Would You Pay More For A Product To Help Workers

Would You Pay More For A Product If It Helped Workers

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I only pay more based on quality of manufacture and need for the item.
If the difference in quality is negligible then I am indifferent as to location or method of manufacture.

And this means what ? If it means that you don't care as to the method in which the product was assembled, then how can you say this as an American who is supposed to be against tyrannical governments, oppression, and/or any other sorts of anti-American methods in which these things are known by us to be done in these ways by ?

Where is it written that "as an American who is supposed to be against tyrannical governments, oppression, and/or any other sorts of anti-American..." is mandatory or obligatory? What law was passed, what amendment was placed in the Constitution? Minding other people's business is the greatest of mankind's evils.
These Poll results so far are both sad and encouraging. It is sad to see so many Americans so greedy and hateful. But at the same time, there are many Americans who have compassion and respect. So there is still hope for our Nation. Slave Labor isn't the way to go. We have to treat our fellow Americans better. We can do it. Americans just need to let go of their hate and greed. America has become everything Jesus warned us about. We have to change. We have to become decent again. And we should all keep in mind, we reap what we sow. There is a heavy price to pay for low wages and low prices. It all comes back around in the end. I just hope and pray more Americans begin to realize that.
I don't go to a store to help out the workers.

Maybe it's time to expand your horizons? The awful problems won't go away just because you ignore them. You will pay a heavy price for those low wages and low prices. One way or another. You can bet on that.
Good to see we agree on those points. I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations. Like the auto industry, for instance, designing and selling cars that were AWFUL against japanese imports in the 60's and 70's and who were too ignorant to see what was coming. And that same management doing way too little to copy the japanese way of producing cars, as did the other manufacturers of the world. Trying to convince someone that unions did that would be way too stupid,as I see you now agree. I mean, making it seem that unions designed the mess the auto industry in this country ended up in is a total nonstarter.

I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations.

Ruining, not running.
Yes, I am sure that is your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.
So, you do believe that the union somehow made those corporations do things, like make unsalable cars and cause the management to be brain dead. Those union dudes must be really, really powerful. And they must be rich, too.

So, you do believe that the union somehow made those corporations do things, like make unsalable cars and cause the management to be brain dead.

It's true, unions made a bad situation worse.

Those union dudes must be really, really powerful.

They do have the power to destroy.

And they must be rich, too.

Just the officers.
Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

Would it make a difference? If the upped the price there is no way to be sure the workers would benefit from it. It is up to the company to decide how the profits are split.
Who would decide that little fact? Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees? No,it is up to the company to decide how they use their profits.
Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

Would it make a difference? If the upped the price there is no way to be sure the workers would benefit from it. It is up to the company to decide how the profits are split.
Who would decide that little fact? Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees? No,it is up to the company to decide how they use their profits.

But if you knew it would help, would you pay more?
Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

Would it make a difference? If the upped the price there is no way to be sure the workers would benefit from it. It is up to the company to decide how the profits are split.
Who would decide that little fact? Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees? No,it is up to the company to decide how they use their profits.

Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees?

Employee wages are already many times the profits, at a typical company.

UAL was owned by the unions, they still managed to go bankrupt.
I guess they should have paid themselves more?
The author of this silly thread should start his own business and pay the workers as much as he wants, instead of whining on USMB.
These Poll results so far are both sad and encouraging. It is sad to see so many Americans so greedy and hateful. But at the same time, there are many Americans who have compassion and respect. So there is still hope for our Nation. Slave Labor isn't the way to go. We have to treat our fellow Americans better. We can do it. Americans just need to let go of their hate and greed. America has become everything Jesus warned us about. We have to change. We have to become decent again. And we should all keep in mind, we reap what we sow. There is a heavy price to pay for low wages and low prices. It all comes back around in the end. I just hope and pray more Americans begin to realize that.

Decency is no longer an option.
Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

Would it make a difference? If the upped the price there is no way to be sure the workers would benefit from it. It is up to the company to decide how the profits are split.
Who would decide that little fact? Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees? No,it is up to the company to decide how they use their profits.

Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees?

Employee wages are already many times the profits, at a typical company.

UAL was owned by the unions, they still managed to go bankrupt.
I guess they should have paid themselves more?
The author of this silly thread should start his own business and pay the workers as much as he wants, instead of whining on USMB.

Sadly, you sound a bit too greedy and hateful. And therein lies the problem. We need to start treating our fellow Americans better. It hurts being treated like a Slave. And now Middle Class Taxpayers are beginning to understand how the Slaves feel. It's simply coming back around. A bit of Karmic Justice i guess. If Businesses refuse to pay a decent wage, the Taxpayers will have to pick up the slack. And that's exactly how Walmart and McDonalds want it. It's unjust and unnecessary to hate and express disdain for Workers. It's time to redirect that energy towards criticizing Businesses who demand their Slave Labor.
These Poll results so far are both sad and encouraging. It is sad to see so many Americans so greedy and hateful. But at the same time, there are many Americans who have compassion and respect. So there is still hope for our Nation. Slave Labor isn't the way to go. We have to treat our fellow Americans better. We can do it. Americans just need to let go of their hate and greed. America has become everything Jesus warned us about. We have to change. We have to become decent again. And we should all keep in mind, we reap what we sow. There is a heavy price to pay for low wages and low prices. It all comes back around in the end. I just hope and pray more Americans begin to realize that.

Just because someone voted no doesn't mean they are greedy and hateful. I voted no because I think it's unrealistic to ask people to act against their own self-interest and because overpaying isn't going to solve the problem you've outlined and may even make things worse, what you're suggesting is inefficient.
I think too many Americans are very confused. The United States of America was built with Slave Labor. It's not anything new. There was a brief respite when Unions were at their height, but it has always existed. But that greed is coming back to haunt us. The Entitlement Masses continue to swell in numbers. Businesses don't want to pay, so the Taxpayers will have to. The Middle Class is being destroyed. In the end, Slave Labor is bad for all of us.

I'd probably feel more comfortable with your post if you explained what you meant by "slave labor".

When Democrats finally swallow up the middle-class for the wealthy and ruling class, that's when the American dream is officially ended.
These Poll results so far are both sad and encouraging. It is sad to see so many Americans so greedy and hateful. But at the same time, there are many Americans who have compassion and respect. So there is still hope for our Nation. Slave Labor isn't the way to go. We have to treat our fellow Americans better. We can do it. Americans just need to let go of their hate and greed. America has become everything Jesus warned us about. We have to change. We have to become decent again. And we should all keep in mind, we reap what we sow. There is a heavy price to pay for low wages and low prices. It all comes back around in the end. I just hope and pray more Americans begin to realize that.

Just because someone voted no doesn't mean they are greedy and hateful. I voted no because I think it's unrealistic to ask people to act against their own self-interest and because overpaying isn't going to solve the problem you've outlined and may even make things worse, what you're suggesting is inefficient.

Well, it hasn't been tried yet. Let's try it first. I think most Americans would pay more. I still believe in American decency.
These Poll results so far are both sad and encouraging. It is sad to see so many Americans so greedy and hateful. But at the same time, there are many Americans who have compassion and respect. So there is still hope for our Nation. Slave Labor isn't the way to go. We have to treat our fellow Americans better. We can do it. Americans just need to let go of their hate and greed. America has become everything Jesus warned us about. We have to change. We have to become decent again. And we should all keep in mind, we reap what we sow. There is a heavy price to pay for low wages and low prices. It all comes back around in the end. I just hope and pray more Americans begin to realize that.

Just because someone voted no doesn't mean they are greedy and hateful. I voted no because I think it's unrealistic to ask people to act against their own self-interest and because overpaying isn't going to solve the problem you've outlined and may even make things worse, what you're suggesting is inefficient.

Well, it hasn't been tried yet. Let's try it first. I think most Americans would pay more. I still believe in American decency.

I don't need to try out sticking my balls in a woodchipper to know that I'm going to feel a lot of pain. There's nothing decent about trying something that is obviously inefficient just so we can feel good.
I don't go to a store to help out the workers.

Maybe it's time to expand your horizons? The awful problems won't go away just because you ignore them. You will pay a heavy price for those low wages and low prices. One way or another. You can bet on that.

The "Awful" problems aren't my fault and won't go away if I aid and abet them.

It is highly doubtful that I will pay for those low wages and prices. This is a made-up crisis and I won't fall for it.
Just because someone voted no doesn't mean they are greedy and hateful. I voted no because I think it's unrealistic to ask people to act against their own self-interest and because overpaying isn't going to solve the problem you've outlined and may even make things worse, what you're suggesting is inefficient.

Well, it hasn't been tried yet. Let's try it first. I think most Americans would pay more. I still believe in American decency.

I don't need to try out sticking my balls in a woodchipper to know that I'm going to feel a lot of pain. There's nothing decent about trying something that is obviously inefficient just so we can feel good.

You're unwilling to try. And that's sad. But oh well. Like i said, the greed and hate is coming back around on so many. Now the Middle Class Taxpayers will have to pick up the tab on Walmart's and McDonalds' Slaves. They're gonna find out that it really does hurt being a disrespected Slave. It is Karmic Justice.
Would it make a difference? If the upped the price there is no way to be sure the workers would benefit from it. It is up to the company to decide how the profits are split.
Who would decide that little fact? Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees? No,it is up to the company to decide how they use their profits.

Does the government now come in and say that 50% of the profits must now be divided up between employees?

Employee wages are already many times the profits, at a typical company.

UAL was owned by the unions, they still managed to go bankrupt.
I guess they should have paid themselves more?
The author of this silly thread should start his own business and pay the workers as much as he wants, instead of whining on USMB.

Sadly, you sound a bit too greedy and hateful. And therein lies the problem. We need to start treating our fellow Americans better. It hurts being treated like a Slave. And now Middle Class Taxpayers are beginning to understand how the Slaves feel. It's simply coming back around. A bit of Karmic Justice i guess. If Businesses refuse to pay a decent wage, the Taxpayers will have to pick up the slack. And that's exactly how Walmart and McDonalds want it. It's unjust and unnecessary to hate and express disdain for Workers. It's time to redirect that energy towards criticizing Businesses who demand their Slave Labor.

Sadly, you sound a bit too greedy and hateful.

Sadly, you sound like an idiot.
...If Businesses refuse to pay a decent wage, the Taxpayers will have to pick up the slack...
--and make up the difference so the employee gets lots of money? How about this: if food shoppers cold-heartedly refuse to pay decent prices for the food they eat then it will be up to the government to raise taxes on the middle class to make sure store owners get all the money that decent prices would give them.

Sounds goofy; because it is.
You're unwilling to try. And that's sad. But oh well. Like i said, the greed and hate is coming back around on so many. Now the Middle Class Taxpayers will have to pick up the tab on Walmart's and McDonalds' Slaves. They're gonna find out that it really does hurt being a disrespected Slave. It is Karmic Justice.

I remember the last time I went to McDonalds ... The cashier and staff looked at me like they would rather I die than provide me with good service ... They were unprofessional and disrespectful.
I turned around and walked out the door ... Never been back in one since, and won't be ... Talk about Karmic Justice ... Screw McDonalds and their sorry-assed employees.

You're unwilling to try. And that's sad. But oh well. Like i said, the greed and hate is coming back around on so many. Now the Middle Class Taxpayers will have to pick up the tab on Walmart's and McDonalds' Slaves. They're gonna find out that it really does hurt being a disrespected Slave. It is Karmic Justice.

I don't see the need to try. I've never put my hand on a chopping block and driven an axe blade down through the fingers but even though I've never done it I'm still reasonably certain I can accurately predict the outcome.

Your idea would actually hurt workers, not help them. If I can purchase a product or service for $100 but I then go ahead and pay $150 for that product or service then I have just screwed the people who would have received that $50. Your idea robs Peter to pay Paul and results in fewer goods and services being purchased.

You've said more than once in this thread that other people are basically shilling for corporations but in reality you are the one who is letting them off the hook. Let's use the two you just mentioned: Walmart and McDonalds. Both of them could pay their employees more than they are right now, they don't need me or anyone else to overpay yet they don't. Why do you think overpaying would result in the extra money trickling down to the workers? Those companies pay what they pay because they know they can do it and the taxpayers will pick up the slack. Your idea is to ask me to pay more and then you say that if I don't pay more then I will still pay more anyway because of the government assistance. According to you I'm screwed no matter what. Here's my idea: bill these corporations for the benefits claimed by their employees. It really is that simple and unlike your plan, I don't have to take it in the shorts no matter what.

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