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"Worst President" Bush more popular than Obama

All I was trying to point out (for the R-W nitwits on here) is that the polling WHEN AVERAGED...a concept that must be foreign to imbecilles...is that the O/P's intent is false.....

Ultimately, if you want to personnaly judge the last 2 presidents' performance, just count the repatriated body bags and the debt for unpaid AND unnecessary wars.
Idiot. Averaging isnt what this thread is about. The thread is about an actual poll that was taken that showed Bush is currently more popular than Obama. Not what the historical record of polls is.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

OK, Bush didnt leave us in two horrific wars. Bush responded appropriately in both cases by going to war. What was the alternative after 9/11? SHoot a couple of cruise missiles and declare victory? Iraq was won by the time he left and Afghanistanwas more of a sideshow.
As to the financial system, it is a business cycle. Bush did nothing to cause the downturn in the business cycle. And it would have recovered just fine if he and Obozo had done nothing more.
His name obviously is better tender than Obama's at this point.
Clinton doesnt get any credit. He did absolutely zero to create the boom and caused problems with his tax increases. His lack of response to al Qaeda ended in 9/11. That doesnt count the many many scandals of his administration.
Rabbi, here's what I'm seeing:

Anything good that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing bad that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing good that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

Anything bad that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

And, of course, the inverse applies when a left winger is doing the analysis.

All I was trying to point out (for the R-W nitwits on here) is that the polling WHEN AVERAGED...a concept that must be foreign to imbecilles...is that the O/P's intent is false.....

Ultimately, if you want to personnaly judge the last 2 presidents' performance, just count the repatriated body bags and the debt for unpaid AND unnecessary wars.
Idiot. Averaging isnt what this thread is about. The thread is about an actual poll that was taken that showed Bush is currently more popular than Obama. Not what the historical record of polls is.

And Carter is more popular than Bush lol.
Two lousy presidencies in a row.


This is what it looks like.

Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.

OK, Bush didnt leave us in two horrific wars. Bush responded appropriately in both cases by going to war. What was the alternative after 9/11? SHoot a couple of cruise missiles and declare victory? Iraq was won by the time he left and Afghanistanwas more of a sideshow.
As to the financial system, it is a business cycle. Bush did nothing to cause the downturn in the business cycle. And it would have recovered just fine if he and Obozo had done nothing more.
His name obviously is better tender than Obama's at this point.
Clinton doesnt get any credit. He did absolutely zero to create the boom and caused problems with his tax increases. His lack of response to al Qaeda ended in 9/11. That doesnt count the many many scandals of his administration.
Rabbi, here's what I'm seeing:

Anything good that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing bad that happened during a Republican administration is due to the President.

Nothing good that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

Anything bad that happened during a Democrat administration is due to the President.

And, of course, the inverse applies when a left winger is doing the analysis.

You're not seeing that from me. I acknowledged Bush made mistakes. His steel tarriffs was a bad policy. His No Child LEft Behidn was a bad law. His extension of drug benefits was a bad law. His extension of TARP to auto makers over Congress' objection was bad policy.
Clinton's welfare reform and NAFTA were good policies.
Obama's policies have been almost universally bad. There was some move to wind down Fannie/Freddie but I see that'[s gone nowhere. His trade deals are good but he's taken forever to get them signed. The rest of what he has done has sucked super donkey balls.
It took nearly a decade for Americans polled to warm towards Bush

Bush was polling pretty low toward the end of his Administration. He dipped down to 25 percent at one point. We'll see where Obama is polling this many years after he leaves office.

I doubt he will ever hit 25 percent.
Obama wont poll nearly as badly at the end of his term because he doesnt have the media relentless beating on him every day, like Bush did.

Not to mention, you'll have his bootlickers like G5000 going on and on about how great he was for many years to come....

the defective liberal gene continues to prevent logical reasoned thinking. They will continue to love obozo as he pisses in their beer.
ONLY an idiot would judge any ONE poll as being accurate and extrapulate a "conclusion" from a snap shot.....Simply put, you cannot do that......unless......unless you're a partisan hack.
ONLY an idiot would judge any ONE poll as being accurate and extrapulate a "conclusion" from a snap shot.....Simply put, you cannot do that......unless......unless you're a partisan hack.
I am not making any conclusion, dumbshit. I am merely repeating what the poll showed--that at this moment Bush is more populatr a figure than Obama. You just can't grasp this, can you?
How either man can attain a popularity rating over 10%, is beyond me.

IMO our presidents seem to be steadily getting worse, as each new one is elected.
How either man can attain a popularity rating over 10%, is beyond me.

IMO our presidents seem to be steadily getting worse, as each new one is elected.

Our politics in general sucks balls anymore.
Yeah, his IRS and NSA abuses were awful crimes worthy of prosecution. But we know it ain't gonna happen. Because the game is rigged. Bush/Obama? Is there really any difference?

Bush didn't hate white people or make back door attempts to undermine the 2A. When Bush was in office the middle east was stable in spite of the wars that were raging. Jihadists were throwing themselves into the meat grinder, not operating one themselves. There was still a sense of prosperity and patriotism.

With obozo... everything that was bad with Bush is worse, and everything that was good has shit the bed.

That's just gotta sting liberal butt.
But yeah I miss the days when we had adults running the administration. I didnt worry that someone was going to use the IRS to promote his political party, or use the Labor Department to punish a political opponent. Or would spend time trying to figure out how to evade an FOIA request ahead of time. Nope, we had dedicated public servants under Bush. Shit, I'd almost vote for his brother at this point. Almost.
George W. Bush more popular than Obama poll - Yahoo News
Jimmy Carter is more popular than either, according to the poll. Message: time heals wounds.
Bush was hardly "lousy". He had some very solid achievements, as well as making some mistakes.
You really think Clinton's presidency was all that?
Bush left us in two horrific wars and a financial system in literal collapse. It doesn't get much worse than that. His very name remains toxic for Republicans (not to mention his brother).

While Clinton certainly can't get all the credit for the economy during his administration, the quarterback gets the credit.[/QUOTE]

Bush should not have had to take sole blame for what happened in the economy first of all, the democrook congress helped plenty.

Obozo doesn't even deserve all the blame for the current economy. The republicrats have failed to reduce spending to a reasonable level. Granted the moonbat messiah has only submitted 3 (?) budgets, all of which were laughed out of a democrook majority senate, the republicrats have had the house since 2010 and have made hardly a dent in deficit spending. They better get their shit in gear if we get a decent president in 2016 and roll back a whole lot of liberal bullshit or we are sunk.
Popularity shouldn't even count in an election, sort of sounds like a high school year book with a most popular category. We are voting for a leader for the nation not who has the best legs.
You know this is chapping some butts

loving it

this is how the Majority of people are feeling about now

I'd like to see the Washington Nationals have a presidents race featuring bad presidents.
Nixon, Clinton, W. Bush, Carter, and Obama.
Nixon would cheat by short-cutting across the field and then quit before he could be DQ'd; Clinton would stop and hit on every unattractive woman in the stands; W would continually have to ask directions to the finish line; Carter would go backwards; Obama would win because he'd be given a fifty-yard affirmative action head start and none of the others would want to challenge him in the first place because they'd be called racists.

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