Worst President of ALL time

Yep. Lot's of people were hping for that Hope & Change Promised land.....
When it was never delivered, the smart ones moved on and learned their lesson......

And some (a few) are still waiting for the Messiah Obama to rise again. Remeber those fools proclaiming how Obama was gonna give them free Health Care, Free Houses and Free Phones?.....

Well, he made good on at least one....

Once again - 3 million more people wanted Clinton than wanted Trump. You won due to a wacky EC system in which he won by 77,000 votes in three states, by hook or by Russian crook.
Landslide my ass

Yeah yeah..and Hillary got those 3 million votes from ILLEGALS
My "conspiracy theories" are just as valid as yours.
Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe to deflect attention from his sexual abuse he has to rise to the top of the list of worst presidents.

By far Clinton's worst acts as US President were the selling out of US intel and military positions to Zionist Traitors...

George Tenet at CIA
Sandy the Burglar as NSA
Madeleine Albright as SoState
William Cohen as SoDefense

911 would never have been possible without those sellout appointments...
Trump is the smartest ever president. he's so sharp his parents never got him balloons!
Why would Obama tell his publisher that he was born in Kenya
After all these years and the forum still waits for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

How many more years do we have to wait for that?
You're telling me that you believe that's the only data point she got wrong. She googled Obama birthplace and came up with his Dads.

You're an idiot, Frank, don't ever forget that. Google didn't even exist when that pamphlet was published. Now then.... where's your proof Obama told her he was born in Kenya? If you can't prove it, it's nothing but you spreading more bullshit.
Oh so what was the source of the information
Possibly from newspaper articles about Obama that were printed prior to the pamphlet...
And if you bother to read those articles you will find they contain nearly every piece of information found in the pamphlet. Following is the complete text from his bio on that pamphlet. I've highlight the text which is found in the NYT in blue and the text found in the Globe in red and purple for both...
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

You're saying that the book publisher ran to the NYT microfiche files rather than have Obama himself provide the information?
The meat puppet faggot obozo was by far the worst political whore ever to undermine the interest of any nation that foolishly allowed them to obtain power.

Another brain-dead conservative, chronically suffering from ODS, pounds on his keyboard.



Whatever bed wetter....

Aww, you poor thing. Too bad there’s no cure for ODS.
Your point was destroyed take your beating like a man. You tried to spin Trump's victory as just winning all the small states, I proved you wrong. If ever there was an argument that the EC got it right, and represents the will of the people, Trump winning 7 out of the 10 largest states by population proves beyond a doubt the people did not want Hillary.

You IDIOT - No, when people count the NUMBER of states Donald won and attempt to compare the Alaska, Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, & Idaho wins with say a Texas or Florida win ---> They are BONEHEADS.

You qualify!

Once again - 3 million more people wanted Clinton than wanted Trump. You won due to a wacky EC system in which he won by 77,000 votes in three states, by hook or by Russian crook.

Landslide my ass
Who was dumb enough to call Trump’s win, a “landslide?” It was impressive, no doubt. But nowhere near landslide territory. Over the last 10 elections, which goes back to Ronald Reagan — only George Bush (43) won his election with fewer electoral votes than did Trump.
Sorry bout that,

1. Pay close attention the the actual birth certificate, supplied by Obama's brother.
2. The one fake one Obama supplied is a lol forgery.
3. Hey stupid, back in 1961 they *only* had basic white paper there not fancy green paper like they have now, easy to see its a forgery to look at it as to what was being made in that era.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Rightards are truly imbeciles.

Imbecile, it's not his original birth certificate, it's a copy from his birth records on file with Hawaii's Department of Health. It fucking says so on the birth certificate itself.


Sorry bout that,

1. All birth certificates that are not originals are copies of originals, what *OBAMA* produced is not a birth certificate its something the governor of Hawaii whipped up to end the controversy, its *NOT REAL* its a FAKE.
2. History will reveal this one day likely after your long dead.
3. The Gov. of Hawaii did it to stake his claim to a USA President, likely for historical purposes, and the free federal library.
4. *OBAMA* is fake through and through, there isn't one thing about him that isn't a LIE.


You only expose your ignorance further. When Obama first released a record of his birth to the public, the governor was a she, not a he. Secondly, no governor, she or he, had anything to do with the release of either of the copies of his birth records he released. It’s bad enough you think the stock of paper it’s copied onto these days means anything nefarious, but even worse, you’re still touting the fake certificate with which his half brother used to punk dumbass birthers; has been soundly refuted as it purports to be from the Republic of Kenya — which didn’t exist in 1961

Dayam, it’s still fun making birthers look like the abject imbeciles they are.

Once again - 3 million more people wanted Clinton than wanted Trump. You won due to a wacky EC system in which he won by 77,000 votes in three states, by hook or by Russian crook.
Landslide my ass

Yeah yeah..and Hillary got those 3 million votes from ILLEGALS
My "conspiracy theories" are just as valid as yours.
Left me know when you can find even a few of those illegal aliens...

Shitstain obama was the worst president and the most despicable human being ever to hold the public eye. There aren't really enough perjoratives to use against him and his mannish wife, or his slutty adopted daughters.
After all these years and the forum still waits for you to prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

How many more years do we have to wait for that?
You're telling me that you believe that's the only data point she got wrong. She googled Obama birthplace and came up with his Dads.

You're an idiot, Frank, don't ever forget that. Google didn't even exist when that pamphlet was published. Now then.... where's your proof Obama told her he was born in Kenya? If you can't prove it, it's nothing but you spreading more bullshit.
Oh so what was the source of the information
Possibly from newspaper articles about Obama that were printed prior to the pamphlet...
And if you bother to read those articles you will find they contain nearly every piece of information found in the pamphlet. Following is the complete text from his bio on that pamphlet. I've highlight the text which is found in the NYT in blue and the text found in the Globe in red and purple for both...
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

You're saying that the book publisher ran to the NYT microfiche files rather than have Obama himself provide the information?
I’m saying that almost every detail in that pamphlet was already in the public domain. I’m also saying you have absolutely no proof the Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya (despite his Hawaiian birthplace already being in the public domain) or that the pamphlet’s editor is lying when she said listing Kenya was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

You're telling me that you believe that's the only data point she got wrong. She googled Obama birthplace and came up with his Dads.

You're an idiot, Frank, don't ever forget that. Google didn't even exist when that pamphlet was published. Now then.... where's your proof Obama told her he was born in Kenya? If you can't prove it, it's nothing but you spreading more bullshit.
Oh so what was the source of the information
Possibly from newspaper articles about Obama that were printed prior to the pamphlet...
And if you bother to read those articles you will find they contain nearly every piece of information found in the pamphlet. Following is the complete text from his bio on that pamphlet. I've highlight the text which is found in the NYT in blue and the text found in the Globe in red and purple for both...
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

You're saying that the book publisher ran to the NYT microfiche files rather than have Obama himself provide the information?
I’m saying that almost every detail in that pamphlet was already in the public domain. I’m also saying you have absolutely no proof the Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya (despite his Hawaiian birthplace already being in the public domain) or that the pamphlet’s editor is lying when she said listing Kenya was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

He told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, his half brother and grandmother confirm it. Did the publisher give them bad information?
You're an idiot, Frank, don't ever forget that. Google didn't even exist when that pamphlet was published. Now then.... where's your proof Obama told her he was born in Kenya? If you can't prove it, it's nothing but you spreading more bullshit.
Oh so what was the source of the information
Possibly from newspaper articles about Obama that were printed prior to the pamphlet...
And if you bother to read those articles you will find they contain nearly every piece of information found in the pamphlet. Following is the complete text from his bio on that pamphlet. I've highlight the text which is found in the NYT in blue and the text found in the Globe in red and purple for both...
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

You're saying that the book publisher ran to the NYT microfiche files rather than have Obama himself provide the information?
I’m saying that almost every detail in that pamphlet was already in the public domain. I’m also saying you have absolutely no proof the Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya (despite his Hawaiian birthplace already being in the public domain) or that the pamphlet’s editor is lying when she said listing Kenya was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

He told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, his half brother and grandmother confirm it. Did the publisher give them bad information?

You repeating your bullshit doesn’t make it true. Prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya or you’re admiting you’re full of shit......
Once again - 3 million more people wanted Clinton than wanted Trump. You won due to a wacky EC system in which he won by 77,000 votes in three states, by hook or by Russian crook.
Landslide my ass

Yeah yeah..and Hillary got those 3 million votes from ILLEGALS
My "conspiracy theories" are just as valid as yours.
Left me know when you can find even a few of those illegal aliens...


Clearly one of those special sort of idiots who if Trump told them water wasn't wet, they'd believe it.
Your point was destroyed take your beating like a man. You tried to spin Trump's victory as just winning all the small states, I proved you wrong. If ever there was an argument that the EC got it right, and represents the will of the people, Trump winning 7 out of the 10 largest states by population proves beyond a doubt the people did not want Hillary.

You IDIOT - No, when people count the NUMBER of states Donald won and attempt to compare the Alaska, Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, & Idaho wins with say a Texas or Florida win ---> They are BONEHEADS.

You qualify!

Once again - 3 million more people wanted Clinton than wanted Trump. You won due to a wacky EC system in which he won by 77,000 votes in three states, by hook or by Russian crook.

Landslide my ass
Who was dumb enough to call Trump’s win, a “landslide?” It was impressive, no doubt. But nowhere near landslide territory. Over the last 10 elections, which goes back to Ronald Reagan — only George Bush (43) won his election with fewer electoral votes than did Trump.

Well Trump has now told them that 5,731 times. And of course his inauguration crowd was the largest ever ... PERIOD.
Down is up - Up is down. Throw enough shade and the gullible will fall right in line. We should start calling him Donald Goebbels.
Sorry bout that,

1. So everyone agrees Obama is the worst President to every sit in the oval office?
2. And Billy Corndog Clinton is the second worst.
3. With Jimmy Peanut as the third.


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