Would Voters Knowingly Vote for A Homosexual for President?

By the way, the title of this website is BEFORE IT'S NEWS. How ironic. Nothing bad is news about Obama to the MSM.
Just like anything, it would depend.....it's he's a flamer, probably not, if he's a homo activist, prob not, if he's a democrat...hell no

Yeah, I would and not b/c he/she was gay.

It would depend upon weather or not the policies were solid.

or like this election, I'd vote against someone else.
Of course this isn't the ONLY article that comes up when one Googles "obamas gay lovers". And old Larry Sinclair is adamant in his accusations. But you read, you decide. Libtards, do you find this subject matter more or less irritating than the birth certificate stuff?

Obama Photo: Holding Hands With Gay Lover Pakistani | Obama Birthplace Controversy

are you thinking about a run in 2016?

Why do you ask?

Want to be his "running mate"?

Of course this isn't the ONLY article that comes up when one Googles "obamas gay lovers". And old Larry Sinclair is adamant in his accusations. But you read, you decide. Libtards, do you find this subject matter more or less irritating than the birth certificate stuff?

Obama Photo: Holding Hands With Gay Lover Pakistani | Obama Birthplace Controversy

are you thinking about a run in 2016?

Why do you ask?

Want to be his "running mate"?


i'm seeing warbler in that role

he's used to it
Plenty of liberals would love to vote for a gay President. Most of liberals are queer-enablers or just queers themselves.

That's rich, coming from a supporter of a party of repressed, wide stanced, toe-tappers and knob gobbling log cabin types.

Is the country ready for a gay president? Probably not, but then times are changing. We have a black president. We have had women candidates, and now we have a Mormon candidate. Earlier this year, most evangelical groups considered Mormons to be a heretical cult. Now that Romney outlasted everyone else, people like Billy Graham suddenly don't think Mormons are cultists anymore. Support for a candidate may be more pragmatic than ideological. If a gay candidate was seen to be a possible winner, party faithful would probably support him.
My vote does not depend on sex or sexual preference. It depends on character and policies.

Obama has no character and his policies are destructive to this Country. Romney is not right of center but of the two I will vote for Romney and hope he does not do as badly as Obama.
Would the voters knowingly vote for a dog?
Would the voters knowingly vote for a child predator
Would the voters knowingly vote for someone like Bin Laden?

Knowing the left the question is again on free shit.
Would the voters knowingly vote for a dog?
Would the voters knowingly vote for a child predator
Would the voters knowingly vote for someone like Bin Laden?

Knowing the left the question is again on free shit.

I think being human is a prerequisite, so no on the first one. Child predator? fagettaboutit. Someone like Bin Laden? I dunno, Reagan thought he and the Taliban were the moral equivalent of our founding fathers, so Repugs might vote for that type. They like religious extremists.
Would you knowingly vote for a President that had a pleasant nights sleep while a US embassy in the middle east was being attacked and Americans were repeatedly calling for help..?
Plenty of liberals would love to vote for a gay President. Most of liberals are queer-enablers or just queers themselves.

That's rich, coming from a supporter of a party of repressed, wide stanced, toe-tappers and knob gobbling log cabin types.

Is the country ready for a gay president? Probably not, but then times are changing. We have a black president. We have had women candidates, and now we have a Mormon candidate. Earlier this year, most evangelical groups considered Mormons to be a heretical cult. Now that Romney outlasted everyone else, people like Billy Graham suddenly don't think Mormons are cultists anymore. Support for a candidate may be more pragmatic than ideological. If a gay candidate was seen to be a possible winner, party faithful would probably support him.

A question was asked whether people would vote for a gay President. I simply pointed out there is already a party that is all in for the pro-gay agenda.

"Party faithful would probably support him." - Now that's rich. :lol:

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