Would you feel more safe going back to a classroom knowing the teacher is packing?

Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?

What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?

Republicans seem to hate teachers. They don't want to pay them. They don't want to give them pensions. They denigrate them at every turn, yet, they want to arm them and send them into classrooms?

I would feel a great deal better.

Knowing that if you raised your hand and said something as stupid as you do on this board, you'd get one between the eyes.

And nobody would fucking care.
The far left do not think things through.
They call Trump a tyrant while wanting to repeal the 2nd amendment and or banning certain guns.
Yes people by all means give your guns away so that a tyrant can completely take over.
Hilarious. Only a tard would think that if they own a gun, it would keep away the government.

Besides, the government wouldn't send someone who could get shot, they would send a drone and you would never see it coming.
Comments like this always give me a chuckle considering they are made by a person residing in a nation that only exists because people rejected the government and created their own with personally owned firearms.
I think it's a fantastic idea to put lots of guns in positions where kids can steal them in school. Then I can't wait to hear conservatives say the teacher who's gun was used in a shooting was a responsible gun owner.
Kids can't steal guns if they don't know where to find them.

God bless you always!!!

Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?

What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?

Republicans seem to hate teachers. They don't want to pay them. They don't want to give them pensions. They denigrate them at every turn, yet, they want to arm them and send them into classrooms?

No silly. There are 16 MILLION concealed carry permits in the USA today. I feel safer. And all the chaos and Wild West figments of imagination that the Left predicted never happened. Mostly minor stuff like "brandishing" a firearm in a moment of bad judgement. That's 5% of the entire population. NOT counting security people, police and govt agencies.

Adding 1% more ain't NO BFD...
I think it's a fantastic idea to put lots of guns in positions where kids can steal them in school. Then I can't wait to hear conservatives say the teacher who's gun was used in a shooting was a responsible gun owner.

Just shows how little you know about the thought that goes into self defense with a gun. Being a "concealed carry" in a school situation is a LOT different from general protection. As a school staff member you are HARDLY likely to be the victim of the first shots fired. So there's NO REASON to carry the weapon loaded. You holster the EMPTY weapon and can store the clip in a pocket or bra pouch.

Even if a kid GETS the gun it'll be several minutes to figure out that's it's empty, where the clip is and how to operate it. And YOU can load in 8 seconds or less. Training will INCLUDE thinking about the details and procedures of THAT PARTICULAR situation..

Now the SROs and the security CAN'T afford that luxury. Because they ARE likely to be the big advertised targets at the beginning of an attack.

About 5 states have HAD teachers armed going back to just after Columbine. They haven't had any problems like the ones that lefties dream up..
Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?
If the teacher were John Wick or Agent 47...HELL YES!
What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?
Hmmm, I'm confused...

People don't kill people... guns do...right
so, who cares if the teacher gets mad...
I care whether or not the gun gets pissed
Maybe Republicans are just hoping for more deaths?
I don't know. Nothing they do makes sense.
Fuck....you need an off button!

Democrats don't make sense either!

An 18 yr old is too young to purchase a gun,
but, a 3, 4, 5 yr old, knows they're the wrong sex
and you have parents feeding them hormone blockers
and you have medical professionals prescribing the shit,
and sending Sammy to school in a dress,

You think water guns, cap guns, Nerf guns, play guns,
Grand Theft Auto, video games, violent movies, gangsta rap,

You think feeding kids Prozac, and every other,
bullshit, hogwash, brain poison, directly,
or entered their bloodstream during pregnancy,
because one or both their parents were taking that shit,

This has nothing to do with guns,
it has to do with a disregard for life
being evil or fucked in the head!
Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?

What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?

Republicans seem to hate teachers. They don't want to pay them. They don't want to give them pensions. They denigrate them at every turn, yet, they want to arm them and send them into classrooms?
If the teachers were carrying concealed no one would know would they?
Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?

What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?

Republicans seem to hate teachers. They don't want to pay them. They don't want to give them pensions. They denigrate them at every turn, yet, they want to arm them and send them into classrooms?
Oh, now we're onto a Republicans hate teachers meme from the resident guru of generalizations in here, got it.

Anyway, dipshit, the whole idea behind armed teachers, administrators, or other school personnel or hirees is that they would have concealed carry permits. The concealed part of that meaning, to those of us with brains, nobody knows who's packing and who isn't. So young snowflakes in training such as yourself will be spared the angst of sitting in a classroom worrying the teacher might blow them away because some kid forgot to turn his cellphone off, sending the teacher into a killing rage.
Your wasting you're time on idiots like this. Nevertheless we understand where you're coming from.
Yes. Someone else packing is the ONLY thing that will stop a lunatic from killing.
I believe that teachers should have the choice/option if they want too, to carry either lethal or non-lethal weapons and be trained to do so. I'm not talking about training librarians to be Navy Seals or that teachers should be expected to hunt down and confront an active shooter, but it would be nice for them to have a last line of self defense if they are sheltering in place in a locked classroom.

Ironically many of the nations worst schools already have a lot of security in place and many of their worst cases have already been removed from the system.

The schools have a ton of issues going on not just shootings. The lack of discipline and accountability for the kids in today's schools is totally out of control. The schools can't handle these kids due to all of the parents and lawyers that like to sue because of their special little snowflakes. You've got schools where the cafeteria workers have to wear ear plugs because the screaming and noise making kids make the cafeteria loud enough to cause hearing damage. You've got kids cussing out teachers and bus drivers and at most they get a 30 minute detention. The anti bullying campaign is a joke. They don't do anything unless you threaten to go to the sheriff's office and file assault charges.

Many of these nutjobs stay in school and are mainstreamed instead of dropping out or being in a juvenile system reform school. I'm sorry but school isn't for everyone. If your child can't behave or follow the rules then they should be left behind or put with the other idiots that are the same way. far away from those that want to learn.
Could you concentrate knowing the teacher is packing?

What if the teacher gets mad, will you feel your life is in danger?

Republicans seem to hate teachers. They don't want to pay them. They don't want to give them pensions. They denigrate them at every turn, yet, they want to arm them and send them into classrooms?

No silly. There are 16 MILLION concealed carry permits in the USA today. I feel safer. And all the chaos and Wild West figments of imagination that the Left predicted never happened. Mostly minor stuff like "brandishing" a firearm in a moment of bad judgement. That's 5% of the entire population. NOT counting security people, police and govt agencies.

Adding 1% more ain't NO BFD...
Yes, reality is no substitute for asinine fantasies. Gun control advocates continually crow about wild west shootouts and cowboys hunting down dangerous criminals causing many casualties in the crossfire when they are utterly unable to produce any evidence of such ever happening. Those that choose to conceal carry legally do so for a reason and it has nothing to do with being a cowboy. They are also far better shots than law enforcement as well.
The lack of discipline and accountability for the kids in today's schools is totally out of control.



No Deanie. You're the King of political comedy.. The govt isn't intimidated by MY gun(s).. But the giant minions of morons in Washington should be intimidated by 160 MILLION guns in the hands of citizens.

You have had the "situational awareness" bred right out of you by being a partisan shill.. Wouldn't ever expect that thought to pass between your ears..

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