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"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

I should have figured that the post below (No. 67 above) was way over the heads of right wingers.......So, here it is again hoping that a R-W grown up shows up and can explain it to the rest....

Like g5000, I too don't have much love for Obama; nonetheless, at the risk of "taxing" the remaining brain cells of right wingers on here, note that the survey has a + or -3% margin of error.....and if Bush is at 52% and Obama at 49% favorable.......well, maybe right wingers can take off their shoes and with the help of their toes, figure it all out. LOL
Is "alternative media" like stating that she was "slightly pregnant"?? LOL

No, alternative media reports stories without first asking permission from the party, and having the content edited by party bosses.

You know, as an alternative to The dNYc Times and the corrupt alphabet networks.

All I was trying to point out (for the R-W nitwits on here) is that the polling WHEN AVERAGED...a concept that must be foreign to imbecilles...is that the O/P's intent is false.....

Ultimately, if you want to personnaly judge the last 2 presidents' performance, just count the repatriated body bags and the debt for unpaid AND unnecessary wars.
Lol, the point is the current president with an above 40% approval rating. Is getting beat by a president with around a 30% approval rating when he left office in current times! Lol, like I said liberals were sooooo stupid when they voted Obama in office the first time. Lol, Bush's approval ratings must be in the 60% now. Lol
Bush was hardly "lousy".

  • Failed to defend America on 9/11
  • Failed to respond to the Cole attack
  • Failed to respond to Katrina
  • Put a trillion dollars on the credit card for Medicare D
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to wage a war based on lies
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to give tax breaks to the rich
  • Tried to sell our ports to the Arabs
  • Tried to put his cleaning lady on SCOTUS
  • Held no one accountable for anything
  • Crashed the U.S. and world economy

Totally lousy.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

Yes, let's harken back to those wonderful days of yore when George W. Bush pushed for a war in Iraq in order to find nonexistent WMDs which ultimately led to thousands of Americans dead and maimed and Iraq in the Iranian sphere of influence as fears of a new caliphate worry leaders in the ME, Europe, and the US. Or how about the immediate aftermath of the war when keeping the peace was impossible due to an insufficient force and the end result was that sizeable amounts of munitions fell into the hands of the insurgency and chaos reigned in the streets because there was no civilian authority.

On the domestic front, let's not forget how our CEO president couldn't seem to cobble together a federal response to Katrina which everyone saw coming for a whole week on Satellite imaging, and after the storm struck, it took the Federal Gov't 4 days to get ANY relief to the people of the city.

Then, let us not forget the economic collapse which was only dwarfed by the Great Depression, and resulted in millions of people losing their jobs and their homes while trillions of dollars of wealth was wiped out virtually overnight.

I look forward to seeing George W. Bush playing a prominent roll in next year's GOP national convention as the new Republican standard bearer points to Bush as the shining beacon of conservative leadership that this country again needs.
Hmm, you forget:
Democrats voted for the war and continued all through Bush's presidency to fund it.
The Democrat governor and mayor in NOLA screwed up their own evacuation plan and didnt request federal help until the disaster was ongoing
Let's not forget that Democrats ran Congress during that time and refused to rein in Fannie/Freddie, despite ample evidence of the tremendous risk. Who said "Let's roll the dice"?

There was no vote FOR war. But let's call it that if you want. The point is that the commander-in-chief is the ONLY one who can order the American military into harms way, period. That means that even a unanimous vote by both Houses of Congress couldn't order our military into war without a president's order. That lays the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of GWB.

As far as Katrina is concerned, I'm talking about a FEDERAL response. That's what the president and his administration are responsible for. No governor can order federal officials to do anything.

It's the whole conservative laissez-fare approach to gov't oversight of our financial system that got us into the mess in the first place because conservatives have this utopian idea that the market is perfect, in large part, because of some kind of quasi-religious reverence for capitalism as if human greed couldn't possibly alter the outcome of an otherwise fair and equitable system. You see, the founding fathers clearly understood about human frailties including the self-serving motivations that drive people and organizations. That's why they created a system of checks and balances. So, when you remove oversight and give powerful people carte blanche to do whatever they please, you shouldn't be surprised by the end result as the S&L scandal under Bush's father should have proved just a few years before.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

You don't miss it until it's gone. Bush was at one extreme of foreign policy and Obama is at another. While both have their faults it is clear which foreign policy has been more damaging to American interests around the world.
A comparison between apples and oranges.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

As one who considers GWB only behind LBJ as worse president in my lifetime, I'm quite glad with Bush's performance these last 6 years.
A comparison between apples and oranges.
That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News

As one who considers GWB only behind LBJ as worse president in my lifetime, I'm quite glad with Bush's performance these last 6 years.

Say what you will about him, Bush is a non-derisive class act. Obama is the exact opposite.
You right wingers STILL haven't figured out that the premise of this thread is totally wrong....with the margin of error, at best the 2 presidents are TIED,
Say what you will about him, Bush is a non-derisive class act. Obama is the exact opposite.

How truly delusional you must be if even in jest you'd call GWB a "class act."

(BTW, Publius as "friend of the people" or the father saint of "dysentery"?)
Bush was hardly "lousy".

  • Failed to defend America on 9/11
  • Failed to respond to the Cole attack
  • Failed to respond to Katrina
  • Put a trillion dollars on the credit card for Medicare D
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to wage a war based on lies
  • Put a couple trillion dollars on the credit card to give tax breaks to the rich
  • Tried to sell our ports to the Arabs
  • Tried to put his cleaning lady on SCOTUS
  • Held no one accountable for anything
  • Crashed the U.S. and world economy

Totally lousy.
1) Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News
2) Clinton was president but I guess he gets no criticism huh? Nevertheless .. .. .. USS Cole attack survivors angry at Obama - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
3) Which of these 23 things was the MOST Obama s Katrina s moment No one can decide. - The Washington Post
4) Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined
5) CBO National Debt to Hit 19.1 Trillion Under Obama TheBlaze.com
6) Obamacare Taxpayers in the Hole for 1.5 Trillion The Fiscal Times
7) Obama s Brazilian Oil Disaster Human Events How Putin s Russia Gained Control of a U.S. Uranium Mine - Bloomberg Business
8) Sonia Sotomayor s Socialist Yearbook Quote Sure to Inspire Idiocy Hilarity Google
9) Krauthammer Obama Never Holds Anybody In His Administration Accountable Particularly Himself Video RealClearPolitics
10) Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever - Forbes

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