"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

Best Quote:

Romney has spent a year saying Obama has been apologizing for America and now America has to apologize for him.
Romney in Shambles as Britain Proclaims Him Worse than Sarah Palin

Daily Mail Political Editor James Chapman has been providing the world a play by play of Romney’s British implosion via his Twitter account. Romney started things off by criticizing London’s preparedness for the Olympics. He then forgot the name of British Labour Leader Ed Miliband, and then he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing by MI6. This led the British to ask aloud if they have another George W. Bush on their hands, “Romney blunders again by revealing he’s had (supposedly) top secret briefing by John Sawers, MI6 boss. Do we have a new Dubya on our hands?”

Of course the RightyTighties won't care, because they didn't care when Dubya was in office, making our country look all dumb-a-fied. But it does make me very happy to know that people in other countries, and our closest allies at that, think that this guy is a walking, talking, unmitigated (Un-Mitt-igated?) disaster.

Another reason not to vote for this clown.

Here's another story for the RightyTighties: London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

Wow. There's something you see every day. A whining lib citing other whining libs as authority for some whining bullshit.
Willard would make the absolute worst diplomat as President...

we know he hates middle class Americans, but now we know he hates everybody else

stupid bigot

Ive seen no evidence that Romney hates anyone, including Obama.

I know this is a hard concept for someone full of anger and hatred for anyone who has the audacity to disagree with you, but with most of us adults, we don't hate people merely because we have different politics.

Regarding Prime Minister David Cameron‘s quip that you could easily hold the Olympics in “the middle of nowhere,” Krauthammer said he was clearly referring to Utah, the state where Romney helped run the Winter Olympics in 2002. He said that Romney’s comments on the London Olympics were “unbelievable,” “incomprehensible,” and “a lot of other adjectives.” Krauthammer said Romney shouldn’t be saying anything on his international trip, except for kind words about the countries he is visiting.

“All Romney has to do, say nothing. It’s like a guy in the 100-meter dash. All he has to do is to finish, he doen’t have to win. And instead, he tackles the guy in the lane next to him and ends up disqualified. I don’t get it.”



No one "gets" Mitt Romney. Hopefully, America won't want him.

You know Mitt lied about not knowing when his wife's horse was "preforming". Lies come so easily to Mitt.
Most conservatives in this country hate every other country on the planet except Israel. And they aren't really to fond of Israelis or Jews.

But they like the whole rapture/god's landing strip, bit.

That's it swallow... You're not just another trolling hack or anything.

And most liberals hate freedom!!!! =D Debate!

Why do kids like you trend toward Homosexuality?

Pro-tip: Asking to swallow the semen of a 51 year old hetrosexual will generally lead to rejection.

Like now.

Go find another dude to suck off you fucking low life faggot.

Swallow, we have gone over this before.

Whenever I call you Swallow you immediately assume I’m gay and asking to suck you off… That’s pretty gay of you in itself, but what is more important is the fact that you’re a homophobe and a bigot, yet not none on the left ever calls you out for it... Must be that whole "D" next to his name things, so your bigotry is good in their eyes.

And once again Swallow, if I call you Swallow and you take that as a gay comment then you would be the “swallower.” It makes no sense what so ever to claim that I’m asking to such you off, like most of your arguments it’s flat out ass backwards and makes you look stupid.
"Worse than Sarah Palin" is a little over the top, however - no one’s worse than Palin.

I could name plenty worse that Sarah Palin. Barack Obama and Joe Biden come to mind.

Biden Scored another zero yesterday

With Philly Firefighters...

Biden Speech Bombs With Philadelphia Firefighters

But that is in the country.... So it has no relevance. See we as a nation should care what a citizen of any other country thinks of our politicians over thinking for ourselves, as proven by the liberderp OP.
The left in England is the same as the left here. One of my bosses is in England now, she'll be back Sunday and from what she says, Romney is quite well thought of. After obama saying that there was no longer a special relationship between England and the US, the British were quite happy to hear that it would be resurrected in a Romney administration.

It isn't the significant difference that there will be when Romney visits Israel. obama say's he'll visit if he get the Jewish vote. Romney and Netanyahu have been friends since college days.

It isn't lost that Romney is visiting the particular countries that obama has trashed. England, Israel and Poland after obama backstabbed them with missile defense.
The British think so well of obama, did you know he was at the top of the guest list for the William and Kate wedding?

You didn't know!

The obamas were at the top of the DO NOT INVITE list. That's how much the British like our self-proclaimed royal family.
ZOMG! A political editor tweeted that he doesn't like Romney!


That's like everything Sarah Palin has ever said and done ever since she lost the election.

Isn't it?
The British think so well of obama, did you know he was at the top of the guest list for the William and Kate wedding?

You didn't know!

The obamas were at the top of the DO NOT INVITE list. That's how much the British like our self-proclaimed royal family.

Gifting and re-gifting comes to mind


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