Would the country be better off today if Romney had won?

one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
yea, you are probably right Mud, FOX would find something to rile their customers....
No. Being even more short of revenue, while also bogged down in a quagmire in the Crimea would not make us better off.
I wouldn't know. I voted for Romney and I would do it again. I never thought of Romney as the "lesser" of anything. I just don't see how a Romney presidency would have looked any better than the idiot we are saddled with now. He could have gotten little to nothing passed in Congress.

Damned shame, but there you go.

I can see this p.o.v. But sometimes it's understated how much power the president has to set the national narrative.

I'll give you that in a heartbeat. I remember Ronny Reagan's speeches to America quite well. That man ALWAYS made me proud to be an American. Obama? Screw that faculty lounge communist.

I could'a been just as proud without my taxes being raised 11 times, running our debt sky high, his corruption and lying and turning us into a debtor nation. And running the nation according to advice of an astrologist.

I'm plenty proud these days ... I've regained the money I lost under the Bush regime but of course, I would have been a lot better off if he hadn't taken it in the first place.

What you're saying you're proud of is his speech writers.

This thread is dedicated to those on the right who stayed home or voted third party in 2008. Obama's second term is your fault. Voting the lesser of two evils --------------- is the RIGHT thing to do, every time.

My Wife and I were talking the other night about what to do if, God forbid, we have a Clinton vs Bush matchup in 2016.

This is quite a conundrum for me. I DESPISE that broad and I DESPISE the thought of another Bush in office. Additionally, the thought of yet another member of a "Royal Family" being elected turns my stomach.

This will probably come as a surprise to many here, but we are NOT England.....if THIS is the best this country has to offer, it just might be time to give up voting.

Vote third party.

that will help elect hillary clinton. FACT.
This thread is dedicated to those on the right who stayed home or voted third party in 2008. Obama's second term is your fault. Voting the lesser of two evils --------------- is the RIGHT thing to do, every time.

My Wife and I were talking the other night about what to do if, God forbid, we have a Clinton vs Bush matchup in 2016.

This is quite a conundrum for me. I DESPISE that broad and I DESPISE the thought of another Bush in office. Additionally, the thought of yet another member of a "Royal Family" being elected turns my stomach.

This will probably come as a surprise to many here, but we are NOT England.....if THIS is the best this country has to offer, it just might be time to give up voting.

Vote third party.

that will help elect hillary clinton. FACT.

If it comes down to that, I will hold my nose and vote for that asshole Bush. But make no mistake - this country is getting NOTHING for their vote.

Its not important that he would finish the job his brother started.

What's really important is that you not think for yourself. Just vote for whichever Clown Car Fascist has that R in back of his name.

My, are the 'Conservatives' getting scared. Look at the comparison between Obama and Bush. Obama inherited an economy headed straight down. Market in a nosedive, over 500,000 jobs a month going south, property values dropping like a rock, people being moved out of their homes into the street. Now we have the Dow in record territory, unemployment at only 5.4%, and property prices back at a reasonable level. At least most homeowners are now above water.

As for the rest of your complaints, most of them really boil down to a Black man in the White House. You just are not as out of the closet on it as Stevey Mc.
one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
yea, you are probably right Mud, FOX would find something to rile their customers....
Smart business people know how to turn a profit. Rush, Fox News etc... their liberal counterparts? Air America, MSNBC etc... not so much.
This thread is dedicated to those on the right who stayed home or voted third party in 2008. Obama's second term is your fault. Voting the lesser of two evils --------------- is the RIGHT thing to do, every time.

My Wife and I were talking the other night about what to do if, God forbid, we have a Clinton vs Bush matchup in 2016.

This is quite a conundrum for me. I DESPISE that broad and I DESPISE the thought of another Bush in office. Additionally, the thought of yet another member of a "Royal Family" being elected turns my stomach.

This will probably come as a surprise to many here, but we are NOT England.....if THIS is the best this country has to offer, it just might be time to give up voting.

Vote third party.

that will help elect hillary clinton. FACT.
This thread is dedicated to those on the right who stayed home or voted third party in 2008. Obama's second term is your fault. Voting the lesser of two evils --------------- is the RIGHT thing to do, every time.

My Wife and I were talking the other night about what to do if, God forbid, we have a Clinton vs Bush matchup in 2016.

This is quite a conundrum for me. I DESPISE that broad and I DESPISE the thought of another Bush in office. Additionally, the thought of yet another member of a "Royal Family" being elected turns my stomach.

This will probably come as a surprise to many here, but we are NOT England.....if THIS is the best this country has to offer, it just might be time to give up voting.

Vote third party.

that will help elect hillary clinton. FACT.

If it comes down to that, I will hold my nose and vote for that asshole Bush. But make no mistake - this country is getting NOTHING for their vote.

Its not important that he would finish the job his brother started.

What's really important is that you not think for yourself. Just vote for whichever Clown Car Fascist has that R in back of his name.


Lemme guess... you'd vote for that old gasbag Hillary though, right?

My, are the 'Conservatives' getting scared. Look at the comparison between Obama and Bush. Obama inherited an economy headed straight down. Market in a nosedive, over 500,000 jobs a month going south, property values dropping like a rock, people being moved out of their homes into the street. Now we have the Dow in record territory, unemployment at only 5.4%, and property prices back at a reasonable level. At least most homeowners are now above water.

As for the rest of your complaints, most of them really boil down to a Black man in the White House. You just are not as out of the closet on it as Stevey Mc.

Good grief,another MSNBC troll
My, are the 'Conservatives' getting scared. Look at the comparison between Obama and Bush. Obama inherited an economy headed straight down. Market in a nosedive, over 500,000 jobs a month going south, property values dropping like a rock, people being moved out of their homes into the street. Now we have the Dow in record territory, unemployment at only 5.4%, and property prices back at a reasonable level. At least most homeowners are now above water.

As for the rest of your complaints, most of them really boil down to a Black man in the White House. You just are not as out of the closet on it as Stevey Mc.
All of that shit would and much of it did FIX ITSELF as a natural reaction to hitting bottom.
one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
yea, you are probably right Mud, FOX would find something to rile their customers....
Smart business people know how to turn a profit. Rush, Fox News etc... their liberal counterparts? Air America, MSNBC etc... not so much.

Liberals see success as tearing things down. They never try to promote, only tear things down. It's a gutless ideology that only seeks to take things from the achievers.
one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
yea, you are probably right Mud, FOX would find something to rile their customers....
Smart business people know how to turn a profit. Rush, Fox News etc... their liberal counterparts? Air America, MSNBC etc... not so much.

LOL Chicago down rated to junk on bonds and the next day Chicago schools downgraded to.....JUNK. Way to go democrats
one thing for sure....FOX News rating would be in the toilet if Romney won.....

How oh How would they keep your undivided interest, without a Obama? :D
Not really.......because the Demagoguery Party would be out in full force still blaming Republicans for a lack of funding.
yea, you are probably right Mud, FOX would find something to rile their customers....
Smart business people know how to turn a profit. Rush, Fox News etc... their liberal counterparts? Air America, MSNBC etc... not so much.
yep, the were not as good at lying and making mountains out of molehills and they didn't have their audience pegged, down-pat as FOX.

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