Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

1. Who is this “we”? You’re a parasite - not a producer.

I work two jobs and pull down over 80K a year. I produce more than you do.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.
3. If it did - I would drive it anyway (and there still wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it)
Yeah, good luck with that... I'm sure the cops will just have a car outside your house, waiting to give you tickets. Easy money.
I’m quite sure they won’t since all of them are conservatives who deplore communism as much as I do.
2. There is literally 0 chance of that ever happening.
Bernie Sanders almost became the Democratic nominee, and Trump ONLY won because he pandered to the aggrieved working class. (They are going to be so disappointed when he doesn't deliver.) We are a lot closer than you think to that sort of thing.
Once again, the board’s favorite dimwit illustrates that he literally has no clue how American government operates.

Like all Dumbocrats - he literally believes that the President of the United States makes all “rules”. :lmao:

Snowflake...only Congress could make the type of idiotic legislation (outlawing Ferrari’s) you are dreaming about. It wouldn’t make the slightest difference in the world if Bernie Sanders had become president. Dumb ass.
1. Who is this “we”? You’re a parasite - not a producer.

I work two jobs and pull down over 80K a year. I produce more than you do.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.
He's probably a teacher, they have plenty of time on their hands.
1. Who is this “we”? You’re a parasite - not a producer.

I work two jobs and pull down over 80K a year. I produce more than you do.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.
He's probably a teacher, they have plenty of time on their hands.
I would agree...but teaching requires a bachelors degree and I guarantee you he’s never gone to college - much less actually graduated.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.

Sure I can... Most of my second job takes place in front of a computer.

I’m quite sure they won’t since all of them are conservatives who deplore communism as much as I do.

Wow, you don't know cops very well, do you? They love making their ticket quota... and the happy day they can write tickets for "being a rich douchebag" will be very happy one indeed for them.

Snowflake...only Congress could make the type of idiotic legislation (outlawing Ferrari’s) you are dreaming about. It wouldn’t make the slightest difference in the world if Bernie Sanders had become president. Dumb ass.

Schnookums, wouldn't take much to flip Congress to do that. Heck, we were that close in 2009, they were just too timid to use it.
I would agree...but teaching requires a bachelors degree and I guarantee you he’s never gone to college - much less actually graduated.

Wrong again. UIC, class of 1985, Bachelors in History with a Minor in PolSci.

And that was when it still meant something.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.

Sure I can... Most of my second job takes place in front of a computer.
So you’re fucking your employer out of money. Classy. All of my job is in front of a laptop - but I literally don’t have a single second to hop on USMB. I’m too busy producing. Must be why my employers always pay me more and like me better than your employers.
And that was when it still meant something.
So you do agree that progressivism has absolutely destroyed education (especially higher education) in America? I love when you have an accidental moment of honesty.
Snowflake...nobody could work two jobs and still have enough time to be in the top 10 posters in the history of USMB. Nobody could work one job and do that. You live off of the hard-working American tax payer just like Rightwinger.

Sure I can... Most of my second job takes place in front of a computer.
So you’re fucking your employer out of money. Classy. All of my job is in front of a laptop - but I literally don’t have a single second to hop on USMB.
Maybe he's just smarter than you and gets the same amount of work done faster.
I’m too busy producing. Must be why my employers always pay me more and like me better than your employers.
Can't be because you're smarter. I've seen your posts.
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Schnookums, wouldn't take much to flip Congress to do that.
If that were even remotely true, we wouldn’t be under a Republican Congress (with a Republican White House and Republican states) right now.

The left has completely lost their mind, rigged elections, done everything they can do to get control, and it just keeps getting worse for them.
Sure I can... Most of my second job takes place in front of a computer.
So you’re fucking your employer out of money. Classy. All of my job is in front of a laptop - but I literally don’t have a single second to hop on USMB.
Maybe he's just smarter than you and gets the same amount of work done faster.
He’s still fucking his employer. If his work is “done” he should report that to his superiors and take on additional work. The corporate world is not “piece work”, stupid.
So you’re fucking your employer out of money.

Um, no. That second job is a private business I own. So when I get bored with trying to write something, I pop onto USMB and say, "Let's see what crazy shit Poodle heard on Hate Radio and is trying to pass off as an original idea."

but I literally don’t have a single second to hop on USMB. I’m too busy producing.

But you are here all the time, guy, and I doubt you make that much.

So you do agree that progressivism has absolutely destroyed education (especially higher education) in America?

naw, man, what fucked up the universities was Conservatism.

They are the ones who cut government funding, so that they've had to charge exorbitant tuition, while going into an arms race of building amenities while paying the instructors jack shit.

Now, when I went to UIC in 1985, tuition was about $485 a quarter. (They were still on a quarter system back then.) You could afford it working a minimum wage job. I didn't have to because the Army paid for it, but I could have.

Today, that same tuition is $8000 a semester. We put these kids in debt for life to get a bachelor degree in something bullshit like "Business Administration", and they really don't know anything. You are a fine example of that.
If that were even remotely true, we wouldn’t be under a Republican Congress (with a Republican White House and Republican states) right now.

The left has completely lost their mind, rigged elections, done everything they can do to get control, and it just keeps getting worse for them.

Guy, you are only where you are at due to gerrymandering and a shitload of money from the Koch brothers.

You can't keep stealing elections forever before people get fed up with it.

Reality- the GOP has only won the national popular vote ONCE since 1988.
So you’re fucking your employer out of money.

Um, no. That second job is a private business I own. So when I get bored with trying to write something, I pop onto USMB and say, "Let's see what crazy shit Poodle heard on Hate Radio and is trying to pass off as an original idea."
So you are “bored” 18 out of 24 hours per day? Yikes. That’s one of the problems wi5 progressivism though. No will to work and excel. Too much substance abuse and mooching.
I literally don’t have a single second to hop on USMB. I’m too busy producing.
But you are here all the time, guy, and I doubt you make that much.
Yeah...it’s called “vacation”. I take it in December and don’t return until after the New Year. There’s a reason we both joined in 2011 and yet you’ve posted a staggering 3x’s as many times as I have.

And that is with me breaking down posts and you consolidating posts. So the actual number is literally more like 5x’s as many.
They are the ones who cut government funding, so that they've had to charge exorbitant tuition, while going into an arms race of building amenities while paying the instructors jack shit.
Well funding “higher education” isn’t the responsibility of the federal government, snowflake.

What actually caused college costs to skyrocket is the same thing that caused healthcare to skyrocket - government intervention. When you idiots started giving out government loans, the universities realized they could charge anything they wanted.

Had we kept the government out of if - the free market would have handled it flawlessly. When the classrooms were empty because people couldn’t have afforded it, the pricess would have plummeted (just like laser eye surgery - while healthcare keeps skyrocketing).

If you weren’t a millennial in junior high, you would understand economics better.
So you are “bored” 18 out of 24 hours per day? Yikes. That’s one of the problems wi5 progressivism though. No will to work and excel. Too much substance abuse and mooching.

On a work day, I might spend an hour posting in the morning and maybe one or two in the evening... that's about it.

Y There’s a reason we both joined in 2011 and yet you’ve posted a staggering 3x’s as many times as I have.

Yes, you don't have anything intelligent or original to say. We've established that. Now go listen to Rush so he can tell you what you think.
Yes, you don't have anything intelligent or original to say.
So you’re saying that I refrain from posting when I don’t have anything “original” or “intelligent” to say? Wow...I wish you would show that same restraint. That way the good people of this board wouldn’t have been subjected to 85,000 posts of mind-numbing lying.

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