Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
Do we get the benefit or do rich deadbeats who own companies that employ illegals get the benefit? It's no benefit to us if those worthless deadbeats who got rich on their tax free inheritance pay the illegals a few bucks. They don't pay employer taxes on the illegal workers, do they? So they keep the difference from that and from the low wages.
So let me get this straight - you weigh your support for felony actions based on whether or not you can get wealthier by the elimination of the felonious activity?

Well aren’t you just the prototypical progressive...
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

I think your math is a little off, bud.

I've done 92K posts in the last SEVEN YEARS. I don't even show up on the leaderboard.

You, on the other hand, are here when most decent people are working real jobs
Another post...another lie by Joey. Here you go folks - indisputable proof that he’s always on the leader board. I got this gem after he accused me of being on USMB “all the time”. It was priceless to watch him backpedal after I showed his dumb ass that he posts a gabillion times more than I do...

Reality, though. We have adjunct professors on food stamps in this country, while kids are putting themselves in deep debt to get a bachelor's degree that qualifies them to work at Starbucks.
Which shows how insanely stupid both of those groups are. But here’s the thing snowflake - people have the right to be stupid. If they didnt, you would have been executed a long time ago.
80% of us are being exploited by the one percenters.
That’s your own fault. You’re either too stupid or too lazy to become one of the 1%. Either way - that’s your fault. Stop blaming everyone else.
They're Anti-American Globalist jerks. So don't count on it happening. Their previous President showed where the Democratic Party's loyalties are. He cared much more about Illegals than he did about our brave American Veterans who desperately needed treatment to survive.

Many good Vets died waiting for that treatment. Meanwhile, Hussein poured massive cash and resources into helping Illegals. They were his and his Party's priority. It was truly shameful. But that is what Globalist assholes are all about. Folks should stop supporting them.
False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
Do we get the benefit or do rich deadbeats who own companies that employ illegals get the benefit? It's no benefit to us if those worthless deadbeats who got rich on their tax free inheritance pay the illegals a few bucks. They don't pay employer taxes on the illegal workers, do they? So they keep the difference from that and from the low wages.
So let me get this straight - you weigh your support for felony actions based on whether or not you can get wealthier by the elimination of the felonious activity?

Well aren’t you just the prototypical progressive...
I was arguing against his claim that "We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them." I said nothing about supporting felony actions. Did you skip your medication again?
Another post...another lie by Joey. Here you go folks - indisputable proof that he’s always on the leader board. I got this gem after he accused me of being on USMB “all the time”. It was priceless to watch him backpedal after I showed his dumb ass that he posts a gabillion times more than I do.

Guy, that chart shows TOTAL MESSAGES since I've been a USMB member (which I've been since 2011). That you don't even comprehend these simple facts tells me you j ust aren't very bright. Or at least not a bright as you like to think you are.

Which again, is typical for twenty-somethings.
That’s your own fault. You’re either too stupid or too lazy to become one of the 1%. Either way - that’s your fault. Stop blaming everyone else.

Right, because THIS person is clearly smarter and harder-working than me...


Oh, no, wait, she just inherited money from someone who exploited the people who actually did the work.
Nothing should be spent on illegals, except for what it costs to prosecute them when they commit crimes, and what it costs to deport them.

I agree and they should all be kicked the hell out of America. No way should one dime of US money be spent on illegals.
Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills, have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass mixed with Bud Light and look like a thirdworld villager...you see where I'm going? Those human cockroaches you love don't qualify for a "living wage" job. What else can I teach you about Gustavo?

Okay, look, I'm sure that is the basic requirement in whatever right to work shithole you live in, where they all marry their cousins and fly the Confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

Reality, though. We have adjunct professors on food stamps in this country, while kids are putting themselves in deep debt to get a bachelor's degree that qualifies them to work at Starbucks.

I live in your utopia bud...Mexifornia.
You sound shocked and disappointed by the fact that employers offering a "living wage" would have minimum requirements...why? Do you think a pulse should be the only qualifier?

Dumbass kids with no direction from home (anchor babies) often times choose degrees with the path of least resistance...the easiest to obtain...These mislead dumbasses end up with a useless degree...happens all the time with kids from barrios and ghettos.
Also, bear in mind, a degree is only a small part of the puzzle...one must hone and develop other skill-sets such as the aforementioned people and communication skills to enable themselves to stand out and climb the corporate / income ladder. Simple shit.
So you admit that they are not only being exploited - but that you advocate for their exploitation to continue?

There is an exponentially better way to stop them from being exploited. Arrest them, incarcerate them, deport them, and make lazy parasites such as yourself support themselves. Problem solved!

Naw, you see, the lazy parasites who exploit them are hte rich people who won't pay an American a fair wage.

80% of us are being exploited by the one percenters.

Probably even you, you are just too dumb to notice.

How exactly are you being "exploited" by the one percenters?
False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
Do we get the benefit or do rich deadbeats who own companies that employ illegals get the benefit? It's no benefit to us if those worthless deadbeats who got rich on their tax free inheritance pay the illegals a few bucks. They don't pay employer taxes on the illegal workers, do they? So they keep the difference from that and from the low wages.
So let me get this straight - you weigh your support for felony actions based on whether or not you can get wealthier by the elimination of the felonious activity?

Well aren’t you just the prototypical progressive...
I was arguing against his claim that "We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them." I said nothing about supporting felony actions.
Uh...that’s exactly what you said, snowflake. When you asked if you would get the benefits from the “rich deadbeats” who “employ illegals” if you stopped supporting illegals. You support illegal aliens which means you support people who violate federal law. Despicable.
That’s your own fault. You’re either too stupid or too lazy to become one of the 1%. Either way - that’s your fault. Stop blaming everyone else.

Right, because THIS person is clearly smarter and harder-working than me...


Oh, no, wait, she just inherited money from someone who exploited the people who actually did the work.
Actually...she is. Spare me your whiny nonsense about “inheriting money”. She made more off of her reality tv show and appearances in movies than you will make in your entire life. And neither of those had anything to do with her “inheritance”.

She was a savvy businesswoman who saw the current climate of mindless Dumbocrats who care more about Hollywood than their nation and she cashed in on it big time. She built a brand while you were busy building your pity party.
Another post...another lie by Joey. Here you go folks - indisputable proof that he’s always on the leader board. I got this gem after he accused me of being on USMB “all the time”. It was priceless to watch him backpedal after I showed his dumb ass that he posts a gabillion times more than I do.

Guy, that chart shows TOTAL MESSAGES since I've been a USMB member (which I've been since 2011).
Yeah...uh...nobody cares. You claimed you were never on the leaderboard when in fact - you are literally in the top 10 for most posts in the history of this message board. I too joined in 2011 and you’ve damn near tripled the amount of posts I’ve made.

In other words, you refuse to hold a job and you have no social life at all.
False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
Do we get the benefit or do rich deadbeats who own companies that employ illegals get the benefit? It's no benefit to us if those worthless deadbeats who got rich on their tax free inheritance pay the illegals a few bucks. They don't pay employer taxes on the illegal workers, do they? So they keep the difference from that and from the low wages.
So let me get this straight - you weigh your support for felony actions based on whether or not you can get wealthier by the elimination of the felonious activity?

Well aren’t you just the prototypical progressive...
I was arguing against his claim that "We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them." I said nothing about supporting felony actions.
Uh...that’s exactly what you said, snowflake. When you asked
That's a question.
if you would get the benefits from the “rich deadbeats” who “employ illegals” if you stopped supporting illegals. You support illegal aliens which means you support people who violate federal law. Despicable.

That would require a statement.

Do you understand the difference or are you as stupid as I think you are?

Statement or Question Quiz
I live in your utopia bud...Mexifornia.
You sound shocked and disappointed by the fact that employers offering a "living wage" would have minimum requirements...why? Do you think a pulse should be the only qualifier?

So you are white trash in California. Got it.

I think that if you show up for work and put in a full day's effort, you should make enough to pay the rent and eat.

Dumbass kids with no direction from home (anchor babies) often times choose degrees with the path of least resistance...the easiest to obtain...These mislead dumbasses end up with a useless degree...happens all the time with kids from barrios and ghettos.
Also, bear in mind, a degree is only a small part of the puzzle...one must hone and develop other skill-sets such as the aforementioned people and communication skills to enable themselves to stand out and climb the corporate / income ladder. Simple shit

First, anyone who has an ambition to "Climb the corporate ladder" has the wrong priorities in life.

Second, if you don't know the difference between mislead and misled, you really don't have any business talking about anyone else's education, Cleetus.

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