Would You Have Been Delighted? Would Any Child? A Poll...

Describe feelings as an 8 year old how you would have felt with 2 dads or 2 moms?

  • Delighted: all children should be so lucky!

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Ambivalent: children should just adapt.

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • Upset: children notice when something is just plain wrong.

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Shocked: children would suffer mentally in that situation.

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
Some may do, some may not, how can we know?

One of my closest friends was murdered because he was gay, since that day I believe we cannot judge anyone just because they happen to be gays.
If the question is whether a child have that or be an orphan, the former is the best of choices. No questions asked.

No because orphanages have oversight whereas behind closed doors, gay parents do not:]

You have never been in an orphanage, obviously.

There are closed doors everywhere and the horror stories about them, particularly in the UK curdle the soul.

Sotomayor has convinced Kennedy and Roberts the issue are adult predators, not adults' sexual orientation.
Homes without either "mother" or "father" are homes where children statistically grow up to do poorly in school, crime and wind up in prison or on welfare. Anyone apparently can be a parent but what kind of parent? Statistics show mother/father is the best environment for a child and so each state has a vested interest in preserving/incentivizing that arrangement so that it doesn't go broke in one or two generations.

Marriage is about children first, adults second. And that is because marriage has more potential to damage a child or nurture it than any other insitutition. We cannot take the word "marriage" frivolously therefore, and allow it to be just some sort of legal arrangement between any adults with children as some sort of secondary consideration.

You failed to provide any such statistics as usual!

The actual statistics that you are misquoting refer to SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS.

Statistics reveal stark challenges for children raised in one-parent households | Springfield News-Leader | news-leader.com

Those single parents are invariably HETEROSEXUAL.

Children raised by two parents will do better but the actual mix of parents is utterly irrelevant. It could be a father and a grandmother raising the child or a stepfather and the adoptive mother. And yes, it could be parents of the same gender and the child will turn out just fine.

So shove your homophobic bigotry back where it belongs and stop slinging your feces around in the desperate hope that some of it might stick. All you are doing is making yourself and your feeble position look even more pathetic than it already is.

Nope. I was talking about kids I've seen raised in a TWO person gay adult household. That wreckage.

We incentivize mother/father marriage. We realize there will be exceptions. But they don't qualify. You understand how incentives work right?

We dismissed your anecdotal drivel earlier. You have nothing and never will have anything of value to contribute on this topic.
You failed to provide any such statistics as usual!

The actual statistics that you are misquoting refer to SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS.

Statistics reveal stark challenges for children raised in one-parent households | Springfield News-Leader | news-leader.com

Those single parents are invariably HETEROSEXUAL.

Children raised by two parents will do better but the actual mix of parents is utterly irrelevant. It could be a father and a grandmother raising the child or a stepfather and the adoptive mother. And yes, it could be parents of the same gender and the child will turn out just fine.

So shove your homophobic bigotry back where it belongs and stop slinging your feces around in the desperate hope that some of it might stick. All you are doing is making yourself and your feeble position look even more pathetic than it already is.

Nope. I was talking about kids I've seen raised in a TWO person gay adult household. That wreckage.

We incentivize mother/father marriage. We realize there will be exceptions. But they don't qualify. You understand how incentives work right?

We dismissed your anecdotal drivel earlier. You have nothing and never will have anything of value to contribute on this topic.

Sil's opinion now is more than merely inappropriate as it reaches for deliberate deception about children and families.
We dismissed your anecdotal drivel earlier. You have nothing and never will have anything of value to contribute on this topic.

Sil's opinion now is more than merely inappropriate as it reaches for deliberate deception about children and families.

Hey, pictures are worth 1,000 words. Why just listen to my "opinion"?

So a picture proves everybody that shares the sexual orientation of the subject in the picture it's an unfit parent?

Wasn't there a heterosexual lady that drowned five of her children? If a garish costume worn at a parade is enough to indict all homosexuals surely the crazy lady that drowned her children is enough to indict all heterosexuals and we won't even count the fifty million you slaughter in the womb.

Seems the most dangerous parents are heterosexual. 54 million murders for simply existing, youdon't see gay people doing that.

So a picture is worth a thousand words.


The bodies in those trash bags all have heterosexual parents. It was quite difficult to find a picture of heterosexuals genocide that wasn't way to gruesome.
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Sil's opinion now is more than merely inappropriate as it reaches for deliberate deception about children and families.

Hey, pictures are worth 1,000 words. Why just listen to my "opinion"?

So a picture proves everybody that shares the sexual orientation of the subject in the picture it's an unfit parent?

Wasn't there a heterosexual lady that drowned five of her children? If a garish costume worn at a parade is enough to indict all homosexuals surely the crazy lady that drowned her children is enough to indict all heterosexuals and we won't even count the fifty million you slaughter in the womb.

Seems the most dangerous parents are heterosexual. 54 million murders for simply existing, youdon't see gay people doing that.

So a picture is worth a thousand words.


The bodies in those trash bags all have heterosexual parents. It was quite difficult to find a picture of heterosexuals genocide that wasn't way to gruesome.

Sil is crumbling inside on this issue. Yes, her comments are now beyond inappropriate.
Sil is crumbling inside on this issue. Yes, her comments are now beyond inappropriate.

Still the question of whether marriage is a construct primarily for children or adults is at question.

And that question Utah wants answered in favor of what their state voted for. Apparently it was a convincing enough argument to win them the stay they were after. Pretty unusual move for a Court that the smoke and mirrors crowd want to convince the public is "going to make gay marriage a federal mandate". Wouldn't you say?
There is no such construct at the core of this at all.

The only reason the stay was granted was for Sotomayor to continue to orchestrate the eventual sanctioning of marriage equality throughout the country.
Sil is crumbling inside on this issue. Yes, her comments are now beyond inappropriate.

Still the question of whether marriage is a construct primarily for children or adults is at question.
It wouldn't matter either way. Gay people have children. You are making it about adults and politics.

And that question Utah wants answered in favor of what their state voted for.
Should the state be allowed to deprive children of gay parents stability? I say no, that is government interfering with people's lives. It's a progressivedemocrat ideal.
Apparently it was a convincing enough argument to win them the stay they were after.
The stay is temporary.
Pretty unusual move for a Court that the smoke and mirrors crowd want to convince the public is "going to make gay marriage a federal mandate". Wouldn't you say?
You really need to take some government classes. You are painfully ignorant of how our government works.
Some may do, some may not, how can we know?

One of my closest friends was murdered because he was gay, since that day I believe we cannot judge anyone just because they happen to be gays.
One of my closest friends was made gay by being molested as a boy. Then he grew up in a vendetta to get even with as many of "his perpetrators" as he could by purposefully having unprotected sex with hundreds or even thousands of them while he knowingly had HIV. Thus he "murdered" hundreds or perhaps thousands of other "fellow gays".

You cannot use two wrongs to justify your stance in such a myopic way. The total "gay picture" is much broader than that.
I'm sorry to hear your friend snapped. However, that's a real broad brush to paint on the entire LGBT community.

I've had far different personal experience with the LGBT community.
I'm sorry to hear your friend snapped. However, that's a real broad brush to paint on the entire LGBT community.

I've had far different personal experience with the LGBT community.
The CDC tends to agree with my experience vs yours:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
Sil needs to grow up.

Homophobia is not healthy, hurts the soul and the psyche.

Sexual predators come in both sexes, and children are at risk.

But her reckoning is that only homosexual prey on children.

Not so

Go to back woods East Texas and you will see why incest and predation on children is characterized by geographical as well as psychological isolation.
One of my closest friends was made gay by being molested as a boy. Then he grew up in a vendetta to get even with as many of "his perpetrators" as he could by purposefully having unprotected sex with hundreds or even thousands of them while he knowingly had HIV. Thus he "murdered" hundreds or perhaps thousands of other "fellow gays".

You cannot use two wrongs to justify your stance in such a myopic way. The total "gay picture" is much broader than that.

Once again we have the OP posting baseless anecdotes that have zero credibility. Probably find that same allegation on other homophobic websites too. They always start with..."One of my closest friends was made gay by being molested as a boy". Of course they never admit if it was a pedophile priest or a heterosexual who did the molestation of the child.

Then they go on to make outrageous claims of "having unprotected sex with hundreds or even thousands of them while he knowingly had HIV". This is never documented and the "closest friend" who was "made gay" doesn't come forward either.

The gullibility of those who feed their homophobic hatred with utter BS anecdotes like these is astounding.
Sil's friend believes he was made homosexual by being abused by a member of the same sex. No way shape or friend will I attack Sil's friend who committed suicide; all I can say is that I was abused by a male Baptist pastor and a female school counselor.

I am heterosexual, period.

Sil needs to have solid objective evidence. To be taken seriously, Sil must quit mischaracterizing the Amendment 3 case, Prop 8, and suggesting the nonsensical cult of Harvey Milk.
Sil's friend believes he was made homosexual by being abused by a member of the same sex. No way shape or friend will I attack Sil's friend who committed suicide; all I can say is that I was abused by a male Baptist pastor and a female school counselor.

I am heterosexual, period.

Sil needs to have solid objective evidence. To be taken seriously, Sil must quit mischaracterizing the Amendment 3 case, Prop 8, and suggesting the nonsensical cult of Harvey Milk.
Solid evidence like hundreds of years of training animals across all species to become artificially sexually oriented in order to collect semen for artificial insemination? Animals becoming habitually aroused at the sight of a halter, dummy mount or other paired stimulus object that has nothing to do with an estrus female after-the-fact? Something like that maybe? A couple of centuries of industry practice might beef up the cred a little?
Sil is not an expert. Sil does not offer expert evidence and conclusions supported by the professional organizations that evaluate these matters. Sil offers opinion: no one cares.

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