Worthless Israel


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2014
Ex-CIA Chief Michael Scheuer once again relates one of his courageous views concerning salient topics on the Middle East.


Ohhh for goodness sakes, Dan . . . all three groups that you have listed here are Jewish special interest groups. Of course they would say that America benefits from its alliance with Israel. The fact of the matter is, is that Israel truly is worthless to America . . . it gives us nothing unless trouble is a worthwhile commodity.
Ex-CIA Chief Michael Scheuer once again relates one of his courageous views concerning salient topics on the Middle East.

Michael Scheuer s Meltdown - The Daily Beast

This article was written by David Frum who, according to Wikipedia, is a Jew who co-authored a book with Richard Perle (eye roll) titled An End to Evil which was a bold presentation of the neoconservative view of global affairs and an apologia of our invasion into Iraq. In short, he is just the type of person one would expect to write such a composition as this taking Michael Scheuer to task. ~ Susan
PS Yes, you read it right, that's the(as in thee) Richard Perle of neoconservative fame who is a member of such groups as PNAC and JINSA.
Ex-CIA Chief Michael Scheuer once again relates one of his courageous views concerning salient topics on the Middle East.

Michael Scheuer s Meltdown - The Daily Beast

This article was written by David Frum who, according to Wikipedia, is a Jew who co-authored a book with Richard Perle (eye roll) titled An End to Evil which was a bold presentation of the neoconservative view of global affairs and an apologia of our invasion into Iraq. In short, he is just the type of person one would expect to write such a composition as this taking Michael Scheuer to task. ~ Susan
PS Yes, you read it right, that's the(as in thee) Richard Perle of neoconservative fame who is a member of such groups as PNAC and JINSA.

Ex-CIA Chief Michael Scheuer once again relates one of his courageous views concerning salient topics on the Middle East.

Michael Scheuer s Meltdown - The Daily Beast

This article was written by David Frum who, according to Wikipedia, is a Jew who co-authored a book with Richard Perle (eye roll) titled An End to Evil which was a bold presentation of the neoconservative view of global affairs and an apologia of our invasion into Iraq. In short, he is just the type of person one would expect to write such a composition as this taking Michael Scheuer to task. ~ Susan
PS Yes, you read it right, that's the(as in thee) Richard Perle of neoconservative fame who is a member of such groups as PNAC and JINSA.

Just watched the video. Can you please point out where David Frum got owned?
There are many videos on youtube entitled 'George Galloway owns' , and they are all a load of crap.
Galloway is a know lunatic.
Ex-CIA Chief Michael Scheuer once again relates one of his courageous views concerning salient topics on the Middle East.

It looks like Pishy is having a meltdown. For years she had been a Class A anti-Semite, making good friends with a Canadian NeoNazi, and she certainly hasn't changed. She agrees with anyone who hates Jews as she does. Pishy doesn't really care about the Arabs. She just sees them as useful tools, just like the rest of the anti-Semites. We all know that there are anti-Semites all over the place, even in the CIA.
Michael Scheuer s Meltdown - The Daily Beast
Golly Gee -- Mr-I-couldn't-find-bin-Laden sure seems to know his shit..
Or does he? I need Gwendorlyn to explain to us Americans how our involvement in Iraq was "fighting Israels' wars" I REALLY REALLY NEED to hear from you WHY you buy assertions like that..

From the BEGINNING -- the campaign to free Kuwait, the incessant fascination with WMDs, thru the 12 years of failed policy doing containment on Iraq. The Impeachment Eve bombings of Iraq by Clinton to the Failed Resurrection and Occupation --- Israel had NO STAKE, NO OPINION, NO INFLUENCE on our Iraq policy..

It's one of those things that gets blamed on the Jews, because the people saying it are just not CHALLENGED by the actual facts and history.

So Gwendy --- Explain how we "fight Israel's wars"...

BTW -- We deal with the topic HERE. If it's good enough for CSPAN -- it is good enough for this forum. BUT HERE --- spin and propaganda is SUPPOSED to be challenged..
ISRAEL belongs to GOD =His land and his chosen people in His care love and protection for all eternity remember Jesus was born a Jew.
But we're still headed for that Lake.
Your choice! Jesus paid a very very high price to keep you from hell but you are free to reject His love mercy forgiveness and go there.
Good to let people know why some Christians "LOVE" Jews and Israel.
Now please release some of that Rapture angst on us.
Golly Gee -- Mr-I-couldn't-find-bin-Laden sure seems to know his shit..
Or does he? I need Gwendorlyn to explain to us Americans how our involvement in Iraq was "fighting Israels' wars" I REALLY REALLY NEED to hear from you WHY you buy assertions like that..

From the BEGINNING -- the campaign to free Kuwait, the incessant fascination with WMDs, thru the 12 years of failed policy doing containment on Iraq. The Impeachment Eve bombings of Iraq by Clinton to the Failed Resurrection and Occupation --- Israel had NO STAKE, NO OPINION, NO INFLUENCE on our Iraq policy..

It's one of those things that gets blamed on the Jews, because the people saying it are just not CHALLENGED by the actual facts and history.

So Gwendy --- Explain how we "fight Israel's wars"...

BTW -- We deal with the topic HERE. If it's good enough for CSPAN -- it is good enough for this forum. BUT HERE --- spin and propaganda is SUPPOSED to be challenged..

This one is as good as the many of them that can be found if one simply googles the topic.

New Statesman What role did Israel play in the run-up to the Iraq war
Golly Gee -- Mr-I-couldn't-find-bin-Laden sure seems to know his shit..
Or does he? I need Gwendorlyn to explain to us Americans how our involvement in Iraq was "fighting Israels' wars" I REALLY REALLY NEED to hear from you WHY you buy assertions like that..

From the BEGINNING -- the campaign to free Kuwait, the incessant fascination with WMDs, thru the 12 years of failed policy doing containment on Iraq. The Impeachment Eve bombings of Iraq by Clinton to the Failed Resurrection and Occupation --- Israel had NO STAKE, NO OPINION, NO INFLUENCE on our Iraq policy..

It's one of those things that gets blamed on the Jews, because the people saying it are just not CHALLENGED by the actual facts and history.

So Gwendy --- Explain how we "fight Israel's wars"...

BTW -- We deal with the topic HERE. If it's good enough for CSPAN -- it is good enough for this forum. BUT HERE --- spin and propaganda is SUPPOSED to be challenged..

:clap2: :clap2:

Well said buddy!!
Golly Gee -- Mr-I-couldn't-find-bin-Laden sure seems to know his shit..
Or does he? I need Gwendorlyn to explain to us Americans how our involvement in Iraq was "fighting Israels' wars" I REALLY REALLY NEED to hear from you WHY you buy assertions like that..

From the BEGINNING -- the campaign to free Kuwait, the incessant fascination with WMDs, thru the 12 years of failed policy doing containment on Iraq. The Impeachment Eve bombings of Iraq by Clinton to the Failed Resurrection and Occupation --- Israel had NO STAKE, NO OPINION, NO INFLUENCE on our Iraq policy..

It's one of those things that gets blamed on the Jews, because the people saying it are just not CHALLENGED by the actual facts and history.

So Gwendy --- Explain how we "fight Israel's wars"...

BTW -- We deal with the topic HERE. If it's good enough for CSPAN -- it is good enough for this forum. BUT HERE --- spin and propaganda is SUPPOSED to be challenged..

This one is as good as the many of them that can be found if one simply googles the topic.

New Statesman What role did Israel play in the run-up to the Iraq war

The Israel lobby might have had influence, but the war certainly wasn't 'for them'
The U.S made the decision to go to Iraq, and besides the Israeli Lobby, there were plenty other players involved in the decision. But as a known Jew hater, Israel hater, Holocaust Denier, you always point the finger at the Jooooos!
Nobody here s falling for your crap. Just a heads up :cool:
Golly Gee -- Mr-I-couldn't-find-bin-Laden sure seems to know his shit..
Or does he? I need Gwendorlyn to explain to us Americans how our involvement in Iraq was "fighting Israels' wars" I REALLY REALLY NEED to hear from you WHY you buy assertions like that..

From the BEGINNING -- the campaign to free Kuwait, the incessant fascination with WMDs, thru the 12 years of failed policy doing containment on Iraq. The Impeachment Eve bombings of Iraq by Clinton to the Failed Resurrection and Occupation --- Israel had NO STAKE, NO OPINION, NO INFLUENCE on our Iraq policy..

It's one of those things that gets blamed on the Jews, because the people saying it are just not CHALLENGED by the actual facts and history.

So Gwendy --- Explain how we "fight Israel's wars"...

BTW -- We deal with the topic HERE. If it's good enough for CSPAN -- it is good enough for this forum. BUT HERE --- spin and propaganda is SUPPOSED to be challenged..

This one is as good as the many of them that can be found if one simply googles the topic.

New Statesman What role did Israel play in the run-up to the Iraq war

You idolize Scheuer -- yet you need Google links to explain why he is speaking garbage? Your link is crap.

Blair and Bush had "conversations" with "Israelis" while they were alone in Crawford, having a behind-closed-doors, private meeting about Iraq? Which Israelis? Were they present, or on the phone? Did the Israelis express a view about Saddam Hussein, WMDs or "regime change"? How many other Iraq-related meetings or discussions were the Israelis involved in?

The answer to all these questions is: DUNNO! The committee members didn't ask him. There were no follow-ups. They simply . . . moved on.

That right there is CLASSIC National Enquirer celebrity gossip and innuendo..
Really pretty damn transparent and spacey.

Even the book author proposes this theory lacks evidence. (Don't all good Jewish Conspiracies? :lmao: ) So what does this obscure author present? A single quote from a dick cheney speech circa 2001 or 2002..

"Israel is urging US officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq's Saddam Hussein"

So where does THAT come from?

Israel To U.S. Don t Delay Iraq Attack - CBS News

Israel is urging U.S. officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq's Saddam Hussein, an aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday.

Israeli intelligence officials have gathered evidence that Iraq is speeding up efforts to produce biological and chemical weapons, said Sharon aide Ranaan Gissin.

"Any postponement of an attack on Iraq at this stage will serve no purpose," Gissin said. "It will only give him (Saddam) more of an opportunity to accelerate his program of weapons of mass destruction.

Note that ONLY DOCUMENTED ISRAELI INTERVENTION in the entire 13 yr history of US military involvement against Iraq (up to that point) is a SINGLE plea 12 yrs after we went in to free Kuwait and started our failed containment policy. And THAT comment was in the context of the Bush Admin slowly and clumsily attempting to get UN backing for an intervention.

Seems pretty far fetched that this is what "fighting wars for Israel" really means -- Doesn't it Grendy? Really isn't any evidence for that statement that comes to mind. Scheuer is just a hot head policy wonk who never got the big promotions.
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