Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

That’s the exact same idiotic argument Joey’s fellow racist Dumbocrats attempted to use in opposition of abolition.

Even if it were true...that means Joey is sitting here openly advocating for the exploitation of minorities for financial gain. And yet he claims he’s for unions and the completely protection of labor against exploitation. Oops...

I'm a realist, Poodle. That's what happens when you grow up. We had "illegals' 50 years ago when I was growing up, we had them 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan (you know, that RINO by your standards) gave 3 million of them amnesty.

Sorry, undocumented laborers aren't like slaves. The slaves didn't fight to get into this country.

That's about as dumb as trying to compare abortion to slavery.
That’s the exact same idiotic argument Joey’s fellow racist Dumbocrats attempted to use in opposition of abolition.

Even if it were true...that means Joey is sitting here openly advocating for the exploitation of minorities for financial gain. And yet he claims he’s for unions and the completely protection of labor against exploitation. Oops...

I'm a realist, Poodle. That's what happens when you grow up. We had "illegals' 50 years ago when I was growing up, we had them 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan (you know, that RINO by your standards) gave 3 million of them amnesty.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.
But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.
So you admit that they are not only being exploited - but that you advocate for their exploitation to continue?

There is an exponentially better way to stop them from being exploited. Arrest them, incarcerate them, deport them, and make lazy parasites such as yourself support themselves. Problem solved!
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills, have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass mixed with Bud Light and look like a thirdworld villager...you see where I'm going? Those human cockroaches you love don't qualify for a "living wage" job. What else can I teach you about Gustavo?
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Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

Like I said...you're in way over your head with me bud...you're chasing the wrong guy around cyberspace...I promise, I'll make you look and feel the piece of shit you actually are everytime you engage me. Now run along and play on MySpace kiddo...find a couple teenagers you can outwit or something.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

WOW...it just never occurred to me...I had no idea how pathetic these poor fucking lowlifes actually are.
All full time "gamers" living in room additions in garages and basements I'm sure....Poor Joey and twisted friends. It's almost sad.
Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

WOW...it just never occurred to me...I had no idea how pathetic these poor fucking lowlifes actually are.
All full time "gamers" living in room additions in garages and basements I'm sure....Poor Joey and twisted friends. It's almost sad.
It’s not “almost sad” - it is sad. I can’t imagine going through life like that. But it explains why they are so miserable.
Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

WOW...it just never occurred to me...I had no idea how pathetic these poor fucking lowlifes actually are.
All full time "gamers" living in room additions in garages and basements I'm sure....Poor Joey and twisted friends. It's almost sad.
It’s not “almost sad” - it is sad. I can’t imagine going through life like that. But it explains why they are so miserable.

Very true...I remember when I was 15 I thought the world owed me just because I existed and breathed oxygen. Then I grew up...these poor parasites are 15 forever aren't they?
False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
Do we get the benefit or do rich deadbeats who own companies that employ illegals get the benefit? It's no benefit to us if those worthless deadbeats who got rich on their tax free inheritance pay the illegals a few bucks. They don't pay employer taxes on the illegal workers, do they? So they keep the difference from that and from the low wages.
Yeah...and we had slaves too for hundreds of years. And your side tried to keep them because you were too lazy to do your own damn work. And now you’re trying to do the same thing with illegal aliens.

Except slavery was involuntary.

Immigration is voluntary.

But if you want to really stop these poor people from being exploited, there's a simple way to do it. Pass living wage laws and support immigration reform.

Translation: "I am or come from a long line of illegal parasites myself....give me free shit DAMNIT!"

Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills and have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass ...?

So, YOU have no shot.

Like I said...you're in way over your head with me bud....

You keep saying stupid shit like that but then...nothing but semi-literate nonsense. Not too impressive so far, champ.
So, YOU have no shot.

I'm not sure why...but it just occurred to me that you post nearly 1,000 times per month...that's a whopping 30 times per day....DAMN! You've ran at this amazing pace for more than six years now. WOW...thats awesome...that's quite an accomplishment. Have you won any awards? Maybe the "Dude With The Shittiest Life" award or something like that?
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

WOW...it just never occurred to me...I had no idea how pathetic these poor fucking lowlifes actually are.
All full time "gamers" living in room additions in garages and basements I'm sure....Poor Joey and twisted friends. It's almost sad.
It’s not “almost sad” - it is sad. I can’t imagine going through life like that. But it explains why they are so miserable.

....Then I grew up...

All evidence to the contrary.
So you admit that they are not only being exploited - but that you advocate for their exploitation to continue?

There is an exponentially better way to stop them from being exploited. Arrest them, incarcerate them, deport them, and make lazy parasites such as yourself support themselves. Problem solved!

Naw, you see, the lazy parasites who exploit them are hte rich people who won't pay an American a fair wage.

80% of us are being exploited by the one percenters.

Probably even you, you are just too dumb to notice.
JoeB is even worse. He did over 85,000 posts in a single month (and rightwinger did over 100,000). That’s what happens when you mooch off of society (welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) and have a personality so awful that no woman will date you, much less procreate with you. Neither of them have anything to do in life than troll for attention on USMB.

I think your math is a little off, bud.

I've done 92K posts in the last SEVEN YEARS. I don't even show up on the leaderboard.

You, on the other hand, are here when most decent people are working real jobs
Look Gustavo....there's plenty of "living wage" jobs....the catch is...one must qualify for said jobs. One must speak English, possess people skills and basic communication skills, have an iQ above 70...one can not smell like ass mixed with Bud Light and look like a thirdworld villager...you see where I'm going? Those human cockroaches you love don't qualify for a "living wage" job. What else can I teach you about Gustavo?

Okay, look, I'm sure that is the basic requirement in whatever right to work shithole you live in, where they all marry their cousins and fly the Confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

Reality, though. We have adjunct professors on food stamps in this country, while kids are putting themselves in deep debt to get a bachelor's degree that qualifies them to work at Starbucks.

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