Would You Pay More For A Product To Help Workers

Would You Pay More For A Product If It Helped Workers

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In general, if people make more money, they're less likely to look to Government for Entitlements. But we can go back and forth on this forever. The bottom line is, if Businesses won't pay, the Taxpayers will. That's just the way it is. Slave Labor hurts everyone except the Walmarts of the World. They're enjoying their Slave Labor immensely. And it's at your expense.

My expense in taxes, yes. But you're trying to sell the notion that people should pay employees more because otherwise they'll pay more in taxes. Again that's very naive thinking that my tax rate would appreciably go down as a result of fewer people on welfare programs. If they don't spend it on that they'll find something else to spend it on.

Well, i can't argue with you much on the Tax issue. Government is out of control. I was talking more about taking some of the Entitlement burden off the Taxpayers. In general, Workers making a decent living, won't turn to Government Entitlements. But i hear what you're saying.

That's true. The question is whom should the burden really be on to ensure that decent living. The employers or the individual?
As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers. You cast no blame on the Businesses. Try not to buy into Corporate Propaganda so much. With them, it's obviously always the Workers' fault. But you don't have to support their B.S. Companies that are mismanaged will go under. That's just the way it is. And it's very rarely ever the Workers' fault.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers

No offense, but where did I do that?

My bad. But so many in this country are way too quick to buy into Corporate Propaganda and blame the Workers for everything.
My expense in taxes, yes. But you're trying to sell the notion that people should pay employees more because otherwise they'll pay more in taxes. Again that's very naive thinking that my tax rate would appreciably go down as a result of fewer people on welfare programs. If they don't spend it on that they'll find something else to spend it on.

Well, i can't argue with you much on the Tax issue. Government is out of control. I was talking more about taking some of the Entitlement burden off the Taxpayers. In general, Workers making a decent living, won't turn to Government Entitlements. But i hear what you're saying.

That's true. The question is whom should the burden really be on to ensure that decent living. The employers or the individual?

That's a very good question. I would have to say both. But Slave Labor isn't the way to go. The Slaves will turn to Government Entitlements. And that's what we're seeing today. America really was built on Slave Labor. It's certainly not anything new. The Unions fought and achieved some big improvements for Workers, but Unions have now faded. So what do Workers do now? How do they fight back? Well, they have no choice but to turn to Entitlements. They have families to take care of. They'll do what they have to do.

The chickens are coming home to roost. The cold-hearted greedy who looked down on these Workers will pay for that mentality. It's a kind of Karmic justice. Those who look down their noses at McDonalds and Walmart Workers, will now feel their pain. It hurts being treated like a worthless Slave. And many more Americans are about to find that out.
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No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers. You cast no blame on the Businesses. Try not to buy into Corporate Propaganda so much. With them, it's obviously always the Workers' fault. But you don't have to support their B.S. Companies that are mismanaged will go under. That's just the way it is. And it's very rarely ever the Workers' fault.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers

No offense, but where did I do that?

My bad. But so many in this country are way too quick to buy into Corporate Propaganda and blame the Workers for everything.

I blame the unions.
Sooo...there should be a tip jar at Target when I buy a basketball from the sports section?

What a strange concept.

That's not what i'm referring to.

Then pretend I am a four year old and explain the mechanics of this to me. I am presuming that when I buy a basketball at Target, I am helping the worker who made the basketball. Sure, there are middlemen who take a cut, but the worker gets paid...right?
Very true, the means of foreign distribution is controlled by unions. But, you have to start someplace. I intend to hurt unions and those who work for unions as much as I can. Which is infinitesimal, but any small thing, any tiny act of rebellion is worth it.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.

As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.
I see. So it was the unions that killed the unions. Got it. Because the management of those industries were incapable of making their companies work?? Because the workers got almost a tenth of the increase in their earnings that management and ownership did??
Me thinks you spend way too much time reading and believing the drivel of the right wing bat shit crazy con sites, me boy.
We all love our cheap goods, but very few of us ever stop and think about how those cheap goods come about. There is a price to pay for those low prices. Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?
Yes, but only if the product is worth the money that will be spent on it, and only if a portion of that money is knowingly and properly distributed to the workers instead of being taken by the corporations without our knowledge of it, therefore killing the middle class still in this nation while we are all duped in these feel good gestures of kindness that we would engage in, yet having no guarantee's that anything is going like we think that it should or that our money is going where we think that it should also. I am for supporting American labor always, and also American companies who play right in the whole scheme of things, just as they are supposed to.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.

As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.
I see. So it was the unions that killed the unions. Got it. Because the management of those industries were incapable of making their companies work?? Because the workers got almost a tenth of the increase in their earnings that management and ownership did??
Me thinks you spend way too much time reading and believing the drivel of the right wing bat shit crazy con sites, me boy.

You're right, unions didn't kill the US steel industry or the US auto industry. LOL!
No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers

No offense, but where did I do that?

My bad. But so many in this country are way too quick to buy into Corporate Propaganda and blame the Workers for everything.

I blame the unions.

I don't. Businesses fail for various reasons. And it's rarely ever the Workers' fault. Without Unions, Slave Labor would be much worse than it is today. The Unions saved American Workers. However, that time has passed. We've gone backwards as a Nation. But like i said, it hurts being treated like a worthless Slave. And now all those greedy cold-hearted people who look down on 'lowly' Walmart & McDonalds Workers, are beginning to feel their pain. Someone has to pay for low wages & prices. And that someone is the Middle Class. They're gonna feel much more pain in the future.
Sooo...there should be a tip jar at Target when I buy a basketball from the sports section?

What a strange concept.

That's not what i'm referring to.

Then pretend I am a four year old and explain the mechanics of this to me. I am presuming that when I buy a basketball at Target, I am helping the worker who made the basketball. Sure, there are middlemen who take a cut, but the worker gets paid...right?

You're making it much more complicated than it is. It's a simple straight-forward question. Would you pay more for a product knowing it would help Workers? Yes or No?
Well, alfalfa, not sure what you expect. By better, did you expect less pay?? Or more? The vast majority of the world would know. Sorry you do not.
As for what are benefits, if you are that ignorant, it would probably be better if you looked the word up.
As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.
I see. So it was the unions that killed the unions. Got it. Because the management of those industries were incapable of making their companies work?? Because the workers got almost a tenth of the increase in their earnings that management and ownership did??
Me thinks you spend way too much time reading and believing the drivel of the right wing bat shit crazy con sites, me boy.

You're right, unions didn't kill the US steel industry or the US auto industry. LOL!
Good to see we agree on those points. I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations. Like the auto industry, for instance, designing and selling cars that were AWFUL against japanese imports in the 60's and 70's and who were too ignorant to see what was coming. And that same management doing way too little to copy the japanese way of producing cars, as did the other manufacturers of the world. Trying to convince someone that unions did that would be way too stupid,as I see you now agree. I mean, making it seem that unions designed the mess the auto industry in this country ended up in is a total nonstarter.
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I see. So it was the unions that killed the unions. Got it. Because the management of those industries were incapable of making their companies work?? Because the workers got almost a tenth of the increase in their earnings that management and ownership did??
Me thinks you spend way too much time reading and believing the drivel of the right wing bat shit crazy con sites, me boy.

You're right, unions didn't kill the US steel industry or the US auto industry. LOL!
Good to see we agree on those points. I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations. Like the auto industry, for instance, designing and selling cars that were AWFUL against japanese imports in the 60's and 70's and who were too ignorant to see what was coming. And that same management doing way too little to copy the japanese way of producing cars, as did the other manufacturers of the world. Trying to convince someone that unions did that would be way too stupid,as I see you now agree. I mean, making it seem that unions designed the mess the auto industry in this country ended up in is a total nonstarter.

I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations.

Ruining, not running.
You're right, unions didn't kill the US steel industry or the US auto industry. LOL!
Good to see we agree on those points. I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations. Like the auto industry, for instance, designing and selling cars that were AWFUL against japanese imports in the 60's and 70's and who were too ignorant to see what was coming. And that same management doing way too little to copy the japanese way of producing cars, as did the other manufacturers of the world. Trying to convince someone that unions did that would be way too stupid,as I see you now agree. I mean, making it seem that unions designed the mess the auto industry in this country ended up in is a total nonstarter.

I thought for a while that you believed that the unions were running the corporations.

Ruining, not running.
Yes, I am sure that is your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.
So, you do believe that the union somehow made those corporations do things, like make unsalable cars and cause the management to be brain dead. Those union dudes must be really, really powerful. And they must be rich, too.
...believe that the union somehow made those corporations do things, like make unsalable cars and cause the management to be brain dead. Those union dudes must be really, really powerful. And they must be rich, too...
The unions can and did to that using the government they controlled and taking advantage of its enormous power and taxable wealth. They were able to and actually did steal GM from the owners, replace management, and force it to build cars nobody wanted.

Our tax dollars at work.
We all love our cheap goods, but very few of us ever stop and think about how those cheap goods come about. There is a price to pay for those low prices. Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?
I only pay more based on quality of manufacture and need for the item.
If the difference in quality is negligible then I am indifferent as to location or method of manufacture.
We all love our cheap goods, but very few of us ever stop and think about how those cheap goods come about. There is a price to pay for those low prices. Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?
I only pay more based on quality of manufacture and need for the item.
If the difference in quality is negligible then I am indifferent as to location or method of manufacture.

And this means what ? If it means that you don't care as to the method in which the product was assembled, then how can you say this as an American who is supposed to be against tyrannical governments, oppression, and/or any other sorts of anti-American methods in which these things are known by us to be done in these ways by ?
...it means that you don't care as to the method in which the product was assembled...
Let's get real. When you fill up your gas tank you don't track down the owner to argue about which octane is processed from wells run by impoverished Mexicans and which drop flowed from a good'ol American rig.
...it means that you don't care as to the method in which the product was assembled...
Let's get real. When you fill up your gas tank you don't track down the owner to argue about which octane is processed from wells run by impoverished Mexicans and which drop flowed from a good'ol American rig.
No, but if we are made aware of the bad that exist would we do nothing but say to ourselves that it doesn't matter, just as long as we get what we want like spoiled rotten children also get, and yet they care not how their brother or sister faired in the deal when they got it ?

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