Would any family want a daughter no matter the age being anywhere near Trump and Jordan, Gulliani or the Speaker as an itern?

Do lefties really want to open that can 'o worms after watching creepy old Brandon sniffing and touching young girls?
Do lefties really want to open that can 'o worms after watching creepy old Brandon sniffing and touching young girls?
No one who has said these exact words many times by order of the Fascist Communist Dictatorship Women Hating GOP has put forth any hard evidence that documents the implications = so as usual they put forth nonsense and BS.
Do you think the United States is slowly becoming a police state?

  • The government's attack on private communications. We can't privately communicate over email or phone. The government is always listening. How is this for freedom!
  • Mass spying (the NSA--whose director lied about it before Congress and wasn't held accountable; read the Snowden revelations--the government spies on all of us, in direct violation of the 4th amendment). I read just today that the former NSA director joked about putting Snowden on a kill list. Lovely.
  • Attacks on the press--Glenn Greenwald may be indicted. He literally cannot return to the country because of fear of arrest. Other journalists attack him--will we find out later these folks work for the government?
  • Indefinite detention, see this New York Times piece Obama to Use Current Law to Support Detentions
  • Drone strike murders of US citizens, including children, abroad, without explanation to the families of the children,see this New York Times piece: The Drone That Killed My Grandson
  • The war on drugs (have you looked at the disparate racial impact this "war" has had on minorities in this country, to say nothing of how it has shredded our constitutional rights to privacy over the last 40+ years? we should all be outraged)
  • The drug laws are just an excuse to imprison people, especially minorities.
  • Rendition (the practice of nabbing someone, and flying them off to a foreign country where another country tortures them horrifically; this is medieval)
  • Torture (we do it ourselves)
  • Militarized police forces and agencies throughout all levels of government
  • The force feeding of prisoners in Gitmo and the California prison system
  • Illegal searches by the FBI in "national security letters"
  • Effective restriction on freedom to travel by air in the TSA
  • The government can put you on a terrorist watch list, even a no fly list, with no evidence put forth against you, and without even telling you
  • Student loan debt is not dischargeable in bankruptcy (this is permanent debt indentured servitude)
  • The FBI uses drones to conduct surveillance at home on Americans
  • Overcrowded prison
  • "The incarceration rate in the United States of America is the highest in the world today" See United States incarceration rate
  • Imprisoning people is a HUGE business in the United States
  • Prison guard unions love 3 strikes law and lobby for them
  • You make a lot as a prison guard
  • There are more federal criminal laws than anyone can actually count. Somewhere on the order of in excess of 3,000 criminal statutes.
  • We deny entry into the country of foreign critics of our mass surveillance. http://www.thelocal.de/national/20131001-52193.html
  • Horrific prosecutions of whistleblowers. See Bradley Manning.
ALEC and MAGA Authoritarian Anti American Fascist Party have destroyed the GOP name. The GOP is dead.While some are blaming the demise of the GOP on Trump alone I say nonsense the entire GOP is to blame with ALEC soldier Newt Gingrich in the spot light.

Donald Trump is a rapist, tax evader, felon, abuser of the appeal privilege, has a close relation with communism, fascism and in general appears to thrive on breaking laws. How can this man be approved as a candidate?

Would any family want a daughter no matter the age being anywhere near this man as an itern?

Trump should be in detention until all of his cases have been through the process. Simply because he is a former president should NOT allow for special privileges absolutely not.

I think keeping daughters away from politicians in general might be a good idea.
ALEC and MAGA Authoritarian Anti American Fascist Party have destroyed the GOP name. The GOP is dead.While some are blaming the demise of the GOP on Trump alone I say nonsense the entire GOP is to blame with ALEC soldier Newt Gingrich in the spot light.

Donald Trump is a rapist, tax evader, felon, abuser of the appeal privilege, has a close relation with communism, fascism and in general appears to thrive on breaking laws. How can this man be approved as a candidate?

Would any family want a daughter no matter the age being anywhere near this man as an itern?

Trump should be in detention until all of his cases have been through the process. Simply because he is a former president should NOT allow for special privileges absolutely not.
This is the sort of utter nonsense we have to put up with everyday from the lunatic fringe on the left

This person cant say anything against trump policies so all he does is bash trump character in the most outlandish terms he can think of

This is pathetic

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