't been separated from the continent by water, it almost certainly would have been lost to Hitler's ambitions. Yet only two lifetimes ago, Britain ruled the largest and wealthiest empire in the history of humankind. Britain controlled a quarter of the earth's land and a quarter of the earth's population."
From "No Apology"


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

You're going to post that with NO link?
and it's not like Obama was some foreign policy genius when he was elected...He was a friggen JUNIOR SENATOR for crying out loud..Governors have some foreign policy experience at least

Romney's 'No Apologies' Diplomacy in Action as U.K. Trip Turns to Public Spat - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

Pick up the book, Steph.
Here's Romney on England:


This is the guy you really want in charge of Foreign policy?

You're going to post that with NO link?
and it's not like Obama was some foreign policy genius when he was elected...He was a friggen JUNIOR SENATOR for crying out loud..Governors have some foreign policy experience at least

Romney's 'No Apologies' Diplomacy in Action as U.K. Trip Turns to Public Spat - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

Pick up the book, Steph.

ok, you fuck off too
You know, typing in a bigger font doesn't make you any smarter Chihuahua boy. It just makes your stupidity more obvious...

Says the Aussie asshole who mooches of the Australian government and who is also not eligible to vote in our elections.

Why don't you go worry about Austrlia, you parasite to society, since your opinion means absolutely nothing to the greatest country in the world.

I find it hilarious how Communists hate the US so much, they actually spend their time in other countries giving their unsolicited opions on OUR nation. Fucking parasite useless tool....


People are "parasites".

The "Humanity" of conservatives.

Which basically is..no humanity.

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