Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?
You are a solution looking for a problem. And the solution reeks of racism and hate.

More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

So clever...WTF does that even mean?
Apparently the cockroaches are dropping fewer anchors these days as well...WTF does that mean? It's not a problem anymore because the size of the problem is slightly smaller?
ONLY 295,000 baby cockroaches dropped in 2013 at a cost of $10,000 per cockroach to the American taxpayer....Wooohooo! I guess we just be jumping for joy since things are on the decline...huh?
Number of babies born in U.S. to unauthorized immigrants declines
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Well folks, 1,474 views and 183 posts and still not one "Democrat" to say; "Absolutely, I'm all for cutting the spending on illegals and diverting funds to help our REAL American middle-class"
What does that tell you?

That you started off with a false premise and everyone called you on it, Cleetus?

False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?
Would you like to see this nation stop spending taxpayer funds on illegal Mexicans and direct those funds to the bank accounts of our middle class?
There's your cue to start your tap dancing.
False premise? How so Fernando?
I asked a question that pussies like you refuse to give a straight answer to. Here, you want to try again?

No, i answered it just fine the first time.

We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.

You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"
JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!

Noooope, you don’t. Try to pay attention.
You're sadly mistaken....
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "No Fernando, the sky is blue"
You: "Someone told me the sky is pink...so it's pink"
Me: "You're ignorant and fucked up in the head...Don't be scared to connect the dots and admit the truth Fernando...you're only lying to yourself"

Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

JoeB131, our resident illegal wetback says: "Fuck the American middle class...bring in the illegal wetbacks"
It's all here on record folks...I wonder how the Democratic Party has become the Party of illegals, filth and indecency?
I'm not making any of this shit up.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!

Noooope, you don’t. Try to pay attention.

Pay attention?
I may be paying too much attention to the cockroaches fucking over REAL Americans...huh?
Sorry, bud, I'm German, not Hispanic. Did date some Hispanic girls over the years...

But to the point, the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs. If it didn't, they'd be serious about stopping it, instead of just throwing a bone to you bigots once in a while.

Hey, how's that wall coming? Oh, yeah, it isn't.

Here's the thing.

Most hispanics I know are decent people.

But there is nothing lower than some dumb-ass redneck who flies a confederate flag like that's something to be proud of.

"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!

Noooope, you don’t. Try to pay attention.

Pay attention?
I may be paying too much attention to the cockroaches fucking over REAL Americans...huh?

Maybe someday you'll find some self-respect.
"the economy gets more benefit from undocumented labor than costs."
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

"Most hispanics I know are decent people."
That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"
Here, I'll continue teaching you about illegal cockroaches and and how they REALLY effect Americans.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!

Noooope, you don’t. Try to pay attention.

Pay attention?
I may be paying too much attention to the cockroaches fucking over REAL Americans...huh?

Maybe someday you'll find some self-respect.

Do I hurt your feelings with my brutal honesty?
You should try hating yourself a little less. You might not be so insecure.

I love myself bud...I love all legitimate human beings. I fucking hate illegal wetbacks!

Noooope, you don’t. Try to pay attention.

Pay attention?
I may be paying too much attention to the cockroaches fucking over REAL Americans...huh?

Maybe someday you'll find some self-respect.

Do I hurt your feelings with my brutal honesty?

I don't know. Give it a try.
Negative...I've already proved other wise...the deficit is tens of billions...FACT.

Naw, man, quoting a hate site isn't proving anything.

That's what all beaners say about other beaners....What's weird is most I know are disgusting lowlife filth....committing crime, ruining their communities, abusing their pets, raping their nieces, on the welfare tit...you know, that kind of shit. Like I said before, we call our local news episodes "Wetbacks Gone Wild"

Again, not the ones I know. On the other hand, seeing a bunch of rednecks in the trailer park with their confederate flag, marrying their cousins, living on the welfare tit, and so on... kind of disgusting.
We get more benefit from undocumented labor than we spend on them. Our economy couldn't function without them.
That’s the exact same idiotic argument Joey’s fellow racist Dumbocrats attempted to use in opposition of abolition.

Even if it were true...that means Joey is sitting here openly advocating for the exploitation of minorities for financial gain. And yet he claims he’s for unions and the completely protection of labor against exploitation. Oops...
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