Would USA go to war with China ?

Do you really think we could win such a war? The most we could achieve would be a stalemate and only them if we were willing to us nukes. I am not even sure we could defeat Russia. We have the best soldiers in the world, but we don’t have enough them. And on top that there is hold segments of the population we can’t depend on to fight for the country. Look at who makes up the majority troops in combat arms.
Why would China damage $1.227 trillion of its property, just keep paying the interest and you will be safe.
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Do you really think we could win such a war? The most we could achieve would be a stalemate and only them if we were willing to us nukes. I am not even sure we could defeat Russia. We have the best soldiers in the world, but we don’t have enough them. And on top that there is hold segments of the population we can’t depend on to fight for the country. Look at who makes up the majority troops in combat arms.

I would settle for winning the war against illiteracy.
In truth it is not a question of all out war. Proxy wars are possible. I think China and of course Putin feel the weakness in American leadership and are going to be more than willing to exploit it, but will never risk all out war. The US military is far too formidable.
Give Obama a little break between cluck ups. He can only fail at so many things at once. He'll get to China once Russia's work is done in Ukraine

it seems so due to a lot of issues

Yes. I believe when China invades Taiwan the USA will respond. The Russians know this. Which is why China and Russia announced about 2 weeks ago that they would be doing naval exercises together in the South China Sea ( waters off Taiwan )

This summer over 40 nations are scheduled to join the USA in the RIMPAC naval drills and those were held in Hawaii last year. This summer some of those drills will be held in the South China Sea. Something big is brewing in my opinion. It won't be long before we find out what.

In response to those who don't believe China would want the USA to fall? Why not? China is holding the mortgage and she knows she is never going to collect now. Why would China continue to stand by and watch us amass more debt costing them more money when they can take this land and use it for their own people? The Chinese have a land shortage. You've got Chinese military leaders on record already stating that the deaths of 200 million Americans is reasonable if it means Chinese have land of America for themselves.

What is amazing to me is that they haven't done it already. Considering how frugal the Chinese are....
Doesn't make much sense.

China invests in the US.

It makes perfect sense. When you cannot pay the note, you get repoed. China is taking our land and our people in exchange for the debt - which is why China built ghost cities in excess of housing 150 million people - at this writing - one city they built in the middle of the Mongolian desert can store 75 million people. That is a mega city - nation of itself.

Pretty amazing that anyone believed their lie it was a failed real estate venture. Russia and China have been planning this day for quite some time. It would behoove us to prepare ourselves. The greatest pleasure these communists will derive is our utter surprise - our unpreparedness - let's not give them that. EVER.
Why would China damage $1.227 trillion of its property, just keep paying the interest and you will be safe.

Wrong question. How does one nation forclose on another nation when they don't pay on loans and their debt is now becoming a serious problem? Take the land and move the people out. That's how.

China needs land desperately. This is not difficult to figure out.
It is not in our national interests to go to war with China.
Why on earth would we want to go to war with China?

We are on the best terms in 60 years
It is not in our national interests to go to war with China.

You can say that again. Nevertheless, we will. Because China is even now making her plans to invade Taiwan. China and Russia are scheduled to do naval drills in the South China Sea the end of this month. ( May )

This isn't some coincidence. They've got plans. Big ones.
It is not in our national interests to go to war with China.

You can say that again. Nevertheless, we will. Because China is even now making her plans to invade Taiwan. China and Russia are scheduled to do naval drills in the South China Sea the end of this month. ( May )

This isn't some coincidence. They've got plans. Big ones.

Taiwan is 90 miles away and China is incapable of invading it. What makes you think they could invade the US 6000 miles away?
There is no reason to, besides we don't make war on countries that can defend themselves, at least not in the last 60 years.
Do you really think we could win such a war? The most we could achieve would be a stalemate and only them if we were willing to us nukes. I am not even sure we could defeat Russia. We have the best soldiers in the world, but we don’t have enough them. And on top that there is hold segments of the population we can’t depend on to fight for the country. Look at who makes up the majority troops in combat arms.

Only 43.8 Percent of Military Identify As Republican, Down From 56 Percent In 2005
Do you really think we could win such a war? The most we could achieve would be a stalemate and only them if we were willing to us nukes. I am not even sure we could defeat Russia. We have the best soldiers in the world, but we don’t have enough them. And on top that there is hold segments of the population we can’t depend on to fight for the country. Look at who makes up the majority troops in combat arms.

Only 43.8 Percent of Military Identify As Republican, Down From 56 Percent In 2005
Compared to a whoping 9.72% delared Democrats.

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