Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

Okay, professor Joe...go ahead and walk us through the arithmetic. We'll stand by and laugh as you make a total ass of yourself. Your turn....

Okay, let'st start with the fact that your 100 Billion number is utter bullshit.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

When analyzed from the vantage point of information derived from reputable, nonpartisan sources (the Pew Research Center, USDA, United States Department of Labor, and leading economists and researchers) then one can obtain a clearer view of this muddled discussion. The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, “about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.” The USDA has also warned that, “any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry.” From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.
That’s enforcing law - you nitwit. That cost is already covered in the law enforcement portion of the costs. We’re talking about sanctuary cities providing education, housing, healthcare, food, etc. to the illegal aliens.

The thing is, you want these people to be educated. (They are of course, more than capable of earning money to buy housing and food, which they do.)

Then they grow up to be productive citizens.
Right. Why don’t you oppose the costs since you support illegal aliens. Obviously you don’t want law enforcement arresting them, prosecting them, etc.

Because that's kind of waste of money. I want law enforcement to go after real criminals.

Now, if you guys REALLY wanted to solve the problem, it's easy.

Go after the rich white people who hire them because they don't want to pay poor white people a fair wage.

You know, like the Piece of Shit that Trump just pardoned after ICE caught him hiring illegals for his Kosher food plant.

Trump commutes fraud sentence of kosher meatpacker
Okay, professor Joe...go ahead and walk us through the arithmetic. We'll stand by and laugh as you make a total ass of yourself. Your turn....

Okay, let'st start with the fact that your 100 Billion number is utter bullshit.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

When analyzed from the vantage point of information derived from reputable, nonpartisan sources (the Pew Research Center, USDA, United States Department of Labor, and leading economists and researchers) then one can obtain a clearer view of this muddled discussion. The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, “about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.” The USDA has also warned that, “any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry.” From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.

That's hilarious, you're siding with the Capitalist cheap labor argument.
Oh, we can't afford to hire for more pay.

Well, this undermines American wages.
Those agriculture sectors would just be forced to hire Americans at decent wages.
That's hilarious, you're siding with the Capitalist cheap labor argument.
Oh, we can't afford to hire for more pay.

Well, this undermines American wages.
Those agriculture sectors would just be forced to hire Americans at decent wages.

No, they wouldn't. Americans wouldn't take those jobs, no matter how much they paid.

These are jobs Americans just don't want to do.
That's hilarious, you're siding with the Capitalist cheap labor argument.
Oh, we can't afford to hire for more pay.

Well, this undermines American wages.
Those agriculture sectors would just be forced to hire Americans at decent wages.

No, they wouldn't. Americans wouldn't take those jobs, no matter how much they paid.

These are jobs Americans just don't want to do.

That's BS, Americans will do any job if paid a decent salary.

I actually was working in an Animal Feed store lifting 50 pound bags of feed all day, which is debatable as perhaps even more labor intensive than even farming.
Okay, professor Joe...go ahead and walk us through the arithmetic. We'll stand by and laugh as you make a total ass of yourself. Your turn....

From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.

Would the wages of dairy employees also raise by 61% without illegals?

Capitalists are kind of scum, they'll starve our own population out of fair wages, and instead bring in a bunch of Mexicans many whom hate America to replace us as a pesky fifth column who don't pay their fair share in taxes.
Okay, professor Joe...go ahead and walk us through the arithmetic. We'll stand by and laugh as you make a total ass of yourself. Your turn....

Okay, let'st start with the fact that your 100 Billion number is utter bullshit.

Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

When analyzed from the vantage point of information derived from reputable, nonpartisan sources (the Pew Research Center, USDA, United States Department of Labor, and leading economists and researchers) then one can obtain a clearer view of this muddled discussion. The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants are important to the U.S. economy, as well as vital to certain industries like agriculture.

According to the Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, there were 8.4 million unauthorized immigrants employed in the U.S.; representing 5.2 percent of the U.S. labor force (an increase from 3.8 percent in 2000). Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs that stated, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent” and Texas’ gross state product would decrease by 2.1 percent. Furthermore, certain segments of the U.S. economy, like agriculture, are entirely dependent upon illegal immigrants.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that, “about half of the hired workers employed in U.S. crop agriculture were unauthorized, with the overwhelming majority of these workers coming from Mexico.” The USDA has also warned that, “any potential immigration reform could have significant impacts on the U.S. fruit and vegetable industry.” From the perspective of National Milk Producers Federation in 2009, retail milk prices would increase by 61 percent if its immigrant labor force were to be eliminated.

Once in a while I'll find a post from you that leads me to believe you may be slightly intelligent...then you post and beilieve some complete bullshit like this.
Sooo, the editorial basically reads that illegals are a vital piece within our economics because they work and fulfill a labor requirement.
Using that theory wouldn't that make anyone who works and fulfills a need for labor in this nation a "benefit to the economy" which we know for fact isn't true? Please don't tell me I need to break the numbers down for you?
Let me teach you something using a hypothetical. (which probably isn't so hypothetical)
There are 10,000 drywall hangers in the U.S.
The average hourly rate is $20 per hour
Suddenly there's 20,000 draywall hangers and no increased demand for hanging drywall.
Employers decide they have drywall hangers right where they want them...they want a two for one special...employers decide they're now going to pay $10 per hour and employ two people instead of one effectively doubling their workforce yet paying the same total payroll.
The result of this is obvious: 10,000 people make half as much as they use to and 10,000 new people have a job.
An editor fucked up in head with a corrupt agenda and crooked motive could easily write an editorial about how awesome those 10,000 new employees are and how vital they are to the drywall industry.
Come on Joe....please do yourself a favor and pull your head from your ass....it's time to stop lying to yourself...stop taking pride in your gullibility and ignorance. Wake up buddy.
Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?

Only spending should be for a bus ride to their originating country.
Bullshit! You don't punish a bank robber by putting him just outside the bank walls! I say 10 years hard labor. And no free medical care in the prison, either. That will make them think.

Yes, but the cost would be astronomical.
What cost?

I'd like to think you're playing stupid, but it may be real.
That's BS, Americans will do any job if paid a decent salary.

I actually was working in an Animal Feed store lifting 50 pound bags of feed all day, which is debatable as perhaps even more labor intensive than even farming.

All day? Every minute of the day? Didn't your boss ever hear of a pallet jack or a forklift?

Would the wages of dairy employees also raise by 61% without illegals?

Capitalists are kind of scum, they'll starve our own population out of fair wages, and instead bring in a bunch of Mexicans many whom hate America to replace us as a pesky fifth column who don't pay their fair share in taxes.

More than likely, we'd probably have lot of vacancies because who wants to work all day around cow-shit?

Here's the reality. We will always have those unpleasant jobs, that we don't want to do, and we will always invent an underclass to do them. They will do it because they will want to make a better life for their own children. That's human nature.
Once in a while I'll find a post from you that leads me to believe you may be slightly intelligent...then you post and beilieve some complete bullshit like this.

That's okay, you dumb, inbred redneck, you've never posted anything that makes me think you are even remotely intelligent. You are just dumb white trash that thinks it's better than other poor people.

There are 10,000 drywall hangers in the U.S.
The average hourly rate is $20 per hour
Suddenly there's 20,000 draywall hangers and no increased demand for hanging drywall.
Employers decide they have drywall hangers right where they want them...they want a two for one special...employers decide they're now going to pay $10 per hour and employ two people instead of one effectively doubling their workforce yet paying the same total payroll.
The result of this is obvious: 10,000 people make half as much as they use to and 10,000 new people have a job.

I think this is where you are getting a little confused. The only people who pay $20.00 an hour to hang drywall are the ones who know they are going to make it back when they sell the building they are going to finish.

The people who hire the guys who hang outside the home depot are the the DIYers who suddenly realized this was really hard work you guys. My A-hole Trump Supporting Brother did this. Then eventually his friends and family got tired of going over to his house every weekend to maybe get two slabs of drywall put in, so he went to the H ome Depot, hired a bunch of Mexicans, and they got the job finished for him in one day.

And this is the real problem. Illegals aren't driving down wages, they are just doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.

You could end the illegal problem in a few weeks. Go after the people who hire them, not just the marginal businesses but the DIYers at Home Depot and the Rich Assholes who think Lupe is just like a member of the family which is why they don't pay her.

Instead, we go after the illegals, we ship them home, and another one takes his or her place.
That's BS, Americans will do any job if paid a decent salary.

I actually was working in an Animal Feed store lifting 50 pound bags of feed all day, which is debatable as perhaps even more labor intensive than even farming.

All day? Every minute of the day? Didn't your boss ever hear of a pallet jack or a forklift?

Would the wages of dairy employees also raise by 61% without illegals?

Capitalists are kind of scum, they'll starve our own population out of fair wages, and instead bring in a bunch of Mexicans many whom hate America to replace us as a pesky fifth column who don't pay their fair share in taxes.

More than likely, we'd probably have lot of vacancies because who wants to work all day around cow-shit?

Here's the reality. We will always have those unpleasant jobs, that we don't want to do, and we will always invent an underclass to do them. They will do it because they will want to make a better life for their own children. That's human nature.

The pallet jack couldn't fit in the store, much less a forklift.

Although I had a hand-truck, but I'd still have to load, and unload the hand-truck to stock, rotate stock, or pack customers cars.

We want a better life for our children?
One which includes their wages undermined by immigrants, and outsourced jobs?
The pallet jack couldn't fit in the store, much less a forklift.

Although I had a hand-truck, but I'd still have to load, and unload the hand-truck to stock, rotate stock, or pack customers cars.

We want a better life for our children?
One which includes their wages undermined by immigrants, and outsourced jobs?

Hey, you know what, someone said that about the Pollocks at one time.

I grew up when telling Polish Jokes was still considered funny, because we had so many of them in Chicago.
The pallet jack couldn't fit in the store, much less a forklift.

Although I had a hand-truck, but I'd still have to load, and unload the hand-truck to stock, rotate stock, or pack customers cars.

We want a better life for our children?
One which includes their wages undermined by immigrants, and outsourced jobs?

Hey, you know what, someone said that about the Pollocks at one time.

I grew up when telling Polish Jokes was still considered funny, because we had so many of them in Chicago.

I guess discrimination is wrong, unless directed at Polish people, huh?
I guess discrimination is wrong, unless directed at Polish people, huh?

No, it's always wrong.

How many Pollocks does it take to miss a point? Apparently just one.

I'm against Polish illegals, and I don't care if all Polish people are deported out of the West, either.

Just as I'm against all illegals, including ones in Poland, and think Poland has the right to deport anyone out of Poland.
I guess discrimination is wrong, unless directed at Polish people, huh?

No, it's always wrong.

How many Pollocks does it take to miss a point? Apparently just one.

Unless they're liberals, then all of them miss the point.

Americans are generally socially Liberal compared to Polish people.

Poland's got a very strict system against immigration, abortion, and Gay marriage.
And, the U.S.A?

Although, many Conservatives in the U.S.A would probably complain about Poland's benefits for Poles to supplement them to have more children, as well as Poland's National Healthcare.
I guess discrimination is wrong, unless directed at Polish people, huh?

No, it's always wrong.

How many Pollocks does it take to miss a point? Apparently just one.

What evidence do you have of Polish vs Mexican equality?

Poland's IQ was 99, and Mexico's IQ was 84 according to Rindermann.

Polish American IQ was 109, and the Mexican IQ was 88 according to studies in the U.S.A.
Once in a while I'll find a post from you that leads me to believe you may be slightly intelligent...then you post and beilieve some complete bullshit like this.

That's okay, you dumb, inbred redneck, you've never posted anything that makes me think you are even remotely intelligent. You are just dumb white trash that thinks it's better than other poor people.

There are 10,000 drywall hangers in the U.S.
The average hourly rate is $20 per hour
Suddenly there's 20,000 draywall hangers and no increased demand for hanging drywall.
Employers decide they have drywall hangers right where they want them...they want a two for one special...employers decide they're now going to pay $10 per hour and employ two people instead of one effectively doubling their workforce yet paying the same total payroll.
The result of this is obvious: 10,000 people make half as much as they use to and 10,000 new people have a job.

I think this is where you are getting a little confused. The only people who pay $20.00 an hour to hang drywall are the ones who know they are going to make it back when they sell the building they are going to finish.

The people who hire the guys who hang outside the home depot are the the DIYers who suddenly realized this was really hard work you guys. My A-hole Trump Supporting Brother did this. Then eventually his friends and family got tired of going over to his house every weekend to maybe get two slabs of drywall put in, so he went to the H ome Depot, hired a bunch of Mexicans, and they got the job finished for him in one day.

And this is the real problem. Illegals aren't driving down wages, they are just doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.

You could end the illegal problem in a few weeks. Go after the people who hire them, not just the marginal businesses but the DIYers at Home Depot and the Rich Assholes who think Lupe is just like a member of the family which is why they don't pay her.

Instead, we go after the illegals, we ship them home, and another one takes his or her place.

"I think this is where you are getting a little confused."
NEGATIVE.....did you see the word "hypothetical" in there? Did that adult word confuse you?

"Illegals aren't driving down wages, they are just doing the jobs nobody else wants to do."
Come on Joe...stop saying retarded shit you know isn't true...you're stupid, but not that stupid.
All construction trades have been beanerized
The entire fast food industry has been beanerized
Warehouse work....beanerized
Basically any brainless job that requires no iQ and no people or communication skills has been beanerized. You know this...you just like playing stupid.
What I can't understand for the life of me; if you wack-jobs are all for off the books slave labor...fuck it....let's just ship in some Zulus from Africa like the old days? Shit, we can pay them in Top Ramen...fuck that $10-$13 per hour we're paying wetbacks....Whatta ya say Joseph?

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