Would you agree to higher taxes in exchange for healthcare and college at no-cost?

The point is that the GOP has made life almost impossible for the nonrich, stupid. Get your tiny, selfish, brainwashed head out of your ass.

HAHAHAHA Listen up you tired old communist, people are sick of paying for you and your fellow parasites. We earned what we have....now get off your lazy dead ass and earn your own.
I'm a retired teacher/businessman, stupid. lol. People haven't changed, moron, the system has gotten unfair the last 40 years.

LOL @ teacher....there lies your problem. You should have chosen how to use the system to your advantage instead of letting it kick your ass. I played it like a fiddle and have no intentions of sharing what we earned with you.
If you earn less than $250k/year, we're trying to HELP you, functional moron.

My husband alone makes more than that a year.
Congrats! Why are you such a cheap angry bitch? lol
Angry old white a-hole hater dupes....wonder why the world hates them...lol

I am presuming you taught better than this..

The right wingers on this forum are unhirable in our industry. We need people who can behave in discussions. These guys start to get a knock and they resort to personal insults and ridicule. Could you imagine them in front of a corporate client?

So we have to take what they say with a pinch of salt...
Nope, Franco's a typical Lib....

Want to hire him???

Well Franco has at least the manners to know how to behave.

Sassy thinks I am funded like it is charity. It is business and in business there is a way to behave and insults and grandstanding is unacceptable.
Franco as a businessman, I hope you would agree.
Lol, the employees you get from over here even get a huge tax credit, so we don't get a return on the investment.
HAHAHAHA Listen up you tired old communist, people are sick of paying for you and your fellow parasites. We earned what we have....now get off your lazy dead ass and earn your own.
I'm a retired teacher/businessman, stupid. lol. People haven't changed, moron, the system has gotten unfair the last 40 years.

LOL @ teacher....there lies your problem. You should have chosen how to use the system to your advantage instead of letting it kick your ass. I played it like a fiddle and have no intentions of sharing what we earned with you.
If you earn less than $250k/year, we're trying to HELP you, functional moron.

My husband alone makes more than that a year.
Congrats! Why are you such a cheap angry bitch? lol

I'm angry at parasites such as yourself, cheap I am not. Our children do w/o very little. You are not my child so put your hand back in your pocket, I'm not giving you anything
Wait just a god damn minute, cowboy's location shows Ireland, wtf are you doing trying to tell me what to do in the USA?
You hater dupes should take advice from ANYONE, ugly American dupe. lol Obviously he's an American and they have satellite tv in Ireland.

Actually I am Irish but employ just over a dozen people in America through a partnership. We work in the cloud computing industry....

I am telling you Sassy because unlike you I have live in many countries around the world and have seen various forms of Government.
The method of government you are proposing I have seen, It is South Africa.
SA is a massive inequality, access to education and health care is financially dependent, gun ownership is high, Public healthcare is low.... The country is very dangerous, very violent, commerce is harder due to crime. Middle class have to live on compounds with private armed security.
Diseases are uncontrollable.

So when I give my advice, it is because I have seen more than most...

Here Ted....think very hard about this.



You really struggle in a discussion when you are under pressure. You resort to personal insults and massively wild statements.

I say you must struggled with debating skills. You see I have proposed a method of education which is the most common in the world.

You answer was that I am Irish and therefore my opinion is not valid. You never took understood that I made a case that Public Education pays for itself, it is very generous payback to society.

While I am not an American Citizen, I probably pay far more US taxes than you.

So I can come this forum and tell you I don't want the rich boys doing the best courses, I want the best doing the best courses. Why? Because I am the guy who employs them.

I'm no under pressure Theodore. My education is paid for, our children's will be paid for, I'm not willing to pay for anyone else. I doubt you pay more taxes than we do, my husband manages a mid size law firm and I swing trade in the markets, the capital gains crucify me because I choose to swing trade. Please do not try to judge or analyze me when it's obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. I'm an American, you are not and you have zero say in what happens in this nation. Learn that...then live it

Grand. But I do pay a very sizable tax bill in the US... I suggested ways that would make it more business friendly in an expanding business.

You then threw back insults and ridicule... Fortunately when I select locations for my businesses I don't meet people like you people would want to conduct business.

Sassy the difference between you and me is I make something for a living. I build software systems. You are a speculator, one level above knowledgable gambling... You don't really contribute to society... You don't see the need for a educated labour force to build something..

Explains a lot... I am in business trying to grow in difference markets by building better, smarter everyday. You want to leech of those businesses while offering nothing.

Husband offers more to society as a lawyer...
You hater dupes should take advice from ANYONE, ugly American dupe. lol Obviously he's an American and they have satellite tv in Ireland.

Actually I am Irish but employ just over a dozen people in America through a partnership. We work in the cloud computing industry....

I am telling you Sassy because unlike you I have live in many countries around the world and have seen various forms of Government.
The method of government you are proposing I have seen, It is South Africa.
SA is a massive inequality, access to education and health care is financially dependent, gun ownership is high, Public healthcare is low.... The country is very dangerous, very violent, commerce is harder due to crime. Middle class have to live on compounds with private armed security.
Diseases are uncontrollable.

So when I give my advice, it is because I have seen more than most...

Here Ted....think very hard about this.



You really struggle in a discussion when you are under pressure. You resort to personal insults and massively wild statements.

I say you must struggled with debating skills. You see I have proposed a method of education which is the most common in the world.

You answer was that I am Irish and therefore my opinion is not valid. You never took understood that I made a case that Public Education pays for itself, it is very generous payback to society.

While I am not an American Citizen, I probably pay far more US taxes than you.

So I can come this forum and tell you I don't want the rich boys doing the best courses, I want the best doing the best courses. Why? Because I am the guy who employs them.

I'm no under pressure Theodore. My education is paid for, our children's will be paid for, I'm not willing to pay for anyone else. I doubt you pay more taxes than we do, my husband manages a mid size law firm and I swing trade in the markets, the capital gains crucify me because I choose to swing trade. Please do not try to judge or analyze me when it's obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. I'm an American, you are not and you have zero say in what happens in this nation. Learn that...then live it

Grand. But I do pay a very sizable tax bill in the US... I suggested ways that would make it more business friendly in an expanding business.

You then threw back insults and ridicule... Fortunately when I select locations for my businesses I don't meet people like you people would want to conduct business.

Sassy the difference between you and me is I make something for a living. I build software systems. You are a speculator, one level above knowledgable gambling... You don't really contribute to society... You don't see the need for a educated labour force to build something..

Explains a lot... I am in business trying to grow in difference markets by building better, smarter everyday. You want to leech of those businesses while offering nothing.

Husband offers more to society as a lawyer...
So your game is to ship American jobs overseas and pocket the profits. Meanwhile, you want US to foot the bill for training your workers.

Got it....
Angry old white a-hole hater dupes....wonder why the world hates them...lol

I am presuming you taught better than this..

The right wingers on this forum are unhirable in our industry. We need people who can behave in discussions. These guys start to get a knock and they resort to personal insults and ridicule. Could you imagine them in front of a corporate client?

So we have to take what they say with a pinch of salt...

You're discussing how the right wingers on this forum talk with Franco?
The guy that uses phrases like "old white a-hole hater dupes"
Sorry, see sig last line. Politically, you deserve no respect. Your party and you are a disgrace and disaster.
You hater dupes should take advice from ANYONE, ugly American dupe. lol Obviously he's an American and they have satellite tv in Ireland.

Actually I am Irish but employ just over a dozen people in America through a partnership. We work in the cloud computing industry....

I am telling you Sassy because unlike you I have live in many countries around the world and have seen various forms of Government.
The method of government you are proposing I have seen, It is South Africa.
SA is a massive inequality, access to education and health care is financially dependent, gun ownership is high, Public healthcare is low.... The country is very dangerous, very violent, commerce is harder due to crime. Middle class have to live on compounds with private armed security.
Diseases are uncontrollable.

So when I give my advice, it is because I have seen more than most...

Here Ted....think very hard about this.



You really struggle in a discussion when you are under pressure. You resort to personal insults and massively wild statements.

I say you must struggled with debating skills. You see I have proposed a method of education which is the most common in the world.

You answer was that I am Irish and therefore my opinion is not valid. You never took understood that I made a case that Public Education pays for itself, it is very generous payback to society.

While I am not an American Citizen, I probably pay far more US taxes than you.

So I can come this forum and tell you I don't want the rich boys doing the best courses, I want the best doing the best courses. Why? Because I am the guy who employs them.

I'm no under pressure Theodore. My education is paid for, our children's will be paid for, I'm not willing to pay for anyone else. I doubt you pay more taxes than we do, my husband manages a mid size law firm and I swing trade in the markets, the capital gains crucify me because I choose to swing trade. Please do not try to judge or analyze me when it's obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. I'm an American, you are not and you have zero say in what happens in this nation. Learn that...then live it

Grand. But I do pay a very sizable tax bill in the US... I suggested ways that would make it more business friendly in an expanding business.

You then threw back insults and ridicule... Fortunately when I select locations for my businesses I don't meet people like you people would want to conduct business.

Sassy the difference between you and me is I make something for a living. I build software systems. You are a speculator, one level above knowledgable gambling... You don't really contribute to society... You don't see the need for a educated labour force to build something..

Explains a lot... I am in business trying to grow in difference markets by building better, smarter everyday. You want to leech of those businesses while offering nothing.

Husband offers more to society as a lawyer...
Lawyers suq. And we have about 5 times too many. They must teach them to be a-holes in law school. lol
I'm not your bitches to verify your claims.

You made a Bullshit claim that a political party played a role in controlling tuition costs.
I asked what authority either party has to do such a thing.

Your claim = your burden of proof
It was all too easy to fucking find you lazy piece of shit.

Having bankrupted his state with tax cuts over the last four years, Kansas’ Republican Governor, Sam Brownback, proposed on Feb. 5th to fill his budget gap by cutting $45 million from Education. That same day in Louisiana, Tea Party favorite Bobby Jindal faced an even larger shortfall, and for the same reason. He proposed cutting education by as much as $300 million. These cuts are more than just the ill-advised application of faulty economics the GOP is famous for; they represent the latest aspect of the Republican War on Education.
We were talking about tuition costs.
Are the STATE cuts specific to colleges or are we talking about public schools? Or both?

In either case, if we're talking about STATE colleges, GREAT :clap2:
That is the responsibility of the state, NOT the Fed Gov't.
And the reason they doubled in cost was Pubs cutting Fed aid under W, and before. Brilliant. And all to cut taxes on the bloated rich and corps. Great job.

Even the Army are saying that the education system isn't giving them enough educated candidates.
The Army?
The branch of service that has the lowest ASVAB requirements?

Free pre-school
Free day care
Free primary school
Free University
Free Healthcare
Food stamps
Housing subsidies
Social Security

Progressively Parasitic Americanistas
I'm a retired teacher/businessman, stupid. lol. People haven't changed, moron, the system has gotten unfair the last 40 years.

LOL @ teacher....there lies your problem. You should have chosen how to use the system to your advantage instead of letting it kick your ass. I played it like a fiddle and have no intentions of sharing what we earned with you.
If you earn less than $250k/year, we're trying to HELP you, functional moron.

My husband alone makes more than that a year.
Congrats! Why are you such a cheap angry bitch? lol

I'm angry at parasites such as yourself, cheap I am not. Our children do w/o very little. You are not my child so put your hand back in your pocket, I'm not giving you anything
What a tiny world you live in, angry old white lady. Enjoy hell. lol. I don't want your money, stupid. I just care about people and the country- and the world. Thanks for totally screwing everything up, Pub dupe.
Which purposes do our taxes go to? This is kind of regarding the controversy in the US. For higher taxes (how high would you allow? 30% or more?) Instead of payment changes per school district, a fixed amount budget per school. College at no cost as in tuition is 0, still paid by taxes. No payment per semester/quarter. Don't need loans for education.
However I suppose too many people won't accept my idea just calling it stupid.

We have colleges, community colleges, Ivy League or private schools ... which tuition would you have covered by taxpayers?

Should the government regulate tuition and what standards would they place on them?

What about those who don't qualify based on educational performances, should government lower standards in order to allow everyone the same opportunity?

Unlike social security, to which every contributing taxpayer benefits, not every individual might feel the need to go to school. What about those taxpayers who choose not to attend?

There are a lot of variables which must be considered with regard to college tuition. Allowing government to control college tuition would lead to government controlling which topics or classes they would "endorse" that satisfies the ideological views of those politicians in office. Quite frankly I don't want a commitee of bureaucrats to have any more decision making control over my private life. Government has done enough damage to this country already.
Angry old white a-hole hater dupes....wonder why the world hates them...lol

I am presuming you taught better than this..

The right wingers on this forum are unhirable in our industry. We need people who can behave in discussions. These guys start to get a knock and they resort to personal insults and ridicule. Could you imagine them in front of a corporate client?

So we have to take what they say with a pinch of salt...

Yo Teddy, my associates are the ones that fund you. Think about it

Tell me, how do they fund me?

I provide a service, I am competing with others but service is better than theres and I win more than I loose. It is a fair system of barter. They want our expertise so they can make money and we offer that for money... There is no charity going on.

That how real business works. No ones and asshole and no one is licking ass. You a job and get the money.

They fund me, now that's a laugh.

Sassy you now have not only debating skills to learn but also rudimentary business.

You don't have people funding you? You're private? Must be a small company. I'm not in business jackass, I invest in business, I make money off business like you. It means little to me if you thrive or fail, all that matters is what your current value is to me. For three years I traded on a company that NEVER made a profit, at times I bought and sold that holding up to six and eight times a week, sometimes multiple times a day. That one holding bought and paid for our home in the gated community we live in. Chumps like you that toil away trying to make it make me money, I use people like you Ted and when I'm done with you I simply toss you away and find a new holding.

Now who's the smart one, Ted?

That is OK but don't tell anyone here you build anything. You make money by being a leech. Now you have convinced yourself that your an investor, you are not you are a trader. Your value to society is next to nothing.

You are proud of that. You convinced yourself you are doing something good for society...

I am a private company because I don't like leeches. We built our company to be better not to make a quick buck, I am glad to say I work with many good America's who still hold those beliefs.

Sassy you are not one of them, you think people who build things are the dumb ones(not the smart ones).
Free pre-school
Free day care
Free primary school
Free University
Free Healthcare
Food stamps
Housing subsidies
Social Security

Progressively Parasitic Americanistas
BS. Thanks for the world depression and screwing up the recovery. Way to fight for the greedy idiot megarich, fool.
It was all too easy to fucking find you lazy piece of shit.

Having bankrupted his state with tax cuts over the last four years, Kansas’ Republican Governor, Sam Brownback, proposed on Feb. 5th to fill his budget gap by cutting $45 million from Education. That same day in Louisiana, Tea Party favorite Bobby Jindal faced an even larger shortfall, and for the same reason. He proposed cutting education by as much as $300 million. These cuts are more than just the ill-advised application of faulty economics the GOP is famous for; they represent the latest aspect of the Republican War on Education.
We were talking about tuition costs.
Are the STATE cuts specific to colleges or are we talking about public schools? Or both?

In either case, if we're talking about STATE colleges, GREAT :clap2:
That is the responsibility of the state, NOT the Fed Gov't.
And the reason they doubled in cost was Pubs cutting Fed aid under W, and before. Brilliant. And all to cut taxes on the bloated rich and corps. Great job.

Even the Army are saying that the education system isn't giving them enough educated candidates.
The Army?
The branch of service that has the lowest ASVAB requirements?

You still haven't addressed my question of why AMERICAN taxpayers should foot the bill for educating those people in order for YOU to turn a profit working them overseas, where we can't even get a return on the investment through taxes.
You hater dupes should take advice from ANYONE, ugly American dupe. lol Obviously he's an American and they have satellite tv in Ireland.

Actually I am Irish but employ just over a dozen people in America through a partnership. We work in the cloud computing industry....

I am telling you Sassy because unlike you I have live in many countries around the world and have seen various forms of Government.
The method of government you are proposing I have seen, It is South Africa.
SA is a massive inequality, access to education and health care is financially dependent, gun ownership is high, Public healthcare is low.... The country is very dangerous, very violent, commerce is harder due to crime. Middle class have to live on compounds with private armed security.
Diseases are uncontrollable.

So when I give my advice, it is because I have seen more than most...

Here Ted....think very hard about this.



You really struggle in a discussion when you are under pressure. You resort to personal insults and massively wild statements.

I say you must struggled with debating skills. You see I have proposed a method of education which is the most common in the world.

You answer was that I am Irish and therefore my opinion is not valid. You never took understood that I made a case that Public Education pays for itself, it is very generous payback to society.

While I am not an American Citizen, I probably pay far more US taxes than you.

So I can come this forum and tell you I don't want the rich boys doing the best courses, I want the best doing the best courses. Why? Because I am the guy who employs them.

I'm no under pressure Theodore. My education is paid for, our children's will be paid for, I'm not willing to pay for anyone else. I doubt you pay more taxes than we do, my husband manages a mid size law firm and I swing trade in the markets, the capital gains crucify me because I choose to swing trade. Please do not try to judge or analyze me when it's obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. I'm an American, you are not and you have zero say in what happens in this nation. Learn that...then live it

Grand. But I do pay a very sizable tax bill in the US... I suggested ways that would make it more business friendly in an expanding business.

You then threw back insults and ridicule... Fortunately when I select locations for my businesses I don't meet people like you people would want to conduct business.

Sassy the difference between you and me is I make something for a living. I build software systems. You are a speculator, one level above knowledgable gambling... You don't really contribute to society... You don't see the need for a educated labour force to build something..

Explains a lot... I am in business trying to grow in difference markets by building better, smarter everyday. You want to leech of those businesses while offering nothing.

Husband offers more to society as a lawyer...

You hater dupes should take advice from ANYONE, ugly American dupe. lol Obviously he's an American and they have satellite tv in Ireland.

Actually I am Irish but employ just over a dozen people in America through a partnership. We work in the cloud computing industry....

I am telling you Sassy because unlike you I have live in many countries around the world and have seen various forms of Government.
The method of government you are proposing I have seen, It is South Africa.
SA is a massive inequality, access to education and health care is financially dependent, gun ownership is high, Public healthcare is low.... The country is very dangerous, very violent, commerce is harder due to crime. Middle class have to live on compounds with private armed security.
Diseases are uncontrollable.

So when I give my advice, it is because I have seen more than most...

Here Ted....think very hard about this.



You really struggle in a discussion when you are under pressure. You resort to personal insults and massively wild statements.

I say you must struggled with debating skills. You see I have proposed a method of education which is the most common in the world.

You answer was that I am Irish and therefore my opinion is not valid. You never took understood that I made a case that Public Education pays for itself, it is very generous payback to society.

While I am not an American Citizen, I probably pay far more US taxes than you.

So I can come this forum and tell you I don't want the rich boys doing the best courses, I want the best doing the best courses. Why? Because I am the guy who employs them.

I'm no under pressure Theodore. My education is paid for, our children's will be paid for, I'm not willing to pay for anyone else. I doubt you pay more taxes than we do, my husband manages a mid size law firm and I swing trade in the markets, the capital gains crucify me because I choose to swing trade. Please do not try to judge or analyze me when it's obvious you don't have the first clue what you're blabbering about. I'm an American, you are not and you have zero say in what happens in this nation. Learn that...then live it

Grand. But I do pay a very sizable tax bill in the US... I suggested ways that would make it more business friendly in an expanding business.

You then threw back insults and ridicule... Fortunately when I select locations for my businesses I don't meet people like you people would want to conduct business.

Sassy the difference between you and me is I make something for a living. I build software systems. You are a speculator, one level above knowledgable gambling... You don't really contribute to society... You don't see the need for a educated labour force to build something..

Explains a lot... I am in business trying to grow in difference markets by building better, smarter everyday. You want to leech of those businesses while offering nothing.

Husband offers more to society as a lawyer...

LOL @ teacher....there lies your problem. You should have chosen how to use the system to your advantage instead of letting it kick your ass. I played it like a fiddle and have no intentions of sharing what we earned with you.
If you earn less than $250k/year, we're trying to HELP you, functional moron.

My husband alone makes more than that a year.
Congrats! Why are you such a cheap angry bitch? lol

I'm angry at parasites such as yourself, cheap I am not. Our children do w/o very little. You are not my child so put your hand back in your pocket, I'm not giving you anything
What a tiny world you live in, angry old white lady. Enjoy hell. lol. I don't want your money, stupid. I just care about people and the country- and the world. Thanks for totally screwing everything up, Pub dupe.

Angry old white a-hole hater dupes....wonder why the world hates them...lol

I am presuming you taught better than this..

The right wingers on this forum are unhirable in our industry. We need people who can behave in discussions. These guys start to get a knock and they resort to personal insults and ridicule. Could you imagine them in front of a corporate client?

So we have to take what they say with a pinch of salt...

Yo Teddy, my associates are the ones that fund you. Think about it

Tell me, how do they fund me?

I provide a service, I am competing with others but service is better than theres and I win more than I loose. It is a fair system of barter. They want our expertise so they can make money and we offer that for money... There is no charity going on.

That how real business works. No ones and asshole and no one is licking ass. You a job and get the money.

They fund me, now that's a laugh.

Sassy you now have not only debating skills to learn but also rudimentary business.

You don't have people funding you? You're private? Must be a small company. I'm not in business jackass, I invest in business, I make money off business like you. It means little to me if you thrive or fail, all that matters is what your current value is to me. For three years I traded on a company that NEVER made a profit, at times I bought and sold that holding up to six and eight times a week, sometimes multiple times a day. That one holding bought and paid for our home in the gated community we live in. Chumps like you that toil away trying to make it make me money, I use people like you Ted and when I'm done with you I simply toss you away and find a new holding.

Now who's the smart one, Ted?

That is OK but don't tell anyone here you build anything. You make money by being a leech. Now you have convinced yourself that your an investor, you are not you are a trader. Your value to society is next to nothing.

You are proud of that. You convinced yourself you are doing something good for society...

I am a private company because I don't like leeches. We built our company to be better not to make a quick buck, I am glad to say I work with many good America's who still hold those beliefs.

Sassy you are not one of them, you think people who build things are the dumb ones(not the smart ones).

You don't build anything either fool. You store info for people. So climb off your horse and cease thinking you're fooling me You're in a crowded market and the tech bubble is in dangerous territory. One "pop" and you're finished......sort of like Clinton's tech bubble when everything went south in a heartbeat
This is a stupid OP- Should be, "higher taxes on the rich and giant corps ..."
Then send your buddy Ted a bill to make up for the tax losses when he ships jobs (and tax money) overseas for personal profit.

And he's not even an American.

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