Would 'Gun Control' Reduce Murder?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Well, well, well.....we just got the answer.
And, from Harvard, no less.

1. " A study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy this spring calls into question the conventional wisdom behind arguments for more strict gun control. Namely, the idea that fewer guns would equal less deadly violence.

2. Will a Harvard man listen to Harvard research?

Probably not, if the Harvard man is Barack Obama, and what Harvard’s saying flies in the face of liberal pieties – and misconceptions and lies – about gun ownership, gun violence and gun control...

3 .Like the recently reported CDC study about gun violence Obama commissioned himself, the message to gun grabbers is clear:

They’re wrong.

4. A Harvard study released in the spring .... focused on the prevalence of gun ownership in the United States versus those strict gun-control countries in Europe the left is so fond of talking about.

5. Looking at historical patterns in the United States from the colonial and post-colonial days, and in Europe going back to the time before guns were even invented, ...a clear conclusion:

“Nations with higher gun ownership rates … do not have higher murder or suicide rates than those with lower gun ownership…”

a. Russia. Under communist rule, the former Soviet union was largely disarmed by the government for the better part of a century, has a homicide rate four times higher than the U.S.

6. .... if guns aren’t the true source of the problem, we’d best be honest and open about that, so we can better focus on finding real solutions.

7. ... solutions have much more to do with reversing the breakdown of the two-parent family, and our culture’s wide-armed embrace of moral relativism."
Harvard Study: Banning Guns Would Not Reduce Murder

8. "Heavily armed Norwegians, where gun ownership is highest in Western Europe, have the continent’s lowest homicide rate, researchers Don Kates and Gary Mauser wrote.

9. In the United States, homicide rates were relatively low, despite periods when firearms were widely available – the colonial era, when Americans were the world’s most heavily armed population, the post-Civil War years, when the country was awash in surplus guns and filled with men trained to use them.

10. And today?

Communities where gun-ownership rates are highest are where the homicide rates are lowest,...."
Harvard study proves gun-grabbers? argument dead wrong - BizPac Review

How often are Liberals going to be proven wrong, and conservatives correct, before folks on the Left learn???

Avagadro's number comes to mind.....
gun control has yet to be able to show results better than no gun control. In the whole gun control argument, that is the one truth that can not be disputed.
gun control has yet to be able to show results better than no gun control. In the whole gun control argument, that is the one truth that can not be disputed.

The Left will dispute it ad infinitum.

Know why?

'Cause for them, mythology is the key to power.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
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gun control has yet to be able to show results better than no gun control. In the whole gun control argument, that is the one truth that can not be disputed.

The Left will dispute it ad infinitum.

Know why?

'Cause for them, mythology is the key to power.

Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the left runs around screaming the UK has low gun death rates. well the UK had low gun death rates before their gun laws. Same with Japan, Same with Germany. Same with all of them. gun control laws have not decrease gun deaths by a rate any faster than what the USA has achieved since it eliminated clintons assault weapons ban.
People always have murdered other people
People always will murder other people

The question is, " Do you want to be defenseless when someone decides to murder you?"
People always have murdered other people
People always will murder other people

The question is, " Do you want to be defenseless when someone decides to murder you?"

JoeB wants you to be defenseless, unless you are a government agent.
The key is not having the populace or victim base armed less than the criminal base... murders, assaults, battery, etc will always happen.. and we live in a violent society.. removing guns from the law abiding will not change this
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Considering we have more people its not suprising.

Adjust for population and your 15 to 1 ratio turns into a 3 to 1 ratio.

Much, Much different.

(Based on a US pop of 311M vs a UK pop of 62M)
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Differences in culture... funny how homicides still happen without gins and it has been shown that violent crime increases when the populace has lesser means to protect themselves
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Considering we have more people its not suprising.

Adjust for population and your 15 to 1 ratio turns into a 3 to 1 ratio.

Much, Much different.

(Based on a US pop of 311M vs a UK pop of 62M)

Obviously they're doing something right and we're doing something wrong; unless you don't value those other 2 people's lives.... :dunno:
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Differences in culture... funny how homicides still happen without gins and it has been shown that violent crime increases when the populace has lesser means to protect themselves

What is different?
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Considering we have more people its not suprising.

Adjust for population and your 15 to 1 ratio turns into a 3 to 1 ratio.

Much, Much different.

(Based on a US pop of 311M vs a UK pop of 62M)

Obviously they're doing something right and we're doing something wrong; unless you don't value those other 2 people's lives.... :dunno:

Eliminating my ability to own a firearm does nothing to help the other two theoretical dead people, and makes me more likely to be a victim because the yobs will then know I am unarmed and easier to take on.
In 2007, we had 15,000 homicides and the UK had less than 1,000. Obviously they are doing something right and we're doing something wrong.

Differences in culture... funny how homicides still happen without gins and it has been shown that violent crime increases when the populace has lesser means to protect themselves

What is different?

We are a culture bred in violence, harder times, etc..... we simply are different cultures...

And someone going to harm someone will do it with a knife, a gun, a crossbow, a car, a bomb, or whatever else they can get their hands on.. and it will succeed more frequently when the target is not allowed to be as well armed as the assailant
bolt or lever action for all firearms with non detachable magazines ... would reduce the violence and casualties in all instances.
bolt or lever action for all firearms with non detachable magazines ... would reduce the violence and casualties in all instances.

Yes.. because we never had murder in old times, especially where those kinds of firearms were prevalent in the old west


And when the perp has the magazine and the semi auto or full auto and the victim is lesser armed, it is SO much better


Differences in culture... funny how homicides still happen without gins and it has been shown that violent crime increases when the populace has lesser means to protect themselves

What is different?

We are a culture bred in violence, harder times, etc..... we simply are different cultures...
I wasn't bred in violence. We wern't rich growing up but we were not burning furniture to stay warm.

Nobody I know did that growing up. I would wager you didn't know anyone (or a very few anyway) who did any such thing.

And someone going to harm someone will do it with a knife, a gun, a crossbow, a car, a bomb, or whatever else they can get their hands on.. and it will succeed more frequently when the target is not allowed to be as well armed as the assailant

Weak argument. Never bring a car to a crossbow fight I guess.

You're full of shit.

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