Would You Let This Transgender Nurse Bath Your Daughter?

Would you want a mentally ill nurse bathing your daughter?

  • Oh yes. My daughter should experience all life has to offer.

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I have a very good friend that I have known for over 25 years. He is not a transgender in the physical sense because he cannot afford the surgery. But he IS female. He dresses as one, acts like one, feels emotion wise as one. I would trust him with my life. My dogs lives, my husbands life, my childrens lives. He is an awesome human being. He is NOT mentally ill, nor deranged, nor a child molester, nor a pervet. He is a woman, with a man's body.

The hate is getting pretty extreme lately. I'm getting Fed. Up. some more.

Edited to say I came back long enough to state this. Now...PFFFFFFFFFFFFT on this subject.
Hypothetical Scenario:

A confused man decides one day that he's a woman. He happens to work at your local hospital as a nurse. He still has his God-given "junk" but he recently took some drugs that enabled him to develop breasts. He grew his hair out; wears a bra; wears a nurse's dress; and wears lipstick but he's still a man regardless of what your local, Liberal politicians say he is.

Your 12-year-old daughter has a debilitating illness that requires hospital care. The hospital requires that female nurses care for female patients where bathing and dressing the patients are concerned. The hospital has bought into the politically correct stance that a man who thinks he is a woman IS a woman and has, therefore, assigned the confused nurse to care for your daughter.

Would you want this mental/sexual deviant giving your daughter a sponge bath?

I think if my daughter had a debilitating illness, what her nurse has going on under her clothes would be the least of my worries.

Obviously, if he's carried his delusion that he's female that far, it's not like he's really a threat.

You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

No ... this "man" has determined just how "perverted" he is by trying to physically change himself into a woman. He is unstable and requires psychiatric treatment. All I need to know is that he has a serious problem. The depth of that problem isn't my problem. I just need to assure that he keeps his hands away from my daughter.
Are you claiming transgendered folks are also child molesters?

I'm claiming that they could be. They're clearly confused. If a man can convince himself he's a woman then it's possible that he can convince himself that he's "God's gift to kids" (if you know what I mean).
You disappoint me, DD.

Now I am for sure gone from this bullshit thread.
Another thing I've been curious about, is that I hear the LGBT community make such statements like "gender is a social construct," and it does not or should not matter and blah, blah. Well if that is the case, then why do they want to dress and act like women? (Or men in the case of the other way). SO much so in some cases, that they will take a pretty big risk and have their genitalia essentially mutilated. It's really just kind of messed up, IMO. I imagine that has to be a pretty messed up individual.
I have a very good friend that I have known for over 25 years. He is not a transgender in the physical sense because he cannot afford the surgery. But he IS female. He dresses as one, acts like one, feels emotion wise as one. I would trust him with my life. My dogs lives, my husbands life, my childrens lives. He is an awesome human being. He is NOT mentally ill, nor deranged, nor a child molester, nor a pervet. He is a woman, with a man's body.

The hate is getting pretty extreme lately. I'm getting Fed. Up. some more.

Edited to say I came back long enough to state this. Now...PFFFFFFFFFFFFT on this subject.

Yikes!! Better you than me. :bye1:
I think if my daughter had a debilitating illness, what her nurse has going on under her clothes would be the least of my worries.

Obviously, if he's carried his delusion that he's female that far, it's not like he's really a threat.

You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.
You disappoint me, DD.

Now I am for sure gone from this bullshit thread.

Why be disappointed? Must everyone share your opinion 100% of the time to earn your approval? I've stated 100,000 times in this forum that I'm a true Conservative and a Christian. I'm disappointed that our nation is swirling down the toilet as sexual deviancy is the new order of the day.
I have a very good friend that I have known for over 25 years. He is not a transgender in the physical sense because he cannot afford the surgery. But he IS female. He dresses as one, acts like one, feels emotion wise as one. I would trust him with my life. My dogs lives, my husbands life, my childrens lives. He is an awesome human being. He is NOT mentally ill, nor deranged, nor a child molester, nor a pervet. He is a woman, with a man's body.

The hate is getting pretty extreme lately. I'm getting Fed. Up. some more.

Edited to say I came back long enough to state this. Now...PFFFFFFFFFFFFT on this subject.

I would treat such a person with respect and dignity and never be mean, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with that or believe that it is normal in any way. That certainly doesn't mean I necessarily think he is a "pervert" or whatever, but you never really know. Everyone always says, "Oh, I had NO IDEA. He seemed so nice!" I would rather play it safe when it comes to my child, however, regardless of any of that.
You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

You cannot go by professional photos that have been photoshopped and edited to death. When you are face to face with them, a lot of times it's much more obvious. You would notice certain little things.
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

You cannot go by professional photos that have been photoshopped and edited to death. When you are face to face with them, a lot of times it's much more obvious. You would notice certain little things.
You have no evidence that photo is photoshopped. Your bigotry just doesn't allow you to deal with the reality that there are plenty of transgendered folks whom you could never tell are transgendered.
You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

Lordee...no wonder there are so many.....you know ...out there LOL .
Unless said nurse is also a child rapist, what's the concern? Even if he is still sexually attracted to women doesn't mean he's attracted to children. But then, this is a creation from your own imagination, so you decide just how perverted your make believe nurse is...

Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

You cannot go by professional photos that have been photoshopped and edited to death. When you are face to face with them, a lot of times it's much more obvious. You would notice certain little things.

Thats true too!

Face to face is where men get the fright LOL

Who knows ......so much perversion in this world.....sickening ...isn't it

That's why I love my books ...my simple life:)
You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?

No, I just don't get all upset about people's sexuality like you do.
You're painting all confused transgenders as if they all share the same shade of insanity. What if this particular transgender odd-ball still has a hidden interest in females? Or, considering the fact that it is lumped in with the LGBT community what if he/she/it is a lesbian transgender? Now what-er-ya-gonna-do?

No, I just don't get all upset about people's sexuality like you do.

I don't give two hoots what their "sexuality" is. The OP is concerned about placing ones daughter in harms way when it can be avoided.
You have no evidence that photo is photoshopped. Your bigotry just doesn't allow you to deal with the reality that there are plenty of transgendered folks whom you could never tell are transgendered.
It isn't about how well they can mimic the opposite gender for me, it's the desire to be something you aren't. They should be thankful they have legs, arms, eyes, etc. instead of pretending that gender is a state of mind. It isn't no matter how ignorant or wishful you are. Calling someone else a bigot for failing to agree with your politically correct bullshit is hypocritical.
I never liked my male gynecologists to be too good looking but from time to time, my female gyno wouldn't be around and I'd have to meet with one of the other docs and it just turned out that way.

When I was in the hospital, I had a male nurse who gave me the sponge baths and that was embarrassing but he just walked in and started doing his job. Sometimes you have to just work with whoever is there. No choices in the matter but we all live through this stuff. I think some here need to grow up.
Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

You cannot go by professional photos that have been photoshopped and edited to death. When you are face to face with them, a lot of times it's much more obvious. You would notice certain little things.
You have no evidence that photo is photoshopped. Your bigotry just doesn't allow you to deal with the reality that there are plenty of transgendered folks whom you could never tell are transgendered.

ALL professional photos go through an editing process. :rolleyes-41:
I never liked my male gynecologists to be too good looking but from time to time, my female gyno wouldn't be around and I'd have to meet with one of the other docs and it just turned out that way.

When I was in the hospital, I had a male nurse who gave me the sponge baths and that was embarrassing but he just walked in and started doing his job. Sometimes you have to just work with whoever is there. No choices in the matter but we all live through this stuff. I think some here need to grow up.
Part of growing up is being able to follow the grownups' conversation. It isn't about gender. I also fail to see how a male gynecologist's good looks can cause embassment, maybe you need to get your mind out of the gutter?
I never liked my male gynecologists to be too good looking but from time to time, my female gyno wouldn't be around and I'd have to meet with one of the other docs and it just turned out that way.

When I was in the hospital, I had a male nurse who gave me the sponge baths and that was embarrassing but he just walked in and started doing his job. Sometimes you have to just work with whoever is there. No choices in the matter but we all live through this stuff. I think some here need to grow up.

I completely disagree. It should be up to ME on who touches my body, especially when I'm sick. The hospital should put patients first and avoid stressing them because that has negative effects on healing, and the sick patient should take precedence over the staff, regardless of whether or not you like it. If a transgender person bathing me makes me feel uncomfortable, or my child, then the hospital needs to work to remedy this situation.
I never liked my male gynecologists to be too good looking but from time to time, my female gyno wouldn't be around and I'd have to meet with one of the other docs and it just turned out that way.

When I was in the hospital, I had a male nurse who gave me the sponge baths and that was embarrassing but he just walked in and started doing his job. Sometimes you have to just work with whoever is there. No choices in the matter but we all live through this stuff. I think some here need to grow up.
Part of growing up is being able to follow the grownups' conversation. It isn't about gender. I also fail to see how a male gynecologist's good looks can cause embassment, maybe you need to get your mind out of the gutter?
It's about transgender. Many females feel the same way about male gynos as I do. It can be uncomfortable if he looks like someone you'd date. It can be uncomfortable in such an intimate setting. I always have female gynecologists.

Move along, old man..
Because, most 12-year-old girls are going to feel uncomfortable being bathed by a man, regardless of whether or not he believes he is a woman.
You assume a 12 year old can tell it's a man.

Voice, hand size, facial structure. Kids aren't stupid.
Depending on the transgender, no one, adult or child, can tell without checking the trunk for junk. For example...


... looks female to me.

You cannot go by professional photos that have been photoshopped and edited to death. When you are face to face with them, a lot of times it's much more obvious. You would notice certain little things.
You have no evidence that photo is photoshopped. Your bigotry just doesn't allow you to deal with the reality that there are plenty of transgendered folks whom you could never tell are transgendered.

Hmm. Maybe in SOME instances I couldn't tell, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a mentally unstable person, now does it? Are you going to try to argue that a person who is SO conflicted about their own gender does not suffer from a mental illness of some kind? That this is a normal variant of the human condition? Sorry, I don't buy it.

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