Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women.

If two men or two women have a child and build a family, it wouldn't hurt anyone and would give a home to a child that would otherwise be ill treated or live in poverty.

The 'sanctity of marriage' is flaky, because marriage was never a association exclusive to christianity. Early societies before Christianity which didn't even have a concept of a god (and instead believed in nature spirits) had marriages. To claim that 'marriage' is a religious institution exclusive to Christianity, you would have to engage in historical revisionism, not to mention deny religions existed before Christianity.
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry.
No they don't, this is a constitutional republic not a monarchy.

Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.
No it really isn't. I seriously doubt any gay person will tell a child that humans reproduce asexually. Genitals don't really play a role in parenting.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
it's on borrowed time.
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women.

If two men or two women have a child and build a family, it wouldn't hurt anyone and would give a home to a child that would otherwise be ill treated or live in poverty.

The 'sanctity of marriage' is flaky, because marriage was never a association exclusive to christianity. Early societies before Christianity which didn't even have a concept of a god (and instead believed in nature spirits) had marriages. To claim that 'marriage' is a religious institution exclusive to Christianity, you would have to engage in historical revisionism, not to mention deny religions existed before Christianity.

I say give them their word and create a new one for the legal stuff.
Millennials have much to learn (I know that will come as an incredible shock when they do understand that about human life right now they have little clue), but on the issue of LGBT the group overwhelmingly have it right.

Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women....

Race isn't behavior. The US Supreme Court will soon enough make that clear to you.

And men ARE superior to women in certain ways. As well as women are superior to men in certain ways. These roles are essential, genetic and without question. They are what we have to deal with. They are reality. You will never water them down with gender-blending cultures. Trying to is going to mind-fuck not just kids, but society as well. Males can only be "father". Females can only be "mother". A child forced to be essentially and forever deprived of those potentials by having "gay parents" [oxymoron] is a child deprived forever. And as generations of these children fill our ranks, the role of father and mother will never change. And there will be repurcussions to play-acting substitutes..
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Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women....

Race isn't behavior. The US Supreme Court will soon enough make that clear to you.
Sexual orientation isn't behavior either. You seem certain that the scotus is going to agree with you.

And men ARE superior to women in certain ways. As well as women are superior to men in certain ways. These roles are essential, genetic and without question. They are what we have to deal with. They are reality. You will never water them down with gender-blending cultures.
Gender roles are made up nonsense that have no real value.
Trying to is going to mind-fuck not just kids, but society as well. Males can only be "father". Females can only be "mother". A child forced to be essentially and forever deprived of those potentials by having "gay parents" [oxymoron] is a child deprived forever.
So a gay person can't possibly procreate? Kids don't need both parents heterosexuals have proven that. Many children are raised by single parents. And gender roles are meaningless thus nit participating in meaningless nonsense won't hurt anything.

And as generations of these children fill our ranks, the role of father and mother will never change. And there will be repurcussions to play-acting substitutes..
Or not.
Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women....

Race isn't behavior. The US Supreme Court will soon enough make that clear to you.

And men ARE superior to women in certain ways. As well as women are superior to men in certain ways. These roles are essential, genetic and without question. They are what we have to deal with. They are reality. You will never water them down with gender-blending cultures. Trying to is going to mind-fuck not just kids, but society as well. Males can only be "father". Females can only be "mother". A child forced to be essentially and forever deprived of those potentials by having "gay parents" [oxymoron] is a child deprived forever. And as generations of these children fill our ranks, the role of father and mother will never change. And there will be repurcussions to play-acting substitutes..

You are entitled to your understanding, which is deficient in this matter.

Substituting 'civil union' for marriage for LGBT, evercurious, would have at one time been accepted. It won't know.

The USA is a constitutional republic where essential civil liberties are not subject to majority vote, as SCOTUS clearly indicated in Prop 8 and DOMA, and as every ruling finding in favor of LBGT.

Sotomayor has been orchestrating a country wide march of LGBT through the courts to eventually allow SCOTUS to opine, "yepper, LGBT marriage is constitutional."
Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women.

If two men or two women have a child and build a family, it wouldn't hurt anyone and would give a home to a child that would otherwise be ill treated or live in poverty.

The 'sanctity of marriage' is flaky, because marriage was never a association exclusive to christianity. Early societies before Christianity which didn't even have a concept of a god (and instead believed in nature spirits) had marriages. To claim that 'marriage' is a religious institution exclusive to Christianity, you would have to engage in historical revisionism, not to mention deny religions existed before Christianity.

I say give them their word and create a new one for the legal stuff.

Marriage is the legal term.

Holy matrimony is the religious term that defines the "sanctity of marriage".
Have what right? That two men make a mother & father? Each state has a right to encourage the best environment for children by regulating marriage and who may marry. Denigrating the role of mother or father by gay marriage is creating a norm that stands to mind fuck kids when they learn how babies [themselves] are made.

State's choice. Windsor 2013. Utah stay 2014.
Pfft! Said the same kinda crap about inter-racial marriages, and gender roles haven't done the world a service when they promote the idea that men are superior to women....

Race isn't behavior. The US Supreme Court will soon enough make that clear to you.

And men ARE superior to women in certain ways. As well as women are superior to men in certain ways. These roles are essential, genetic and without question. They are what we have to deal with. They are reality. You will never water them down with gender-blending cultures. Trying to is going to mind-fuck not just kids, but society as well. Males can only be "father". Females can only be "mother". A child forced to be essentially and forever deprived of those potentials by having "gay parents" [oxymoron] is a child deprived forever. And as generations of these children fill our ranks, the role of father and mother will never change. And there will be repurcussions to play-acting substitutes..

The term you don't understand is PARENT! Any adult can be a parent to any child. It can be an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a relative or even just a caregiver. The gender of the parent raising the child is utterly irrelevant to the parenting process.

Role models such as "mother" and "father" are unnecessary with proper parenting. A good parent of either gender will provide both unconditional love and teach discipline to the child.

No child is going to be "deprived forever" when they are raised by loving parents and furthermore the onus is on you to substantiate this latest feckless allegation of yours.
The term you don't understand is PARENT! Any adult can be a parent to any child. It can be an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a relative or even just a caregiver. The gender of the parent raising the child is utterly irrelevant to the parenting process.

Role models such as "mother" and "father" are unnecessary with proper parenting. A good parent of either gender will provide both unconditional love and teach discipline to the child.

No child is going to be "deprived forever" when they are raised by loving parents and furthermore the onus is on you to substantiate this latest feckless allegation of yours.

Homes without either "mother" or "father" are homes where children statistically grow up to do poorly in school, crime and wind up in prison or on welfare. Anyone apparently can be a parent but what kind of parent? Statistics show mother/father is the best environment for a child and so each state has a vested interest in preserving/incentivizing that arrangement so that it doesn't go broke in one or two generations.

Marriage is about children first, adults second. And that is because marriage has more potential to damage a child or nurture it than any other insitutition. We cannot take the word "marriage" frivolously therefore, and allow it to be just some sort of legal arrangement between any adults with children as some sort of secondary consideration.
The child would know the difference the moment they figured out that males and females make babies together. Or when a child watched how male and female animals [all but homo sapiens] abided by that rule overwhelmingly. At that point, a child's mind would begin a downward spiral when told to shut up when asking why just humans upheld homosexuality as a norm when all other mammals do not?

The child would know there's a difference, but not on anything above an observational level. The damage comes, not from a knowledge that two parents are of the same sex, but the parenting styles of same sex households. I have known dozens of children raised by two parents of the same sex. I have been in a position of being able to follow these children to adulthood. The dysfunction doesn't come from knowing that the child has two parents of the same sex and other families don't. The dysfunction comes from being raised in a household where the exposure is only from a single sex. Children raised by same sex parents have the same kinds of emotional disabilities as any child raised in a single sex household, including by single parents.

Historically children have been raised by two caregivers of the same sex. It might be two aunts, or two uncles, or a grandmother and a mother. They don't think a thing about having two caregivers of the same sex. It is only in their relationships with others that the emotional disabilities make themselves known.

Children learn how to relate to the opposite sex by the way their parents interact. A boy learn how to treat women by the way his father treats his mother. A girl learns what to expect from men from her mother. A boy raised by two men will never learn how to appropriately interact with women, UNLESS that gay couple takes steps to ensure that there is a stable woman in that boy's life. A grandmother, aunt, best friend and increasingly, the biological mother. A boy raised by lesbian parents isn't any better off because he just won't see, in a family relationship, how men and women communicate. Children raised in a single sex household either cannot form a stable relationship in a heterosexual context or can only do so with therapy and counseling.

Why don't we notice this? Why isn't this recognized as some sort of national problem? Simple. We live in a pathological society where being pathological is "normal". We have had a couple of generations of divorce and children raised in single sex households. It's not unusual for someone to have relationship difficulties. The exception is a normal human being without need of psychotropic medication.

How is it that Dick Cheney's daughter is gay?

And Phyllis Schafly's son?
The OP seems to think an 8 year old would suddenly POOF! discover they have two moms or two dads. :lol: How odd to be this OP and how strange his thought processes.
Why does this photo continue to surface. Haven't we all been sickened enough by it.
The following, "Statistics show mother/father," has been replaced statistically with two parents in the house of either or both sexes.
The OP seems to think an 8 year old would suddenly POOF! discover they have two moms or two dads. :lol: How odd to be this OP and how strange his thought processes.

No purposeful-idiot. The OP seems to know right about then 8 year olds find out how babies are made; or at least get an idea from puppies/kittens and so forth. The child sees other kids with the natural mating pair as "mother and father" and begins to wonder about the "mother/father" arrangement in his or her own home?

Then the natural mechanics of sex and what it is for will come up. Reproduction. So then fake mommy and daddy will have to explain to the wondering mind as it grows why they use the lower digestive tract for sex instead of the natural vagina. Or why one of his mommies wears a strap on penis and why is it the other one is attracted to that at all? Or the mannish behaviors in the other "mommy" he has?

This confusion that adults are playing dumb at right now will not be so easily passed over with a child and then adolescent's inquiring mind. These are mind-fucks in the making and we know that. We can predict it. And there will be trouble from it. I've already seen it first hand. The kids I've seen raised in gay homes are friggin' twacked. Not one of them I've met doesn't have that wild look of repressed insanity just behind their pretend happy face at the very least. Most are into crime and drugs.

Enjoy America. Know what's in the package you're buying. I lived next to SF for awhile. I've seen the wreckage.
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The term you don't understand is PARENT! Any adult can be a parent to any child. It can be an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a relative or even just a caregiver. The gender of the parent raising the child is utterly irrelevant to the parenting process.

Role models such as "mother" and "father" are unnecessary with proper parenting. A good parent of either gender will provide both unconditional love and teach discipline to the child.

No child is going to be "deprived forever" when they are raised by loving parents and furthermore the onus is on you to substantiate this latest feckless allegation of yours.

Homes without either "mother" or "father" are homes where children statistically grow up to do poorly in school, crime and wind up in prison or on welfare. Anyone apparently can be a parent but what kind of parent? Statistics show mother/father is the best environment for a child and so each state has a vested interest in preserving/incentivizing that arrangement so that it doesn't go broke in one or two generations.

Marriage is about children first, adults second. And that is because marriage has more potential to damage a child or nurture it than any other insitutition. We cannot take the word "marriage" frivolously therefore, and allow it to be just some sort of legal arrangement between any adults with children as some sort of secondary consideration.

You failed to provide any such statistics as usual!

The actual statistics that you are misquoting refer to SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS.

Statistics reveal stark challenges for children raised in one-parent households | Springfield News-Leader | news-leader.com

Those single parents are invariably HETEROSEXUAL.

Children raised by two parents will do better but the actual mix of parents is utterly irrelevant. It could be a father and a grandmother raising the child or a stepfather and the adoptive mother. And yes, it could be parents of the same gender and the child will turn out just fine.

So shove your homophobic bigotry back where it belongs and stop slinging your feces around in the desperate hope that some of it might stick. All you are doing is making yourself and your feeble position look even more pathetic than it already is.
The term you don't understand is PARENT! Any adult can be a parent to any child. It can be an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a relative or even just a caregiver. The gender of the parent raising the child is utterly irrelevant to the parenting process.

Role models such as "mother" and "father" are unnecessary with proper parenting. A good parent of either gender will provide both unconditional love and teach discipline to the child.

No child is going to be "deprived forever" when they are raised by loving parents and furthermore the onus is on you to substantiate this latest feckless allegation of yours.

Homes without either "mother" or "father" are homes where children statistically grow up to do poorly in school, crime and wind up in prison or on welfare. Anyone apparently can be a parent but what kind of parent? Statistics show mother/father is the best environment for a child and so each state has a vested interest in preserving/incentivizing that arrangement so that it doesn't go broke in one or two generations.

Marriage is about children first, adults second. And that is because marriage has more potential to damage a child or nurture it than any other insitutition. We cannot take the word "marriage" frivolously therefore, and allow it to be just some sort of legal arrangement between any adults with children as some sort of secondary consideration.

You failed to provide any such statistics as usual!

The actual statistics that you are misquoting refer to SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS.

Statistics reveal stark challenges for children raised in one-parent households | Springfield News-Leader | news-leader.com

Those single parents are invariably HETEROSEXUAL.

Children raised by two parents will do better but the actual mix of parents is utterly irrelevant. It could be a father and a grandmother raising the child or a stepfather and the adoptive mother. And yes, it could be parents of the same gender and the child will turn out just fine.

So shove your homophobic bigotry back where it belongs and stop slinging your feces around in the desperate hope that some of it might stick. All you are doing is making yourself and your feeble position look even more pathetic than it already is.

Nope. I was talking about kids I've seen raised in a TWO person gay adult household. That wreckage.

We incentivize mother/father marriage. We realize there will be exceptions. But they don't qualify. You understand how incentives work right?
If the question is whether a child have that or be an orphan, the former is the best of choices. No questions asked.
If the question is whether a child have that or be an orphan, the former is the best of choices. No questions asked.

No because orphanages have oversight whereas behind closed doors, gay parents do not:




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