~Worst Movie You Have Ever Seen~

You people aren't even close. It's "Spaced" staring Leslie Neilson. The only really good part is when the monster sings "I want to eat your face!"
I can't recall one with two super computers. But there were other insane computer/robot/technology flicks. Like 1975 Westworld with Yul Brynner. The Stepford Wives (I should get that one for my collection). And later in the 1980s War Games with Dabney Coleman and Matthew Broderick.

All pretty bad movies considering the competition at the time.

The book "The Stepford Wives" was terrific, but they just couldn't get the intrigue right in the movie, either the first one or the remake. Same with Amityville Horror. Read the books which are much scarier.

Isn't that the usual way of book to movies?

Now that would be an interesting thread. Which movie was most faithful to the book. Which movie was more enjoyable than the book.

And there are some, The Godfather, The Grapes of Wrath The Shining which were not completely faithful to the book but made for great films on their own.

I was totally spooked by both the book and the movie "The Exorcist."
You people keep coming up with movies I have never heard of! Ok, what about The Great Gatsby??
Starring Robert Redford, I think-- whatcha all think about that movie??

So-so. Again, the book was better.
You people keep coming up with movies I have never heard of! Ok, what about The Great Gatsby??
Starring Robert Redford, I think-- whatcha all think about that movie??

The Great Gatsby was disjointed and not very entertaining.

To be honest, Robert Redford hasn't made a really good movie since he did "A River Runs Through It".

Btw, most of it was filmed in Bozeman Montana, but it was about my hometown Missoula Montana.
I think that Kubrick deliberately used a slow pace to emphasize the advancements mankind made from his discovery of weapons to space flight. Kubrick LOVED tracking shots. You can see this in Paths of Glory and Spartacus. But he used them with a master's hand in 2001.

Remember that when it debuted, 2001 had no computer generated effects. That mankind had not even seen the whole of the earth at once from space. The movie was groundbreaking in this regard.

The ending was intended to be interpreted by the viewer as a metamorphosis from one state of conciseness to another. Something each viewer has to resolve on his own.

And the subtle message not to mess too far with the capabilities of artificial intelligence was there with "Hal" calling all the shots. What was the other movie in the 60's(??) with two supercomputers absorbing all of the other's memory, and eventually merging and able to control humans?
I can't recall one with two super computers. But there were other insane computer/robot/technology flicks. Like 1975 Westworld with Yul Brynner. The Stepford Wives (I should get that one for my collection). And later in the 1980s War Games with Dabney Coleman and Matthew Broderick.

All pretty bad movies considering the competition at the time.

The one she was talking about was called Colossus: The Forbin Project
I loathed the Great Gatsby too, and I didn't care for Jeremiah Jones. Damn, I don't like many movies do I??
Avitar the last Air Bender. It's was nothing more than highlights from an entire season of the cartoon.

Followed by every movie that portrays the mob as anything less than murdering scum.

And just behind, every movie that has a large corporation in it. They are always the bad guy.
Anything by Michael Moore? I sat through two of his abominations. Soulless dreck.

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