Would God create a horribly designed species ?

So do we all.
That's your limited thinking, yes the physical form I am inhabiting will cease to exist but I am not that being, I cannot die. I will simply move on.
I believe that if you're trying to explain complex ideas to a child, you do it simply, using metaphors that a child can understand.

If you're trying to explain molecular biology to bronze-age people, you would use the same approach.

Even if nothing in scripture happened as written, it doesn't disprove a divine plan.
We are all Interlopers into this physical world, once you understand that it explains a lot.
A real God would not be obligated to comply with your tiny-minded notions of what He must be. Especially not the notions of one who has willfully rejected Him.
If God is all things at all times, everywhere at once, hearing all prayers all the time, seeing all things in all people everywhere and decides all things then all notions all living things would ever have would never go unnoticed by God.
Biologically speaking, something we share with every carbon-based life form in the universe.
That's what I'm trying to tell you, you perceive yourself as the physical being your inhabiting. Unfortunately this is the common belief among almost everyone visiting here.
If God is all things at all times, everywhere at once, hearing all prayers all the time, seeing all things in all people everywhere and decides all things then all notions all living things would ever have would never go unnoticed by God.
If that makes sense to you go with it.
Citation required.
You want proof, sorry I know what I know but I can't prove it. What people call spirits are actually electromagnetic beings from a parallel universe. This is just one of the fourteen worlds that we have access to. In this world what you call human beings are the only animals we can coexist in.
They do reproduce before they prematurely die in their own poisons.

Your issue isnt with God or the design of life forms. Your issue is not loving life. You got that Secular Humanist depression about how futile life is and human judgements define all of reality.

Get out on woody trail -- Go watch fawns have a "play date". Commune with a banana slug. Get over all that "human centric" shit.. Go learn how EVERY form of life on Earth is connected.

BTW: the MOST ELEGANT car design really requires the proper driver. The body and engine aren't the PURPOSE of the vehicle.

LOL... :poke:
Your issue isnt with God or the design of life forms. Your issue is not loving life. You got that Secular Humanist depression about how futile life is and human judgements define all of reality.

Get out on woody trail -- Go watch fawns have a "play date". Commune with a banana slug. Get over all that "human centric" shit.. Go learn how EVERY form of life on Earth is connected.

BTW: the MOST ELEGANT car design really requires the proper driver. The body and engine aren't the PURPOSE of the vehicle.

LOL... :poke:
I'm a big nature buff, this world is exceptional in that.
Would God create a horribly designed species ? Does God make mistakes ? Mites, they're only live a couple weeks because they have no anus. They eat and eat until they fill up with feces. Then they die. So much for intelligent design. What about all the species that died out ? Were they mistakes too ? Did God have to try and try again until he got it right ? I guess he's not all powerful and all knowing then.
Gosh. Good question. Have to wondered why you were born? You reek of defectiveness and are a waste of air.
Would God create a horribly designed species ? Does God make mistakes ? Mites, they're only live a couple weeks because they have no anus. They eat and eat until they fill up with feces. Then they die. So much for intelligent design. What about all the species that died out ? Were they mistakes too ? Did God have to try and try again until he got it right ? I guess he's not all powerful and all knowing then.
How did the "evolve" with no anus?
How did the "evolve" with no anus?

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About the Mites That Eat, Crawl and Have Sex on Your Face​

Read at your own risk.​

Not Exactly Rocket ScienceBy Ed YongAug 31, 2012 8:59 AM

Face Mites - Nutting 1976



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New Scientist published a story yesterday stating that rosacea — a common skin disease characterized by red blotches on one’s face — may be “caused” (more on this later) by “tiny bugs closely related to spiders living in the pores of your face.” Tiny bugs that “crawl about your face in the dark,” lay eggs in your pores, and release a burst of feces when they die.
This is the terrifying world of the Demodex mite. And by “terrifying world,” I mean your face. For anyone who wants to know more, and who isn’t currently clawing at their cheeks or bleaching their head (health tip: don’t), here’s everything you never wanted to know about your face-mites.

Everyone has them.
Look at it this way. If you were God, what would be interesting to you? To carefully design a species to your exact specifications? Boring! How about create life and design it to be adaptable to literally anything and everything. Then sit back and watch the show.
If'n I was God, the water would have never subsided

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