Would Jeb Bush Be A Good President?


Sep 13, 2014
What do you think? Can he succeed like George W.? I think he isn't conservative like George W.
I think anybody who wants another Bush or Clinton in the White House should be beaten with a metal bat. We didn't overthrow a monarchy over 200 years ago just to start electing one.
No! We want Romney!
We know you do, you like picking losers.

To answer the OP, I'm sure he could be, just as Obama could have been but chose to sell out all the people that supported him. The real issue is there is what, 325 million Americans, why do we need the Bush's and Clinton's as our only options? Is name recognition the only thing either party has to offer anymore?
Come on liberals vote for Jeb, you know you want the next generation to able to blame Bush too. Plus we can get that buggy-eyed dude back looking at chads.
I doubt if he'd be another Reagan, but compared to what else I've seen, I'd say yes, he'd be a decent president. I like the fact that he is white.
Jeb Bush was a great Governor down here in Florida and he ain't his brother. I don't equate one with the other like some do. He's his own man.

I'd vote for for him.
No. The last thing this country needs is Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton. Two NWO Globalist Elite assholes. Jeb Bush is not a real Conservative. He's a fraud just like his brother. But the Neocon sheep will support him anyway. And then they'll whine for years about how he screwed them by granting Amnesty and taking their guns away. Bush and Clinton are pure evil. This Nation has to go in a different direction.
Too many variables into being a "good" or "bad" President. He has the ability to be a good one though. He is the most electable of all the GOP contenders right now however.
Would he be good? Probably better than average and far better than the ass we have now. Will I support him in the primaries? Nope. Would I vote for him against hillary? You're damned straight, I would.
I doubt if he'd be another Reagan, but compared to what else I've seen, I'd say yes, he'd be a decent president. I like the fact that he is white.

Look, a liberal pretending to be a conservative while spouting racist crap. Gotta make the right seem racist one way or another, even if that means making it up and doing it yourself.
No dynastic politics for me, please.

and that includes Paul, son of Paul.
How is Rand a dynasty of Ron in terms of being President? I agree with the first part of your post but the second seems illogical and ignorant to me.
Just the mere suggestion that a Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, or Obama should be elected AGAIN demonstrates the abysmal status of the Executive Branch.
What do you think? Can he succeed like George W.? I think he isn't conservative like George W.
Two reasons why I can't vote for Jeb Bush:

1. He's a NEOCON of the first order.
2. He stole millions and millions from people back in the 80s in South Florida when he was involved in the Savings and Loan scandal of South Florida. Thousands if people lost their life's savings and Jeb Bush walked away with a fortune. Nothing happened to him because his daddy was President.

If the GOP is stupid enough to give him the nomination, this country is even more fucked up than I thought it was.
Just the mere suggestion that a Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, or Obama should be elected AGAIN demonstrates the abysmal status of the Executive Branch.

It would mean that voters are idiots who are incapable of learning from mistakes.

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