Would Iran be in it's position to dominate the ME if the US had not attacked Iraq?

Stupidest war ever, and Maliki the disaster was Bush's boy. EVERYTHING Bush did was a carastrophe. The world depression also keeps ISIS going...joining is a great career. Thanks GOP. And they keep fecking up the world. MORONS.
No, Obama's stupidity keeps ISIS going. As a matter of fact, what Obama referred to as a JV team has made advances in Iraq and Syria, and has spread to other countries on Obama's watch.

And people don't join ISIS for a paycheck, you idiot.
The hell they don't, dumbass. And NOBODY thought ISIS was a threat when Obama said that, brainwashed functional moron.

Sounds like you just admitted ISIS is growing on Obama's watch. Are so dumb that you can't see the connection? Or do you just think Incompetence is the norm?

And people join ISIS because they want to be terrorists, you dumb twit.
Yup, the Bush administration sure done fucked up the ME.

Netanyahu claiming nothing but "positive ripples" of taking Saddam out never proved to be true.

The neo-cons actually helped Iran by going into Iraq. It's why we can't take anything they now say about Iran seriously because it's been proven how far out to lunch they all were in their predictions more than 10 years ago.
Would Iran be in a position to dominate the ME if Obama had not left the Iranian rebels to die without lifting a finger when he had the opportunity? Lets ask more current questions shall we.
Iran would not be in a position to dominate the middle east if obama hadn't helped whether or not there was an Iraq.
And now he's setting Iran up to get nukes. Wonder if the Libs will try to blame that idiot move by Obama on Bush when a nuclear war starts?
Change the channel, hater dupe, lol. Just the opposite. Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2400 years, and have the youngest, best educated population in the ME. Stop demonizing them and the moderates will get in...
Would Iran be in a position to dominate the ME if Obama had not left the Iranian rebels to die without lifting a finger when he had the opportunity? Lets ask more current questions shall we.
Like Obama's stupidity is all Bush's fault?

The Moon bats can't see the forest for the trees.

Sounds like you just admitted ISIS is growing on Obama's watch. Are so dumb that you can't see the connection? Or do you just think Incompetence is the norm?

And people join ISIS because they want to be terrorists, you dumb twit.
When UE for young men is 80%, they join ISIS and the Taliban to get some money. ISIS grew under Maliki's anti-Sunni govt. Bush's stupid a-hole.
Would Iran be in a position to dominate the ME if Obama had not left the Iranian rebels to die without lifting a finger when he had the opportunity? Lets ask more current questions shall we.
Like Obama's stupidity is all Bush's fault?

The Moon bats can't see the forest for the trees.
View attachment 38661
Very few died, and the last thing we need is another gd chicken hawk Pub catastrophe of a war. Let the ME figure out that fundie terrorist are THEIR horror to deal with. You Pub dupes have no shame or knowledge or you'd stfu for 20 years...lol.
Change the channel, hater dupe, lol. Just the opposite. Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 2400 years, and have the youngest, best educated population in the ME. Stop demonizing them and the moderates will get in...
Put down the crack pipe

Iran is the leading exporter of terrorism in the world today. And their minions have taken over Obama's rousing success in Yemen while Iran is threatening Saudi Arabia for trying to stop them.

You must be the most brain-dead fucker on the planet to make the statement you just made.
That's right. The US changed the balance of power. The US meddled. And look what happened. I'll bet I get very few honest answers from the right on this one!
Cowboy Ted

We can't afford to let Iran have nukes, either. And apparently a lot of Democrats in Congress agree, don't they?
Its not up to you. The fact that you think it is is amazing stupidity on your part. The US WILL LEARN they don't get to dictate who and who can not have weapons.
Not with a weak dick as leader...
lol..he associates erections with wise leadership

No wonder the Democrats don't want a voter ID law. You can't find the DMV when you're too dumb to find your own ass.
Cowboy Ted

We can't afford to let Iran have nukes, either. And apparently a lot of Democrats in Congress agree, don't they?
Its not up to you. The fact that you think it is is amazing stupidity on your part. The US WILL LEARN they don't get to dictate who and who can not have weapons.
No it's not up to me. It will probably be up to Congress on what direction we take. Care to turn on your party, since so many Democrats in Congress happen to agree with me?
Not a democrat. I am firmly in the independent camp.
Cowboy Ted

We can't afford to let Iran have nukes, either. And apparently a lot of Democrats in Congress agree, don't they?
Its not up to you. The fact that you think it is is amazing stupidity on your part. The US WILL LEARN they don't get to dictate who and who can not have weapons.
Not with a weak dick as leader...
Get mad...weak to you only because he won't get more American soldiers killed in a war we have nothing to do with and no reason to join.
There is a way to win the war and not use US troops. Strategic patience is not that way. Leadership and a plan...and listening to reform leaders would help.
Giving money to terrorists is a lot different from nuking someone. Saudis sponsor ISIS. Maybe they're all learning now that's stupid. At any rate, keep US troops out of the GD ME, GOP chicken hawk morons. You jerks started all the crap back with Reagan and his pal Saddam..., Nixon and the Shah and Savak, Dulles knocking over Mossedeh in '53. Glad I could give you some actual facts....The GOP eats shytte lol, always has- AND their Silent Majority dupes, now the biggest loudmouth dupes in the modern world.
Masters in World History, fluent in 3 languages...You, hater dupe? LOL Masters in Brainwashed Propaganda?

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