Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
And if that situation would have been unthinkable for you then as it might be for you now; would you require that another child at that young point of awareness have to come to the realization that he has two dads or two moms?
Most children would just think their parents are different perhaps, but their minds aren't developed enough to fully comprehend that they are existing in a situation that is not very common.

Maybe by the age of 10-11 they would start to comprehend. But if they suffer violence, trauma, or some other event personally or see it inflicted by/upon their parents - then it would be understood obviously a lot sooner.

Of the studies done, at the very least heterosexual or homosexual couples have no differences in how children are brought up, for insistence a child that is heterosexual doesn't 'become gay' or suffer any more than one would in a household with heterosexual parents. So the main issue with same-sex couples caring for kids isn't supported by any actual evidence, and is more just speculation and hearsay.

I know a pair of identical twin girls raised by a lesbian [butch] "father" and [lipstick] mother. All the kids in that house were twacked. The two twins most of all. In true mimicry of their parents, one became a lesbian butch and the other stayed hetero femme. And in doing so subconsciously demonstrated two things:

1. A child's yearning for ACTUAL father and mother.

2. That being gay isn't genetic.

And neither 1 nor 2 is shocking to anyone even remotely familiar with psychology. The second is a matter of pure emperical deduction.

And before anyone pipes in and says "hey wait a minute, the lipstick lesbian was not a hetero femme!". I beg to argue the opposite. If a woman is attracted to all the external trappings of "male", then she is not a true lesbian but instead a closeted hetero female. There were more issues in that house than a dog has fleas.
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And if that situation would have been unthinkable for you then as it might be for you now; would you require that another child at that young point of awareness have to come to the realization that he has two dads or two moms?
Most children would just think their parents are different perhaps, but their minds aren't developed enough to fully comprehend that they are existing in a situation that is not very common.

Maybe by the age of 10-11 they would start to comprehend. But if they suffer violence, trauma, or some other event personally or see it inflicted by/upon their parents - then it would be understood obviously a lot sooner.

Of the studies done, at the very least heterosexual or homosexual couples have no differences in how children are brought up, for insistence a child that is heterosexual doesn't 'become gay' or suffer any more than one would in a household with heterosexual parents. So the main issue with same-sex couples caring for kids isn't supported by any actual evidence, and is more just speculation and hearsay.

I know a pair of identical twin girls raised by a lesbian [butch] "father" and [lipstick] mother. All the kids in that house were twacked. The two twins most of all. In true mimicry of their parents, one became a lesbian butch and the other stayed hetero femme. And in doing so subconsciously demonstrated two things:

1. A child's yearning for ACTUAL father and mother.

2. That being gay isn't genetic.

And neither 1 nor 2 is shocking to anyone even remotely familiar with psychology. The second is a matter of pure emperical deduction.

And before anyone pipes in and says "hey wait a minute, the lipstick lesbian was not a hetero femme!". I beg to argue the opposite. If a woman is attracted to all the external trappings of "male", then she is not a true lesbian but instead a closeted hetero female. There were more issues in that house than a dog has fleas.

Your personal biased anecdotes have zero credence because you have zero credibility.
Your personal biased anecdotes have zero credence because you have zero credibility.

Ad hominem has been tried as a diversion on my points many times before. And has consistently failed. You're going to have to come up with something better than that. :eusa_whistle:
Your personal biased anecdotes have zero credence because you have zero credibility.

Ad hominem has been tried as a diversion on my points many times before. And has consistently failed. You're going to have to come up with something better than that. :eusa_whistle:
You, Sil, ad hom everyone who disagrees with you then you whine wrongly when you are accurately told that your 'biased anecdotes have zero credence' because your erratic and inconsistent pattern of argumentation has undermined your credibility.
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Your personal biased anecdotes have zero credence because you have zero credibility.

Ad hominem has been tried as a diversion on my points many times before. And has consistently failed. You're going to have to come up with something better than that. :eusa_whistle:

Duly noted that you could not defend your anecdote thereby you tacitly conceded that you don't have a valid position. Have a nice day!
Meanwhile back to your regularly scheduled topic...

...and on the subject of getting people to agree with my "pet theories"..the perfect segue...

From the LGBT camp itself, a rare moment of intellectual honesty and my response to it:

You know Cher and Sonny's daughter was unhappy with her female identity, so she got a sex change. She came from heterosexual parents.

Thank you. Without realizing it, you just exposed the underlying mental issues present in a "transsexual". "She was unhappy with her female identity". Not: "She knew she was a male".

Thank you for that moment of rare honesty from the LGBT fold.

I'm sure Chastity Bono felt like next to her radiant, bombasitcally-popular and stunning mother who was a great star, she could never let her "female" shine. Perhaps she even hated her mother [herself by extension]. But that doesn't mean doctors assisting her to amputate her breasts, pump testosterone into her body and sew on a fake penis was the proper medical procedure to help that poor woman with her hatred of her gender...
Worse things are happening in this world than homosexuals getting married, adopting, and/or using a surrogate. All of Sil's posts are about homosexuals. I think it might be a closet homosexual.
Worse things are happening in this world than homosexuals getting married, adopting, and/or using a surrogate. All of Sil's posts are about homosexuals. I think it might be a closet homosexual.

The seed of all bad things happening in the world besides natural disasters is mental illness.

And since LGBTs are embroiled in denied mental illness and wish to make this repressed illness-become-culture part of mainstream values via marriage and access to mentoring children via adoption thereby, attacking the weed at any one of its many roots is a perfectly viable and praiseworthy endeavor.
Worse things are happening in this world than homosexuals getting married, adopting, and/or using a surrogate. All of Sil's posts are about homosexuals. I think it might be a closet homosexual.

The seed of all bad things happening in the world besides natural disasters is mental illness.

And since LGBTs are embroiled in denied mental illness and wish to make this repressed illness-become-culture part of mainstream values via marriage and access to mentoring children via adoption thereby, attacking the weed at any one of its many roots is a perfectly viable and praiseworthy endeavor.

It's really a simple question and a simple poll.

But first it requires that you enter a meditative state and go back in your memory to when you were a child in the early years of elementary school.. As a child coming into awareness of his or her world at say between the age of 6-8, would you have been delighted [or would you be delighted] to have come to the awareness that instead of a mom and dad, you had two dads or two moms instead?

And if that situation would have been unthinkable for you then as it might be for you now; would you require that another child at that young point of awareness have to come to the realization that he has two dads or two moms?


The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not? As a child kept asking, what else would his or her gay parents have as an option besides just telling them to shut up? Because the end point of that questioning would have to be denial of reality. Or at the very least an extremely uncomfortable conversation about the mental stability of a person who rejects the opposite gender but embraces parenting... As the child ages to the teen years, this questioning and probing of an obvious mental issue would reach new heights and would be predicted to have devastating consequences in the adolescent's mind. They typically struggle as it is to make sense of the world and glaring inconsistencies they notice within it.. This struggle sometimes leads them to hurt themselves or others.

Where is indifferent?I don't think children care. They just want TWO caring, nice, supportive, financially stable parents, who keep them on the right path, build up their self-esteem and love them unconditionally! If a same sex couple provide that I say the kid is more lucky to be in that household than a heterosexual household that doesn't!
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Where is indifferent! I don't think children care they just want TWO caring, nice, supportive, financially support parents, who keep them on the right path, build up their self-esteem and love them unconditionally! If a same sex couple provide that I say the kid is more lucky to be in that household than a hetrosexual household that doesn't!


And they'll never learn where babies [themselves] actually come from. :cuckoo:

I like how the mother is not actually shown at all in the OP, nor any mother. As if the elder middle aged gay man or his twink boyfriend bore that child. Not only is that photo revulsive from a father/mother perspective. It also shows pedophilia or a hankering of the older man for much much much younger males for sex. Hope that baby isn't a boy... If the middle aged gay was a sex predator like Harvey Milk or Jerry Sandusky [as statistics disturbingly show a propensity in the gay male population], those "tears of joy" might actually be him thinking "oh god, when this aging ball and chain I'm with is too old for my appetite, this little boy will be right about the age I like to bend them over the coffee table..".
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Sil, will you stop your insanity now?

You are merely ranting now, nothing more. The "this little boy will be right about the age I like to bend them over the coffee table.." is a smear on every LGBT parent on this Board and is reported as such.
Meanwhile back to your regularly scheduled topic...

...and on the subject of getting people to agree with my "pet theories"..the perfect segue...

From the LGBT camp itself, a rare moment of intellectual honesty and my response to it:

You know Cher and Sonny's daughter was unhappy with her female identity, so she got a sex change. She came from heterosexual parents.

Thank you. Without realizing it, you just exposed the underlying mental issues present in a "transsexual". "She was unhappy with her female identity". Not: "She knew she was a male".

Thank you for that moment of rare honesty from the LGBT fold.

I'm sure Chastity Bono felt like next to her radiant, bombasitcally-popular and stunning mother who was a great star, she could never let her "female" shine. Perhaps she even hated her mother [herself by extension]. But that doesn't mean doctors assisting her to amputate her breasts, pump testosterone into her body and sew on a fake penis was the proper medical procedure to help that poor woman with her hatred of her gender...

This should be reported as derailing the thread since it is about transgender and not about children being raised by homosexual parents.

But since the OP has chosen to derail his own thread he has opened the Pandora's box of his anti-LBGT bigotry against his fellow Americans.

Therefore this thread can now be used to bash the OP for what really he is, a mentally unbalanced bigot whose only purpose is spew hatred about people who are just trying to get on with their lives and raise their families like everyone else.

The OP is sticking his nose under the sheets where it doesn't belong and using children as his cudgel to beat them. It doesn't become any more despicable than this.

Time to shun the OP and treat him as the unAmerican pariah that he really is. Someone who embraces the worst values of all, the mean spirited hatred of his fellow man.
"mind fuck them"? really? So being raised by your grandma is a mind fuck since she wasn't involved in the actual mating process either. So is a single mother raising an infant who's father died at war. Those children are surely going to be "mind fucked" when they find out...

Pfft, that argument is absolutely ridiculous.

I was raised by my step-father. Whether he actually had sex with my mother and created me with his sperm, never once entered my mind, much less mattered to me. I knew that he loved me and I loved him, and 'that' was all that mattered. Yep, was a real mind fuck... *rolls eyes*

Nope, in all those instances, the natural process of male/female parenting is not negated. Grandmother is the womb from which "mother" or "father" sprung. "Single mother" is the womb which bore the natural child of "father" who died at war. All perfectly natural and normal events.

Two dudes playing "mother and father" or two women playing "mother and father" isn't natural and never could be. There is no natural "Lesbian grandfather" of a child. Nor is there a natural "lesbian father" of a child and likewise no natural "gay man grandmother" of a child nor ever a "gay guy mother" of a child.

They will know and learn who are natural parents and who aren't and could never be. The game of pretend mother/father by same gendered people is a mind fuck because it could never ever be in any conceivable universe.

Your post shows you don't know much about how homosexual people live or raise their kids.

They don't have a "mommy and daddy" roll. They are both either dads or moms.

I watched a homosexual couple raise their daughter and that child had no problems. She was raised in a stable loving home that happened to have two women who love each other.

No one is trying to pretend to be a man when they're a woman. They're being parents.

I just want to know why you believe that you have the right to tell people how to live their lives? Why can't you be happy to be free to live your life as you choose? Why do you seem to have this need to take everyone else's freedom from them and force them to live as you live?

I've asked these questions several times yet you and those like you ignore it. I guess you and others like you are afraid to answer.

That says a lot about you.
I was adopted. Until my early teens I didn't udnerstand what that meant. My Mom was always up front with me about it, but relative to 'normal' families it never occured to me it was anything unusual. I don't think at 8, kids are going to have any appreciation of a homosexual parenting situation. But they will notice and respond to other people's feelings in that even children notice things when they're out of the ordinary routine. If people get hushed and quiet talking about ttheir two fathers/mothers, they'll notice that. But in their heads it wont likely be that they have any prejudicial feelings about gay parents and parenting.

When I was 8 we had seen puppies born and kittens. Also rabbits and other animals. We went to the zoo, farms and we saw where babies came from: males and females mating.

You ain't gonna fool any kid that two dudes are "mom and dad" or two chicks are "mom and dad" at age 8. And if you think you are, you either cannot access your own memories of what you were thinking and observing at 8 [in which case I suggest regressive therapy] or you're daft.

Kids minds are incredibly sharp and questioning. Much moreso than any adult you'll meet who generally by age 25 is essentially shut down and on their way to senility already. There are those rare adults who have never stopped individual thought and questioning but overwhelmingly, children are the keen observers, learners and questioners...

You're only going to mind fuck them with "gay parents". That's a fact.

That's why I started this thread: to force people back into their mind when they were 8 and all the things they were watching, seeing and learning from. From THAT perspective, vote in the poll... What child hasn't seen or learned of kittens or puppies being born and where they came from? A "mommy and daddy" cat! Not from "two daddy" or "two mommy" cats!

You know Cher and Sonny's daughter was unhappy with her female identity, so she got a sex change. She came from heterosexual parents.

Every homosexual person I know have heterosexual parents.
I wouldn't think children would care today seeing as now most children don't even register homosexuality as abnormal. The only people that seem to really care in modern times is occasional backwardChristian cultists and politicians that are hoping for the religious vote.

No I wouldn't be shocked. I am far more shocked that this takes priority of children that are beaten, sexuallyabused neglected, homeless, and starving. But silhouette I know you don't give a flying fuck about children because you are harping on something that may only effect .007% of them and it isn't really an issue meanwhile ignoring real problems that children face.
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

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