Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other

It’s the Chinese Virus right now

Not Trumps fault
So is it Trump's fault?

The virus, no. The response, yes.
But that's what you get when you elect an incompetent reality game show host that has absolutely no experience with government, how it functions, or what real leadership is.

You resort to campaign slogans to direct attention away from your miserable failings.
Keep spouting your political ignorance against Trump, and who knows maybe someday you'll get through to that cuddly wittle rabbit you're talking to.
Imagine if Trump had closed all the stores ,bars,restaurants 2 weeks before Christmas last year.
So you dumbasses send out talking points memos or what? How many threads will it take? Huh?

I've taken to just ignoring the Trump/Wupocalypse threads posted over and over, from the same people. It's always the same people who posted endless repetitive threads about Trump/Putin, Trump/Russia, Trump/Collusion, Trump/North Korea, Trump/Ukraine, Trump/Impeachment, and the other threads. Some of them go all the way back to the time he and Melania came down the escalator.

It doesn't even do any good to argue with them because their TDS has eaten them up so badly inside, they've literally become mindless zombies. They still can't believe that Hillary lost.
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.
The Democrats have slipped too far off the American cracker to become "allies" in anything. They can be used to support the limited common interests in current circumstances, but they cannot in their common state be welcomed back into the fold.
elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
It’s the Chinese Virus right now

Not Trumps fault
So is it Trump's fault?

The virus, no. The response, yes.
But that's what you get when you elect an incompetent reality game show host that has absolutely no experience with government, how it functions, or what real leadership is.

You resort to campaign slogans to direct attention away from your miserable failings.
The failing was caving into the pressure of "WE HAVE TO SAVE THE OLD SICK PEOPLE!!!! SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN!!!!"
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.


I'm over 70, have COPD, am morbidly obese, (happens when you can't work out), making me a prime candidate to NOT survive the virus should I come down with it.

WHo do I want to trust with my health?

Biden or Trump?

Neither, but I'd rather have Trump in charge.

(and I still don't regret not voting for him)
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.


I'm over 70, have COPD, am morbidly obese, (happens when you can't work out), making me a prime candidate to NOT survive the virus should I come down with it.

WHo do I want to trust with my health?

Biden or Trump?

Neither, but I'd rather have Trump in charge.

(and I still don't regret not voting for him)

Confusing, but sensible.
My daughter has a fever. She might die. So for fuck's sake, stop.

For what ever amount my thoughts and prayers are wortj, you have them.

That said, the odds are your daughter will beat her fever and hopefully outlive all of us. (I pray that she does, anyway)

As for the partisan crap? I think we could all live without it but its not going to stop for long. For one reason, it is a distraction for many of us. It is for me, at least.
How the stories have changed!

The idiots of the world claimed the virus was a liberal media conspiracy, an over-reaction, nothing. Trumpers even tried to blame democrats for shutting down sports. (I can bring that thread up if I need to).

Then they tried to claim Trump had it under control and had an amazing response as Trump foolishly downplayed the obvious threat of the virus.

Now as the virus is spreading rapidly like I predicted weeks ago... trumpers are claiming the "China Virus" is not Trumps fault and he did nothing wrong... And the trump crash looks to get worse and worse.

Coronavirus Cases in N.Y.C. Near 2,000 as Testing Expands: Live Updates

The only thing the GOP can do is make excuses, if the GOP could run the country as well as they could make excuses we would be in a Clinton Era Golden Age!!!

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
I don't say this to be partisan I say this to be sensible. If someone wants to criticize this post go ahead I won't reply so as to not create a continuing argument.

Don't listen to Trump or his cabinet.

Listen to local and state officials. On a federal level listen to the experts such as Dr. Fauci and the CDC. You, me, we do not have time to dick around with uninformed self important egos.

We will pull through this, protect those that have compromised health. I will do that for you, please do that for me.

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