Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

We should ONLY spend money on illegals.

What a scumbag, you should be forcibly removed.
Comrade, we don’t do that here :itsok:
The irony is - he’s your comrade, Old School. The only difference is he openly admits that he is a devout fascist while you prefer the fascist tactic of accusing the opposition of your crimes, policies, beliefs, etc.
Comrade, he’s on your side :itsok:
Comrades are left-wing, my fragile little snowflake. So are fascists. Any form of totalitarianism is left-wing.
Again, what actual govmit (using your conserabonics) programs are the cash working Fernando and mother Guadalupe benefiting from?

Healthcare? What California plan is that?

They getting paid to vote too?

I can't bring myself to dumb down any further bud...Your debate consists of What? What? What?....Playing confused and stupid is a defense mechanism often used by LefTards and ignorant people.
You do realize that nearly 40% of barely legal beaners are on the taxpayer tit right?
How could one possibly think that illegals beaners could be more productive in our system than their legal peers?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Come on bob lee you’re better than that.

What is the GDP estimate the immigrant labor adds to our economy?

Since you have the right wing bullet points.

You'll refer to me as General Lee.
The figures are all over the place....enlighten us. Before you make more of an ass of yourself, bear in mind, prostitution and illegal drug sales contribute to GDP as well.
If we're for off the books slave labor...fuck it....let's just ship in some Zulus from Africa like the old days? Shit, we can pay them in Top Ramen...fuck that $10-$13 per hour we're paying wetbacks...Whatta ya say?
By the way...what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from....and how long have you been spoon fed by REAL Americans?
There are no illegal immigrant voters and any spending on illegals is only possible because the GOP will not allow a SS ID card that can't be faked. Considering that 94% of adult male illegals work, I would say that this is a thread based on an imaginary dupe world...

A California state bill was signed to law by Gov. Jerry Brown, that will register and allow illegal aliens to vote in US Elections.

Those 94% have displaced how many American male workers?

It's no secret...had illegals not dropped millions of silver tooth anchors the Democratic Party would have died long ago.
The fact that not one single Democrat that has participated in this thread can bring themself to say; "cut spending on illegals and run it through the bank accounts of our middle class" is very telling but should come as no surprise. AWESOME....atleast we got a public admission...the Democratic constituency says: "fuck the middle class American.....fund the fuck out our illegals wetbacks DAMNIT!"
Ya, snowflakes. You ever “discuss” anything with a black and white conservative?
Yeah, I have. And to a man, they are informed, educated, rational, respectful - and can handle other views. Unlike fascist progressives.
We should ONLY spend money on illegals.

What a scumbag, you should be forcibly removed.
Comrade, we don’t do that here :itsok:
The irony is - he’s your comrade, Old School. The only difference is he openly admits that he is a devout fascist while you prefer the fascist tactic of accusing the opposition of your crimes, policies, beliefs, etc.
Comrade, he’s on your side :itsok:
Comrades are left-wing, my fragile little snowflake. So are fascists. Any form of totalitarianism is left-wing.

Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
It's no secret...had illegals not dropped millions of silver tooth anchors the Democratic Party would have died long ago.
Exactly. It’s why they vehemently oppose voter ID and why they want to grant citizenship to illegal aliens. They can’t survive clean elections by Americans only and they know it.
Ya, snowflakes. You ever “discuss” anything with a black and white conservative?
Yeah, I have. And to a man, they are informed, educated, rational, respectful - and can handle other views. Unlike fascist progressives.

You support Capitalism which supports Illegal Immigrants, and then kick, and scream about Fascists with actual real solutions to Illegal immigrants.
Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh:

That’s like saying a communist libertarian. There is no such thing as a right-wing socialist. Socialism is exclusively left-wing.

Good grief...all one needs to do is visit USMB and see the posts by lefties to understand why they vote Dumbocrat.
Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh:

That’s like saying a communist libertarian. There is no such thing as a right-wing socialist. Socialism is exclusively left-wing.

Good grief...all one needs to do is visit USMB and see the posts by lefties to understand why they vote Dumbocrat.

No, because Fascists are almost all very far-Right on social issues, and are very anti-Egalitarian, and are massive supporters of Nationalism.

In each of these aspects Fascists make Republicans generally look like Liberals.
You support Capitalism which supports Illegal Immigrants
Capitalism cannot “support” illegal immigration as capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue from political systems. You’re so confused, you literally can’t figure out which way is up right now.
You support Capitalism which supports Illegal Immigrants
Capitalism cannot “support” illegal immigration as capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue from political systems. You’re so confused, you literally can’t figure out which way is up right now.

Sure it does.

Every morning in local Brewster, New York you'll see like 30 Guatemalan illegals waiting to get picked up for work as day laborers, by you guessed it Capitalists.
Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh:

That’s like saying a communist libertarian. There is no such thing as a right-wing socialist. Socialism is exclusively left-wing.

Good grief...all one needs to do is visit USMB and see the posts by lefties to understand why they vote Dumbocrat.

No, because Fascists are almost all very far-Right on social issues, and are very anti-Egalitarian, and are massive supporters of Nationalism.

In each of these aspects Fascists make Republicans generally look like Liberals.
Doesn’t change the fact that one cannot be both socialist and right-wing. Just like one cannot be libertarian and left-wing.
You support Capitalism which supports Illegal Immigrants
Capitalism cannot “support” illegal immigration as capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue from political systems. You’re so confused, you literally can’t figure out which way is up right now.

Sure it does.

Every morning in local Brewster, New York you'll see like 30 Guatemalan illegals waiting to get picked up for work by you guessed it Capitalists.
No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn’t change reality. Capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue for political systems. Two completely different realms.
Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh:

That’s like saying a communist libertarian. There is no such thing as a right-wing socialist. Socialism is exclusively left-wing.

Good grief...all one needs to do is visit USMB and see the posts by lefties to understand why they vote Dumbocrat.

No, because Fascists are almost all very far-Right on social issues, and are very anti-Egalitarian, and are massive supporters of Nationalism.

In each of these aspects Fascists make Republicans generally look like Liberals.
Doesn’t change the fact that one cannot be both socialist and right-wing. Just like one cannot be libertarian and left-wing.

Right Wingers support inequality, and traditional values.

Fascists are more that than your Republicans on the whole.
You support Capitalism which supports Illegal Immigrants
Capitalism cannot “support” illegal immigration as capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue from political systems. You’re so confused, you literally can’t figure out which way is up right now.

Sure it does.

Every morning in local Brewster, New York you'll see like 30 Guatemalan illegals waiting to get picked up for work by you guessed it Capitalists.
No matter how many times you deny reality, it doesn’t change reality. Capitalism is a purely economic system. Immigration is an issue for political systems. Two completely different realms.

So, when Capitalists hire loads of illegal immigrants, and give them the pay they need to be here, that's somehow not economic?
So, when Capitalists hire loads of illegal immigrants, and give them the pay they need to be here, that's somehow not economic?
It is economic. But it’s not immigration. Capitalism didn’t authorize them to be here. Capitalism didn’t write them a letter and tell them to sneak into this country.

You literally have no idea that there are political systems and economic systems. You’re one of those people who say “the U.S. is capitalism”. When in fact the U.S. is a republic politically and capitalists economically.
Fascists are Right-Wing Socialists.
:laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh:

That’s like saying a communist libertarian. There is no such thing as a right-wing socialist. Socialism is exclusively left-wing.

Good grief...all one needs to do is visit USMB and see the posts by lefties to understand why they vote Dumbocrat.

No, because Fascists are almost all very far-Right on social issues, and are very anti-Egalitarian, and are massive supporters of Nationalism.

In each of these aspects Fascists make Republicans generally look like Liberals.
Doesn’t change the fact that one cannot be both socialist and right-wing. Just like one cannot be libertarian and left-wing.

Actually, it's more like you can either put Capitalism first, or Socially Conservative values first.

Like oil, and water, Capitalism, and Socially Conservative values don't mix.

Why Republicans are too stupid to grasp that, well that's a different story.

The facts are Capitalism sells out to Social Liberalism.

Which is why Republicans are so unsuccessful in promoting Social Conservative values in America.

So, when Capitalists hire loads of illegal immigrants, and give them the pay they need to be here, that's somehow not economic?
It is economic. But it’s not immigration. Capitalism didn’t authorize them to be here. Capitalism didn’t write them a letter and tell them to sneak into this country.

You literally have no idea that there are political systems and economic systems. You’re one of those people who say “the U.S. is capitalism”. When in fact the U.S. is a republic politically and capitalists economically.

Reagan the Capitalist Republican granted amnesty to over a million illegals, that's where it started, actually.

Because of Capitalist cheap labor.
Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?

Only spending should be for a bus ride to their originating country.
Bullshit! You don't punish a bank robber by putting him just outside the bank walls! I say 10 years hard labor. And no free medical care in the prison, either. That will make them think.

Yes, but the cost would be astronomical.
What cost?
It's no secret...had illegals not dropped millions of silver tooth anchors the Democratic Party would have died long ago.
Exactly. It’s why they vehemently oppose voter ID and why they want to grant citizenship to illegal aliens. They can’t survive clean elections by Americans only and they know it.

Oh yeah...The DNC knows exactly what they're doing and what they have to do to stay relevant....it's simple...fuck over the real American to keep the party alive...Stevie Wonder can see it.
The DNC has always preyed on our most ignorant and our lowest class...it's what they do, but they've taken things to a whole new level these days.
Jerry Brown Signs Automatic Voter Registration In California | HuffPost
It's no secret...had illegals not dropped millions of silver tooth anchors the Democratic Party would have died long ago.
Exactly. It’s why they vehemently oppose voter ID and why they want to grant citizenship to illegal aliens. They can’t survive clean elections by Americans only and they know it.

Oh yeah...The DNC knows exactly what they're doing and what they have to do to stay relevant....it's simple...fuck over the real American to keep the party alive...Stevie Wonder can see it.
The DNC has always preyed on our most ignorant and our lowest class...it's what they do, but they've taken things to a whole new level these days.
Jerry Brown Signs Automatic Voter Registration In California | HuffPost

The Democrats are supporting the importing of Brown Third-World peoples to replace White Republicans.

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