Would this be Abuse? Parent Raises their Male Child as a Girl without . . .

Shut up, stupid.
yidnar really is an illiterate lightweight, he has to resort to memes when his one or two prepared replies have been used.
The little girl asks mommy, “Mommy, how come when I’m changing for gym my dick gets hard?”

Mommy responds, “Oh fuck! We forgot to mutilate your genitalia.”

I guess my answer is “of course this is child abuse.”
Well they can argue that Hasidic and Amish parents are "abusing" their kids by denying them modern technology, education in modern ideas, and damning the females to a "life of servitude"

That this can even be suggested, that teaching and raising children in any legitimate religion, is in any way comparable to filling their heads with harmful, destructive falsehoods such as gender confusion, is itself a sign of how fucked-up our society is.

No sane person would even think of buying such an argument.
That this can even be suggested, that teaching and raising children in any legitimate religion, is in any way comparable to filling their heads with harmful, destructive falsehoods such as gender confusion, is itself a sign of how fucked-up our society is.

No sane person would even think of buying such an argument.

It may be, but using government force to correct it just opens the door to the side that LOVES to use government force to twist its application even further in their own interests.
It may be, but using government force to correct it just opens the door to the side that LOVES to use government force to twist its application even further in their own interests.

Ultimately, all laws are based on some concept of what is acceptable, and what is not.

Here, we are talking about conduct that any sane, reasonable person ought to be able to recognize as clearly unacceptable and abusive, to the degree that some authority need to intervene in order to protect the child from being abused in a manner that has a very good chance of seriously harming that child.

If government should not intervene here, then you're throwing the door wide open to argue that government should not interfere in any seriously abusive criminal behavior.
Ultimately, all laws are based on some concept of what is acceptable, and what is not.

Here, we are talking about conduct that any sane, reasonable person ought to be able to recognize as clearly unacceptable and abusive, to the degree that some authority need to intervene in order to protect the child from being abused in a manner that has a very good chance of seriously harming that child.

If government should not intervene here, then you're throwing the door wide open to argue that government should not interfere in any seriously abusive criminal behavior.

Not at all. I'm drawing the line. Now if said parents wanted to pump said kids full of hormones or mutilate them, THAT is abuse.
Not at all. I'm drawing the line. Now if said parents wanted to pump said kids full of hormones or mutilate them, THAT is abuse.

It's the same abuse, at different levels of severity.

As soon as you cross the line of intentionally confusing/deceiving a child about his sex, you're getting into John Money territory.
It's the same abuse, at different levels of severity.

As soon as you cross the line of intentionally confusing/deceiving a child about his sex, you're getting into John Money territory.

One could say that about raising a kid as Amish or an orthodox jew, or on a commune.

Had to look that guy up. Man what a creep.
As soon as you cross the line of intentionally confusing/deceiving a child about his sex, you're getting into John Money territory.
One could say that about raising a kid as Amish or an orthodox jew, or on a commune.

Had to look that guy up. Man what a creep.

I think that it takes a severe degree of being mentally- and spiritually fucked up to think that there is anything valid about that comparison.

You might have something approaching a valid point when you are talking about some religions that have prohibitions on medical care, and a child with a life-threatening condition which requires medical treatments that violate the parent's religion.
the op asked if such a scenario would be abuse .. a simple yes or no answer is not hard .
Yes, of course raising a child as a different sex against their will would be wrong and abuse.

Is anyone disagreeing? It’s like a straw man argument designed solely to rile up the rubes
I think that it takes a severe degree of being mentally- and spiritually fucked up to think that there is anything valid about that comparison.

You might have something approaching a valid point when you are talking about some religions that have prohibitions on medical care, and a child with a life-threatening condition which requires medical treatments that violate the parent's religion.

I wouldn't say it, the problem is others saying it and trying to use whatever mechanism you propose to punish the sex confused parents to punish religious parents.
Yes, of course raising a child as a different sex against their will would be wrong and abuse.

Is anyone disagreeing? It’s like a straw man argument designed solely to rile up the rubes
The point is then, that how is it any less abuse if the parent claims that their child - from four years old - has always wanted to be treated as the opposite gender?

Someone mentioned Munchausen by Proxy. Very common, I see it in special education a LOT.

Munchausen is not just making up an illness out of whole cloth, it is more often exaggerating something real, like a child with mild ADHD, whose parent insists that they are high functioning AU (just like Sheldon Cooper!) and takes them to one doctor after another until the find the right symptoms to describe to the right doctor to get a diagnosis. A parent in my school recently did that but convinced a doctor to give her son a diagnosis of Tourettes, when really he's just a kid who says things when he knows he can get away with and keeps his mouth shut when he knows he cannot.

A boy sees his sister and her friends playing with their Easy Bake Oven and wishes he could get one could easily be turned into gender dysphoria by such a parent. Of course, that would be seen as virtue, especially by the profiteers and enablers of the Gender Specialist community who is nearly all the parent and the child will get information from from then on.

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