Would the Left be okay if upon their presidential loss, a Trump/Desantis sent the FBI/DOJ against "Biden Democrats"?

I have given up on trying to make sense of the distinctions that poster uses. I initially got good information out of their posts, but they have wandered into territory that I don't think they can explain in useful terms.
I'm sorry to hear this.

Liberals are basically zombie conservatives, and are a HUGE political group which cannot think clearly individually or collectively.

The left is a TINY group which generally CAN think clearly.

Liberals like to believe they're the left in the same way that 50 year old dudes like to think they look like they did when they were in college.

An example of the ENORMOUS error conservatives make in confusing liberals (Nazis) with the left (Jews) is that it was in fact the slicing of leftist throats by Democrats in swing states that brought about Biden's election in 2020.

The left HATES Democrats/liberals in the same way that the Jews hate the Nazis.

And vice versa.

The two groups could not be more diametrically opposed to one another.

Conservatives could align with the left - with which they have FAR more in common than they seem to grasp - to defeat the Democrats.

But they insist on scapegoating the left (Jews) as liberals (Nazis).

This is a losing strategy.

Hope this helps clarify things for you. :)
I'm sorry to hear this.

Liberals are basically zombie conservatives, and are a HUGE political group which cannot think clearly individually or collectively.

The left is a TINY group which generally CAN think clearly.

Liberals like to believe they're the left in the same way that 50 year old dudes like to think they look like they did when they were in college.

An example of the ENORMOUS error conservatives make in confusing liberals (Nazis) with the left (Jews) is that it was in fact the slicing of leftist throats by Democrats in swing states that brought about Biden's election in 2020.

The left HATES Democrats/liberals in the same way that the Jews hate the Nazis.

And vice versa.

The two groups could not be more diametrically opposed to one another.

Conservatives could align with the left - with which they have FAR more in common than they seem to grasp - to defeat the Democrats.

But they insist on scapegoating the left (Jews) as liberals (Nazis).

This is a losing strategy.

Hope this helps clarify things for you. :)
You seem to be just repeating talking points over and over.

I'm done.
Modern leftists are MARXISTS,
Some modern leftists may be Marxists, yes.
not conservatives!
Yes - as I said, LIBERALS are deranged/zombie conservatives.

The left is the left, and the left DESPISES liberals as much as liberals despise the left.
Fuck your stupid semantics! :eusa_hand:
You fuck yourself and everything you might achieve by your failre to understand that confusing the left with liberals is like believing the Nazis were Jewish.
You seem to be just repeating talking points over and over.

I'm done.
You seem not to grasp this crucial and simple fact no matter how often I explain it:

Confusing the left with liberals is like believing Jews are Nazis.

Conservatives like Tucker Carlson get it, and embrace the actual left.

I'm sorry you don't understand this, but hope someday you do, as it's CRUCIAL to the survival of conservatives.

You MUST align with the left against liberals/Democrats, or you're doomed.
The problem for Conservatives is that they value the institutions upon which the country was built, and don't often, or at least attempt to not, abuse them.

The left will gladly abuse them to gain power, and do so because they think it's too dangerous not to, because the right is supposedly that evil. I mean, to so many on the left, they were mentally scarred to believe that Trump was "literally Hitler".. so if you live under such an evil, racist, patriarchal society, it would be virtuous to a leftist to abuse power and do whatever needed to be done, regardless of the morality, to proceed.

Trump and Bannon have worked diligently to break down US institutions and traditions... And, to undermine confidence in US elections. Putin is thrilled. Do you enjoy Trump's lies and chaos?
With McCarthy and McConnell in charge we will not see karma to Progs. We will be lied too again. And then we will be forced to vote for real so-called extremists. To protect us from the Prog demonic movement. And what they will do is protect themselves and push back.
Since you seem to be the only one who understands it, we won't lose any sleep.
Carlson gets it - do you watch his show?

It's excellent, and highly recommended, though even he occasionally slips and refers to liberals/Democrats as the left.

The really fascinating thing about conservatives is that they refuse to understand how Democrats ACTUALLY stole the 2020 election.

It was by slicing the throats of leftist voters in swing states.

If the Democrats were leftists, why would they slice leftist throats, and then do NOTHING that the left actually supports?
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With McCarthy and McConnell in charge we will not see karma to Progs. We will be lied too again. And then we will be forced to vote for real so-called extremists. To protect us from the Prog demonic movement. And what they will do is protect themselves and push back.
I fear you're correct.

The real sign that Republicans are serious will be if they find a way to defund the 87k IRS army.

If they don't do that, they might as well be Democrats in name as well as deed, or rather lack of deed.
It is authoritarian overreach.

See this is what's so fucked up about partisans. Each justifies their own evil, by citing the (often imagined) evil acts of the other side. And it just ratchets up with every swing of the partisan blade. Each side resorting to ever greater evils to, you know, fight evil.

We're headed straight for fascism, and it's a toss up which party will push us over the edge.
Some Republicans saying "lock her up" is not fascism, it's harmless hyperbole.

The left locking up Republicans for trespassing is Fascism
Would they simply "deserve it" because they were charged, regardless of the reasons?

Or would this be labeled as some authoritarian overreach by the Left? (yes, it would).
We already know the answer to that. They claim Republicans are fighting a war against everyone and want to take democracy away. But, it's just a smokescreen to cover up the fact that we do have those who really are trying to take democracy away and it is those on the left, who are actually doing it right now as we speak. Our first amendment is under attack, our second amendment is under attack, and they are abusing their powers to round up their enemies, try them in kangaroo courts, and jail them, not to mention they want to be the fact police and control the media like Russia does. The government will decide what are facts and what is misinformation.
They tried that in 1865 and lost. If they try it again there will be blood in the streets.
Then again you know what that guy Jefferson said about the blood of tyrants.
You’re not going to do shit, boy.

You come here every day and whine like a little bitch about a “stolen” election.

What are you doing about it?


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