Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other

elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
I do not remember the post. If 20 idiots agreed with you it means nothing. Tell me what the post was, and I will tell you why you and the 20 people who agreed are idiots.
The best thing to do is ignore rabid liberal wackos, especially on CNN and MSNBC. They are incapable of just reporting what’s going on, they must interject their hatred for the President. These people just want to see America burn, so there is no reason to give them the time of day.
We're in a crisis and not all of us are going to survive.

Stop the partisan bullshit.
But most of us will. And the show must go on. I'm not about to give quarter to my enemies, just because they're scared shitless over a virus.
If there is one lesson that should be learned from all this is it is outsourcing a lot of your manufacturing to another country especially one like China is a very very bad idea. We did this for decades under Republican and Democrat Presidents and now it's biting us in the ass.
Also, why in the fuck do governors always have a fucking sign-language person, invariably fat and ugly, standing next to the podium. Closed caption on a TV converts the vocals to text.
Funny, I agree. I am all for having someone sign, but why not have them off camera and shown in a little box on top of screen instead of right in front of who is talking.
Because the sign person makes the individual talking of course, appear as compassionate and thoughtful to the audience. Governers use the tactic alot it seems. Gotta get them votes.
If there is one lesson that should be learned from all this is it is outsourcing a lot of your manufacturing to another country especially one like China is a very very bad idea. We did this for decades under Republican and Democrat Presidents and now it's biting us in the ass.
True, and detuning the thing is something very sensitive, because we don't want to trigger WAR over it, and that can very easily end up being the case if we aren't careful.
The best thing to do is ignore rabid liberal wackos, especially on CNN and MSNBC. They are incapable of just reporting what’s going on, they must interject their hatred for the President. These people just want to see America burn, so there is no reason to give them the time of day.
Can't ignore them or America will burn.
elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
I do not remember the post. If 20 idiots agreed with you it means nothing. Tell me what the post was, and I will tell you why you and the 20 people who agreed are idiots.
the only idiot here is you....and you just proved you ran from the thread by saying you dont remember your post from just a few days ago...you are a pussy elmer....
I generally read the news rather than watch the news and so I haven't observed the topic of conversation here. The conduct described in the OP strikes me as the typical attempts by politicians to CYA and discourage finger pointing.
Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other over their response to the coronavirus and focus on what they will do and what we need to do to slow and contain the virus.
If I hear one more press conference where some political lackey thanks Trump for his early action closing our borders to China, I will scream. That was good but he should have been doing a lot more within the US to get ready.

Our Washington state government, all Democrats, spend every news conference with the Governor and mayors thanking and congratulating each other.

They should focus on actions not self-congratulatory bull shit.
That's all they ever do

They are sort of like actors in that sense they all have a pathological need to be told how great they are or their fragile little egos shatter
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.


I'm over 70, have COPD, am morbidly obese, (happens when you can't work out), making me a prime candidate to NOT survive the virus should I come down with it.

WHo do I want to trust with my health?

Biden or Trump?

Neither, but I'd rather have Trump in charge.

(and I still don't regret not voting for him)

So, sweetie. You need to stay home, stay away from people, wash your hands often and eat healthy!
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.


I'm over 70, have COPD, am morbidly obese, (happens when you can't work out), making me a prime candidate to NOT survive the virus should I come down with it.

WHo do I want to trust with my health?

Biden or Trump?

Neither, but I'd rather have Trump in charge.

(and I still don't regret not voting for him)

So, sweetie. You need to stay home, stay away from people, wash your hands often and eat healthy!

My wife is making sure of that.

She won't even let me bring in the mail.

hmmm, I wonder if microwaving the mail for about 30-45 secs would kill any virus on it?
The time for patting yourselves and others on back is not now, politicians

I can't speak to Pols in Wash. St., but the dog and pony shows at the White House are dishonest and sometimes damaging.

Pence looks like a marinate, and someone is pulling the strings for him to nod his head in praise of trump. He's a walking dildo pleasing trump and a huge embarrassment.

Others I can't name are as obsequiouos as Pence, at least when the camera is on them; I suspect some of them paste a smile on their face and inside can't believe how dumb the donald is.
It's so sad and pathetic that the truth of the matter is that it's the President that needs to get this message the most.

The rot begins at the top.


I'm over 70, have COPD, am morbidly obese, (happens when you can't work out), making me a prime candidate to NOT survive the virus should I come down with it.

WHo do I want to trust with my health?

Biden or Trump?

Neither, but I'd rather have Trump in charge.

(and I still don't regret not voting for him)

So, sweetie. You need to stay home, stay away from people, wash your hands often and eat healthy!

My wife is making sure of that.

She won't even let me bring in the mail.

hmmm, I wonder if microwaving the mail for about 30-45 secs would kill any virus on it?

You too? My wife makes me wash my hands for the appointed time when I bring in the mail. She tried to make me wear rubber gloves but my hands are too large for the one's we have.
elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
I do not remember the post. If 20 idiots agreed with you it means nothing. Tell me what the post was, and I will tell you why you and the 20 people who agreed are idiots.
the only idiot here is you....and you just proved you ran from the thread by saying you dont remember your post from just a few days ago...you are a pussy elmer....
Wow, Harry, that is pretty tough talk. I make many posts. If you do not want to tell me which one, I cannot help you.
I am curious which one it was. It definitely got under your skin. It must have been good.
elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
I do not remember the post. If 20 idiots agreed with you it means nothing. Tell me what the post was, and I will tell you why you and the 20 people who agreed are idiots.
the only idiot here is you....and you just proved you ran from the thread by saying you dont remember your post from just a few days ago...you are a pussy elmer....
Wow, Harry, that is pretty tough talk. I make many posts. If you do not want to tell me which one, I cannot help you.
I am curious which one it was. It definitely got under your skin. It must have been good.
when you label someone you stay and defend what you said not run like a pussy....i dont have to tell you which course you took....and you dont make that many post to suddenly forget what you said...
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
you called me an idiot for something i said when at that time 6 posters had agreed with me,now it is up to 20 posters....so yea i think it was intentional....
I do not remember the post. If 20 idiots agreed with you it means nothing. Tell me what the post was, and I will tell you why you and the 20 people who agreed are idiots.
the only idiot here is you....and you just proved you ran from the thread by saying you dont remember your post from just a few days ago...you are a pussy elmer....
Wow, Harry, that is pretty tough talk. I make many posts. If you do not want to tell me which one, I cannot help you.
I am curious which one it was. It definitely got under your skin. It must have been good.
when you label someone you stay and defend what you said not run like a pussy....i dont have to tell you which course you took....and you dont make that many post to suddenly forget what you said...
I am staying here to tell you why I labeled you what I did.. If you cannot remind me what the post was I cannot help you.I think you are not giving the information because you are scared to hear the truth from me. Based on this worthless back and forth, you are an idiot. I am here to clarify, if you like.

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