Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

Yeah...uh...nobody cares. You claimed you were never on the leaderboard when in fact - you are literally in the top 10 for most posts in the history of this message board. I too joined in 2011 and you’ve damn near tripled the amount of posts I’ve made.

No, I said I didn't post 85,000 in a month, like you claimed.

Sure, I'm in the top 10, because I have a lot to say on a lot of subjects. You, on the other hand, just parrot whatever you hear on Hate Radio like it's an original idea.

Actually...she is. Spare me your whiny nonsense about “inheriting money”. She made more off of her reality tv show and appearances in movies than you will make in your entire life. And neither of those had anything to do with her “inheritance”.

Actually, she got attention because she made a sex tape... But I think she's the perfect conservative icon.

You do realize that they were mocking her on her reality TV show, by making her do working class stuff she had no clue how to do, right?

She was a savvy businesswoman who saw the current climate of mindless Dumbocrats who care more about Hollywood than their nation and she cashed in on it big time. She built a brand while you were busy building your pity party.

She was soooo Savvy she didn't realize she was being humiliated on national TV?
I live in your utopia bud...Mexifornia.
You sound shocked and disappointed by the fact that employers offering a "living wage" would have minimum requirements...why? Do you think a pulse should be the only qualifier?

So you are white trash in California. Got it.

I think that if you show up for work and put in a full day's effort, you should make enough to pay the rent and eat.

Dumbass kids with no direction from home (anchor babies) often times choose degrees with the path of least resistance...the easiest to obtain...These mislead dumbasses end up with a useless degree...happens all the time with kids from barrios and ghettos.
Also, bear in mind, a degree is only a small part of the puzzle...one must hone and develop other skill-sets such as the aforementioned people and communication skills to enable themselves to stand out and climb the corporate / income ladder. Simple shit

First, anyone who has an ambition to "Climb the corporate ladder" has the wrong priorities in life.

Second, if you don't know the difference between mislead and misled, you really don't have any business talking about anyone else's education, Cleetus.

Yep, that’s me...white trash...as I sit here sipping a cup of coffee from my upstairs balcony and watch the waves crash on the sandy shore of the Pacific Ocean....In the backward mind of an Alt-Left Wacko I’m the filthy liability while illegal Mexicans are a vital American asset...haha
I think that if you show up for work and put in a full day's effort, you should make enough to pay the rent and eat.”
Hell yeah...those illiterate thirdworlders that look at you with that blank stare, nod their head and answer “Si” to everything and those 16 year old high school dropouts working full time should be able to have their own apartments and all. Shit, I think all full time workers are due a brand new Ferrari at the one year mark.

First, anyone who has an ambition to "Climb the corporate ladder" has the wrong priorities in life.”
Ofcourse they do...anyone spending time and energy to better themself financially is a total fuck-up...just ask any twisted, backward, Alt-Left Wacko...haha

if you don't know the difference between mislead and misled, you really don't have any business talking about anyone else's education”
Haha...AWESOME, found me a new spelling bitch. Thanks for volunteering. Will you follow me around and handle grammar and punctuation as well? I have an assistant that does this for me at the office...she'd probably wipe my ass if I told her too. Would you? You people DO have a purpose and you’re very helpful. Thanks...much appreciated!
Do you understand the difference or are you as stupid as I think you are?
Why would you even ask that question if you were dead-set against the criminal activity in the first place? Answer: because you will change your position based on the answer.

A question can tell every bit as much as an answer, my fragile little snowflake. You'll understand once you move out of mommy & daddy's house and get out on your own in the real world.
First, anyone who has an ambition to "Climb the corporate ladder" has the wrong priorities in life.
Yeah...that is what all parasites say. They don't understand why those of us get up and produce when we can just mooch off of society like Joey and his pals do.

Being a millennial, Joey just doesn't understand how a parasite needs something to mooch off of. If we all became parasites, there would be no host. It's basic Atlas Shrugged. Sadly, Joey is the product of liberal millennial "education" (and I use that term very loosely).
Sure, I'm in the top 10, because I have a lot to say on a lot of subjects.
Ignorant people always do. And keep in mind, people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk have a LOT to say on a lot of subjects as well - but they don't have the time to make 85,000 posts because they don't mooch off of society like you do (and women will actually procreate with them - :laugh: ). They are too busy changing the world.

The truth is - you don't have a lot to say. You have a lot to whine about. You're so scared of losing your government gravy train.
You do realize that they were mocking her on her reality TV show, by making her do working class stuff she had no clue how to do, right?
The fact that you actually believe that shows that...

A. You are so much dumber than I realized :lmao:

B. She was mocking idiots like you! :lmao:
She was soooo Savvy she didn't realize she was being humiliated on national TV?
Uh...it was her show, dimwit. She decided everything. Including how easy it was to dupe your dumb ass into making her wealthy by believing you were watching her being "forced" into hard labor. :laugh:
Do you understand the difference or are you as stupid as I think you are?
Why would you even ask that question
Because I found his statement that "We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them" to be questionable.
if you were dead-set against the criminal activity in the first place? Answer: because you will change your position based on the answer.

A question can tell every bit as much as an answer, my fragile little snowflake. You'll understand once you move out of mommy & daddy's house and get out on your own in the real world.
Listen, you need to get some help with your delusions ASAP. You shouldn't drive or leave your home until you do. Consider contacting emergency services. Whatever you have sounds pretty bad.
Yep, that’s me...white trash...as I sit here sipping a cup of coffee from my upstairs balcony and watch the waves crash on the sandy shore of the Pacific Ocean...

Guy, if you were really happy, you wouldn't spend so much time hating on people who were less well off than you.

True comedy kicks up, not down.

Hell yeah...those illiterate thirdworlders that look at you with that blank stare, nod their head and answer “Si” to everything and those 16 year old high school dropouts working full time should be able to have their own apartments and all. Shit, I think all full time workers are due a brand new Ferrari at the one year mark.

Nope, nobody should own a ferrari.

Ofcourse they do...anyone spending time and energy to better themself financially is a total fuck-up...just ask any twisted, backward, Alt-Left Wacko...haha

Frankly, most of these MBA Corporate types are the worst human beings I've met in my life. They have very little to redeem them and no one should want to emulate them.

Nobody every said on his deathbed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office!"
Uh...it was her show, dimwit. She decided everything. Including how easy it was to dupe your dumb ass into making her wealthy by believing you were watching her being "forced" into hard labor.

Not sure how "I" made her wealthy. I really didn't watch the show, other than clips on other shows. Didn't buy the products advertised on it. (In fact, I've never understood advertising at all. does anyone actualy buy something because they like the commercial?)

But if you think Paris was smart enough to actually "run" that show, you are delusional. she didn't realize she was the butt of the joke.
Yeah...that is what all parasites say. They don't understand why those of us get up and produce when we can just mooch off of society like Joey and his pals do.

Being a millennial, Joey just doesn't understand how a parasite needs something to mooch off of. If we all became parasites, there would be no host. It's basic Atlas Shrugged. Sadly, Joey is the product of liberal millennial "education" (and I use that term very loosely).

Ah, i knew you read Atlas Shrugged in HS.

Sorry, man, I'm well into my 50's. Probably less than a decade from retirement, if you guys don't manage to fuck up the economy again.
Nope, nobody should own a ferrari.
Spoken like a true little fascist dictator wannabe...

It’s too bad you hate liberty, but it’s here to stay. I’ll do and buy whatever the hell I want and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.

I might just purchase TWO Ferrari’s and post a picture of them just to piss you off... :laugh:
(In fact, I've never understood advertising at all. does anyone actualy buy something because they like the commercial?)
I actually agree with you 100% there. I’ve argued with friends about that for decades. If someone purchases a product because a commercial told them to, they are seriously weak-minded.
But if you think Paris was smart enough to actually "run" that show, you are delusional. she didn't realize she was the butt of the joke.
It was her show. Nobody could have forced Paris to do anything. They answered to her.
Sorry, man, I'm well into my 50's. Probably less than a decade from retirement, if you guys don't manage to fuck up the economy again.
Man...if I were you...I would lie about that. At least a millennial as an excuse for their ignorance.
Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?
Why ask democrats when the GOP is in command and can change it anytime they wish, yet they must not wish to change the system..

Asking a question to answer a simple question.

Put this guy down as a hard no.
Spoken like a true little fascist dictator wannabe...

It’s too bad you hate liberty, but it’s here to stay. I’ll do and buy whatever the hell I want and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.

I might just purchase TWO Ferrari’s and post a picture of them just to piss you off...

That would be awesome. And when we pass new fuel efficiency standards that make them illegal to drive, you'll have two really expensive paperweights.

Not that you can afford more than a model of one on your "Fetch Coffee for the Big Man" salary, Poodle.

Man...if I were you...I would lie about that. At least a millennial as an excuse for their ignorance.

You lie about everything. Anyone can see from your posts you are about 25.
That would be awesome. And when we pass new fuel efficiency standards that make them illegal to drive, you'll have two really expensive paperweights.
:laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:

1. Who is this “we”? You’re a parasite - not a producer.

2. There is literally 0 chance of that ever happening.

3. If it did - I would drive it anyway (and there still wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it)

4. Spoken like a true fascist
1. Who is this “we”? You’re a parasite - not a producer.

I work two jobs and pull down over 80K a year. I produce more than you do.

2. There is literally 0 chance of that ever happening.

Bernie Sanders almost became the Democratic nominee, and Trump ONLY won because he pandered to the aggrieved working class. (They are going to be so disappointed when he doesn't deliver.) We are a lot closer than you think to that sort of thing.

3. If it did - I would drive it anyway (and there still wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it)

Yeah, good luck with that... I'm sure the cops will just have a car outside your house, waiting to give you tickets. Easy money.

4. Spoken like a true fascist

Meh, Fascists love them some rich people. The Rich in Germany and Italy did very well under the Nazis.... until they lost the war and went to prison.

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