Would Vice President Warren Guarantee Hillary The White House?

Elizabeth Warren's name is being reported to be on Hillary's very short list for VP. I have mixed feelings about having two women at the top for the first time in U.S. history - until I ask myself the following question: Why not?

Elizabeth Warren is on Hillary Clinton's VP shortlist. Here are the pros and cons of that.
most definitely. If the dems wanna slaughter the gop, Liz warren is the ticket.

I fear a dual vagina Dem ticket. We don't have a single pussy running at the top of the ticket. Maybe Trump can ask Barack to be his VP to close the pussy gap?
Of course, you haven't the first clue as to why you're supposed to hate Saul Alinsky. You were just told to, by your sheep-herders.
Elizabeth Warren's name is being reported to be on Hillary's very short list for VP. I have mixed feelings about having two women at the top for the first time in U.S. history - until I ask myself the following question: Why not?

Elizabeth Warren is on Hillary Clinton's VP shortlist. Here are the pros and cons of that.
Yes she should pick Warren,no question.
I believe Warren has the potential of becoming a great leader, maybe even president someday but this election is about winning the White House in November, not just picking great leaders. As long as Clinton has a comfortable margin in major polls and Trump remains unable to unify his party, there is no reason for Hillary to gamble. However, if Trump closes the gap between now and the democratic convention and pulls his party together, then Warren would make more sense because she would energize the more progress elements of the party.
Elizabeth Warren's name is being reported to be on Hillary's very short list for VP. I have mixed feelings about having two women at the top for the first time in U.S. history - until I ask myself the following question: Why not?

Elizabeth Warren is on Hillary Clinton's VP shortlist. Here are the pros and cons of that.
Yes she should pick Warren,no question.
I believe Warren has the potential of becoming a great leader, maybe even president someday but this election is about winning the White House in November, not just picking great leaders. As long as long as Clinton has a comfortable margin in major polls and Trump remains unable to unify his party, there is no reason for Hillary to gamble. However, if Trump closes the gap between now and democratic convention and pulls his party together, then Warren would make more sense because she would energize the more progress elements of the party.

Goldman Sachs would never allow Warren a place on their ticket, they paid good money for those SuperDelegates
Given that Hillary is running against Trump, she will win regardless of the VP

The key thing should be anointing the next Democratic President after Hillary completes her second term

Warren is too old
Hillary could have stalin or mao as a running mate and still win.

leftist don't care about the country, they just want what they demand and they want it Constitution be damned.

hillary will never be made to answer real questions, the media will make useless topics the headlines and hillary will walk in, fuck shit up even more, be cheered for it and get re-elected.

Hillary will win because more Americans believe she is right for the country. Trump will lose because more Americans believe he is wrong for the country.
Clinton is going to choose whoever she thinks will help her get elected without regard to political contributions because she is raising huge amounts of money compared to Trump.

Big business is going to overwhelming support Hillary, not because they love her politics but because unlike her opponent she is a predictable seasoned politician. They can live with that. They can't live with an unpredictable, temperamental president who lacks the knowledge and experience to govern. I expect, Republican corporate contributions are going to go to congressmen to insure to a Republican controlled congress. A Republican congress will be able to negotiate with Clinton or control Trump. This is exactly what big business wants, predictability and stability, not radical change.
Warren will be a great Senator with a Democratic led Senate. She would be wasted as VP

Her Senate seat would also be assigned to a Republican
No...Warren being VP won't guarantee it.

What DOES guarantee it....is that a solid 40-50% of the general population are full blown retards who will vote Democrat no matter what. They'll protest rich white privilege oligarchy....and then vote for the richest whites most establishment candidate in US history.
They'll protest rich white privilege oligarchy....and then vote for the richest whites most establishment candidate in US history

That's insane. That's what the GOP does. Democrats are a coalition. Try to figure out why.
Hillary could have stalin or mao as a running mate and still win.

leftist don't care about the country, they just want what they demand and they want it Constitution be damned.

hillary will never be made to answer real questions, the media will make useless topics the headlines and hillary will walk in, fuck shit up even more, be cheered for it and get re-elected.

Hillary will win because more Americans believe she is right for the country. Trump will lose because more Americans believe he is wrong for the country.
hillary will win b/c she's a leftist twunt and the media will support her strictly based on her political party.

she a complete failure at everything

fired for ethics
controversies follow her
deaths and murders

not even she can make a list of accomplishments.
Hillary could have stalin or mao as a running mate and still win.

leftist don't care about the country, they just want what they demand and they want it Constitution be damned.

hillary will never be made to answer real questions, the media will make useless topics the headlines and hillary will walk in, fuck shit up even more, be cheered for it and get re-elected.

Hillary will win because more Americans believe she is right for the country. Trump will lose because more Americans believe he is wrong for the country.
hillary will win b/c she's a leftist twunt and the media will support her strictly based on her political party.

she a complete failure at everything

fired for ethics
controversies follow her
deaths and murders

not even she can make a list of accomplishments.
25 years of rightwing conspiracy theories
It might get the American Indian vote - the few that aren't pissed off for the fakery. But I'm sure Democrats are ready - they'd just hand out free fire-water to those looking even indignant.
If HIllary was smart he'd choose a hispanic male. Warren wouldn't get her anymore of the female vote and lose her a percent or two of the male vote. A sure loser.

Best of all she should choose Bernie = huge win.

Julian Castro is about as attractive a presidential candidate as Speedy Gonzales.

Bernie would not accept. Half his followers would bolt at the announcement. They don't like Hillary anymore than he does.

So if she doesn't pick The bernsters his supporters won't bolt? I miss the logic in that analysis. Picking him would keep some, not drive them away.
If HIllary was smart he'd choose a hispanic male. Warren wouldn't get her anymore of the female vote and lose her a percent or two of the male vote. A sure loser.

Best of all she should choose Bernie = huge win.
bernie?.....he would then become a big fucking hypocrite.....and a person with very little integrity...

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