Would Ted Cruz have beaten Hillary?

If Ted Cruz would have gotten nomination, would he have won!

  • Yes he would have, as Hillary was weak enough to lose to any Republican

  • No he would not, Hillary would have slammed him, even under the same circumstances that elected Trum

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Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
This is a poll; a poll on this site that is pertinent, especially for conservative Republicans.

So much about Trump in the media is innuendo, fabrications, mixed in with some truths.

The point is, looking back, could we have avoided all of this IF we had nominated Ted Cruz?

We can only nominate someone who would/could win! Was Trump the only person that could have done it that ran in the primary?

I am 100% positive that no matter who ran under the Republican banner, that if they won, the Leftists would still be foaming at the mouth. But that is NOT the point! They both wanted a barrier on the Southern border, they both wanted tax reform, they both wanted almost a mirror of each other. Difference is------->Cruz would probably had less headwinds than Trump, by faaaaaaaaar. (in fairness, David Duke might have had less headwinds)

And so, I ask you to vote on this. It is pertinent for 2020, it really is! Does it take someone like Trump, and outsider, to galvanize people, or can an establishment conservative who basically stands for the same thing do it!
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It was an outsider that beat Clinton...Cruz lost that tag when he became a senator...
It is starting to appear that Cruz wouldn't have been any worse.

I doubt Russia would have backed him nearly as much as Trump...So who knows
Russia didn't back Trump...get over it already...if anyone..it was Hillary Putin knew he could fool....we all knew it...
Yup. Cruz would have beaten Hillary easily. Probably would have had more popular votes too.
Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.
"On Election Night, when the unexpected trend , Trump might actually win, seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears—and not of joy." - the article

"Another good one. Anyone who knows me or follows me knows that's about as far from something I would say or how I speak as possible... What a joke." - Don Jr

It was an outsider that beat Clinton...Cruz lost that tag when he became a senator...

If he worked the Electoral College as did Trump, yes.

Interesting differences of opinion on that. I myself am not sure. I am convinced that Trump got more blue collar workers than Cruz could. By the same token, I also believe that Cruz would have gotten more regular Republican votes.

The real question is Penn. Could Cruz have carried Penn! He would never have carried Michigan, but Penn was the key!
Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.

True. She just wasn't meant to be the "First President with a vagina". America had its fill of identity politics and electing a President on the basis of race or gender.

We just don't need two Affirmative Action Presidents in a row because the first one didn't go like it should have.
Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.

True. She just wasn't meant to be the "First President with a vagina". America had its fill of identity politics and electing a President on the basis of race or gender.

We just don't need two Affirmative Action Presidents in a row because the first one didn't go like it should have.
Most people were able to see through her BS. They know she’s nothing more than a lying POS focused on her best interest.
This is a poll; a poll on this site that is pertinent, especially for conservative Republicans.

So much about Trump in the media is innuendo, fabrications, mixed in with some truths.

The point is, looking back, could we have avoided all of this IF we had nominated Ted Cruz?

We can only nominate someone who would/could win! Was Trump the only person that could have done it that ran in the primary?

I am 100% positive that no matter who ran under the Republican banner, that if they won, the Leftists would still be foaming at the mouth. But that is NOT the point! They both wanted a barrier on the Southern border, they both wanted tax reform, they both wanted almost a mirror of each other. Difference is------->Cruz would probably had less headwinds than Trump, by faaaaaaaaar. (in fairness, David Duke might have had less headwinds)

And so, I ask you to vote on this. It is pertinent for 2020, it really is! Does it take someone like Trump, and outsider, to galvanize people, or can an establishment conservative who basically stands for the same thing do it!

Hillary would have rolled out her endless barrage of false rape accusers.

The guy would have caved into a corner before the election even started.
Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.

True. She just wasn't meant to be the "First President with a vagina". America had its fill of identity politics and electing a President on the basis of race or gender.

We just don't need two Affirmative Action Presidents in a row because the first one didn't go like it should have.

Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.

True. She just wasn't meant to be the "First President with a vagina". America had its fill of identity politics and electing a President on the basis of race or gender.

We just don't need two Affirmative Action Presidents in a row because the first one didn't go like it should have.
Most people were able to see through her BS. They know she’s nothing more than a lying POS focused on her best interest.

You know, a little off my own topic but------------>

People expect Presidents to be squeaky clean.

As we look back through the history of the last 75 years or so, we must all draw the conclusion that for the most part; that should NOT be part of the criteria.

Look at Kennedy, Clinton, and Johnson.............not to mention, Nixon and FDR. I am sure I missed a few of the Presidents who were, shall we say; a little colored by being sneaky.

And yet, some of these Presidents are considered our best in modern times.

So what has changed?

MORE MEDIA! They can't do anything in their past or present, or they are slammed incessantly. It used to be that------> the Whitehouse press pool, kept its' mouth shut. That is how Kennedy and Johnson got away with everything they did. Clinton did not have that luxury, now did he! Not that is right or wrong, but back in the day, we never would have heard about Monica or the rest of them.

Point is, it takes a narcissist to even run for President, don't you think? Leader of the free world, most powerful person on the planet, and you have to think you have the best solutions besides that.

We have to realize, we have removed some of our most gifted citizens from consideration for any office, if we keep disqualifying them by what they do that is not illegal, but might be considered, tawdry. If we continue on this path, our only people willing to run will be---------> nuns, Priests, Rabbis', and virgins.

I would ask each and every one of you, how good are YOUR ideas? Then why aren't you trying to get elected to something?

Oh, you mean because of your affair, or you cheated for 50 bucks on your taxes, or because you have been married 3 times. You don't want your dirty laundry exposed, and that will force you to lose, wouldn't it!

See what I mean, and people wonder why the same politicians keep getting elected. Why? Because they have that secret fund to pay off accusers, lol. Bet if you could access that fund and make your indescretions; whatever they may go away, you could probably get elected too!
Lyin Ted would have easily defeated Crooked Hillary

This is a poll; a poll on this site that is pertinent, especially for conservative Republicans.

So much about Trump in the media is innuendo, fabrications, mixed in with some truths.

The point is, looking back, could we have avoided all of this IF we had nominated Ted Cruz?

We can only nominate someone who would/could win! Was Trump the only person that could have done it that ran in the primary?

I am 100% positive that no matter who ran under the Republican banner, that if they won, the Leftists would still be foaming at the mouth. But that is NOT the point! They both wanted a barrier on the Southern border, they both wanted tax reform, they both wanted almost a mirror of each other. Difference is------->Cruz would probably had less headwinds than Trump, by faaaaaaaaar. (in fairness, David Duke might have had less headwinds)

And so, I ask you to vote on this. It is pertinent for 2020, it really is! Does it take someone like Trump, and outsider, to galvanize people, or can an establishment conservative who basically stands for the same thing do it!

Hillary would have rolled out her endless barrage of false rape accusers.

The guy would have caved into a corner before the election even started.

Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.
Hell, even Sonny Clark could have beaten the hag.

Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.
Hell, even Sonny Clark could have beaten the hag.
Thanks. Yes, I believe that I could've.

Well all I know is-----------> Sonny Clark, Ted Cruz, or Donaldus Magnamus, it all meant the same thing------------->

Lyin Ted would have easily defeated Crooked Hillary

This is a poll; a poll on this site that is pertinent, especially for conservative Republicans.

So much about Trump in the media is innuendo, fabrications, mixed in with some truths.

The point is, looking back, could we have avoided all of this IF we had nominated Ted Cruz?

We can only nominate someone who would/could win! Was Trump the only person that could have done it that ran in the primary?

I am 100% positive that no matter who ran under the Republican banner, that if they won, the Leftists would still be foaming at the mouth. But that is NOT the point! They both wanted a barrier on the Southern border, they both wanted tax reform, they both wanted almost a mirror of each other. Difference is------->Cruz would probably had less headwinds than Trump, by faaaaaaaaar. (in fairness, David Duke might have had less headwinds)

And so, I ask you to vote on this. It is pertinent for 2020, it really is! Does it take someone like Trump, and outsider, to galvanize people, or can an establishment conservative who basically stands for the same thing do it!

Hillary would have rolled out her endless barrage of false rape accusers.

The guy would have caved into a corner before the election even started.

Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.
Hell, even Sonny Clark could have beaten the hag.

Hillary is an idiot who ran the best campaign she could. Anyone could have beat her.
Hell, even Sonny Clark could have beaten the hag.
Thanks. Yes, I believe that I could've.

Well all I know is-----------> Sonny Clark, Ted Cruz, or Donaldus Magnamus, it all meant the same thing------------->

This is a poll; a poll on this site that is pertinent, especially for conservative Republicans.

So much about Trump in the media is innuendo, fabrications, mixed in with some truths.

The point is, looking back, could we have avoided all of this IF we had nominated Ted Cruz?

We can only nominate someone who would/could win! Was Trump the only person that could have done it that ran in the primary?

I am 100% positive that no matter who ran under the Republican banner, that if they won, the Leftists would still be foaming at the mouth. But that is NOT the point! They both wanted a barrier on the Southern border, they both wanted tax reform, they both wanted almost a mirror of each other. Difference is------->Cruz would probably had less headwinds than Trump, by faaaaaaaaar. (in fairness, David Duke might have had less headwinds)

And so, I ask you to vote on this. It is pertinent for 2020, it really is! Does it take someone like Trump, and outsider, to galvanize people, or can an establishment conservative who basically stands for the same thing do it!
Anybody know what Cruz’s ties to Russia are? Can’t really answer the question until we know that.

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