Would You Pay More For A Product To Help Workers

Would You Pay More For A Product If It Helped Workers

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I try to buy Made in America as often as possible. Finding things made in America can be quite the challenge.
It wasn't that long ago that buying anything made outside the US was a sign of being poor. Now a huge majority of goods are made offshore, which interestingly coincides with the fact that the American middle class is getting poorer and poorer to the point that actually having a middle class in America has become the American Dream.
Buy American, spend a little more money and help strengthen America by strengthening the middle class. That's what I do. With a weakened middle class, America is weakened.

I try to buy only things made without Union Labor. I'd rather pay MORE for something made in a foreign country than buy what was made with American union labor.

This is because you're a great american. Well, hannity would tell you that anyway.
Education requires money, which people can't get if they have jobs that don't pay them a decent wage. Once you pay rent, and buy food, and pay the bills, how do you have enough left over to go to school?
I joined the military, got two years of college done for (almost) free while serving then used the GI Bill to pay for most of the rest after I got out. I'm a software engineer.

My wife took out student loans, worked part-time during school and full time in the summer. She's an attorney.

It isn't easy, but even without money an education can be achieved with some sacrifice and a bit of hard work. Your mileage may vary.
I try to buy Made in America as often as possible. Finding things made in America can be quite the challenge.
It wasn't that long ago that buying anything made outside the US was a sign of being poor. Now a huge majority of goods are made offshore, which interestingly coincides with the fact that the American middle class is getting poorer and poorer to the point that actually having a middle class in America has become the American Dream.
Buy American, spend a little more money and help strengthen America by strengthening the middle class. That's what I do. With a weakened middle class, America is weakened.

I bought a John Deere tractor, that counts, doesn't it?
Education requires money, which people can't get if they have jobs that don't pay them a decent wage. Once you pay rent, and buy food, and pay the bills, how do you have enough left over to go to school?

The government has many programs for low income people to get a college education. I know a girl that is working part time, and is becoming an attorney for no money out of pocket. She is paid every quarter by the government for her classes, and her books and still has money leftover.

Another person is on a similar program and will have their bachelors degree in business in March. She get $3,500 a quarter, plus $1000 a month, for part time schooling. She has money left over to use it how she sees fit. She has a full time job and makes a lot more than minimum wage and still qualifies.

So I have no clue as to what you are talking about, can you explain please?
Exactly, or you could join the military like I did and take advantage of the education benefits they offer.

If you want an education bad enough, you'll find a way to get it. You won't sit around making excuses for why you're not.

Except... "sequestration" has done those programs in.
I try to buy Made in America as often as possible. Finding things made in America can be quite the challenge.
It wasn't that long ago that buying anything made outside the US was a sign of being poor. Now a huge majority of goods are made offshore, which interestingly coincides with the fact that the American middle class is getting poorer and poorer to the point that actually having a middle class in America has become the American Dream.
Buy American, spend a little more money and help strengthen America by strengthening the middle class. That's what I do. With a weakened middle class, America is weakened.

Finding things made in America can be quite the challenge.

And what is stopping these under paid masses from continuing their education so they can make more money?

Why is it up to me to pay an over inflated price for something just to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves?

Education requires money, which people can't get if they have jobs that don't pay them a decent wage. Once you pay rent, and buy food, and pay the bills, how do you have enough left over to go to school?

whoa, back in time and even today many people have done it...some worked two, three jobs....Oh the horror of that I know is tough for a lot people...
so if you can't make it, must be YOU..nobody is here (a job, government or the taxpayers) to help you get though life...try working harder at it

[raising hand] Here I am, a seasoned citizen, retired from one career, working one full-time job, two-part-time jobs...just to cover government extortion. It's all me, of course. The fact that my fuel and food costs have tripled while my income has not, well, that's all my fault. Damn me...I must be stupid or incompetent...perhaps both?
Education requires money, which people can't get if they have jobs that don't pay them a decent wage. Once you pay rent, and buy food, and pay the bills, how do you have enough left over to go to school?

whoa, back in time and even today many people have done it...some worked two, three jobs....Oh the horror of that I know is tough for a lot people...
so if you can't make it, must be YOU..nobody is here (a job, government or the taxpayers) to help you get though life...try working harder at it

If you have three jobs, how do you find time to sleep while you are constantly working and studying? Or do you expect people to live on a few hours of sleep a night?

Youngster, I do this constantly. Time management is also a skill that seems lost on the young.
whoa, back in time and even today many people have done it...some worked two, three jobs....Oh the horror of that I know is tough for a lot people...
so if you can't make it, must be YOU..nobody is here (a job, government or the taxpayers) to help you get though life...try working harder at it

If you have three jobs, how do you find time to sleep while you are constantly working and studying? Or do you expect people to live on a few hours of sleep a night?

It's called life, you just do. That is life, if you want it bad enough, you just do.

No you don't, you just expect it be given to you. Someone else has "it", so you should also have "it". Ignore what they do to acquire "it".
We all love our cheap goods, but very few of us ever stop and think about how those cheap goods come about. There is a price to pay for those low prices. Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

not until all unions are out of the equation.

Unions are already just about completely out of the equation. And that's a whole other debate. I'm not sure less Unions is good for American Workers. I tend to lean towards believing it's not good.
Too many Americans' hearts really have grown cold. Many truly do look down their noses at their fellow Americans. They feel McDonalds and Walmart Workers are worthless undesirables. It's a very sad mentality. Too many just don't understand how important these Workers are. They take all their greedy anger out on them. But it's not they who deserve the anger and scorn. It's the Businesses who demand their Slave Labor that deserve the scorn.

The Middle Class Taxpayers are paying for their Slave Labor. Those low prices really aren't that low. They're actually very costly in the end. Those products are that cheap for a reason. Americans just need to start looking into why those prices are so low. When they do, I have a feeling it's going to be a very surprising sobering experience.
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Too many Americans' hearts really have grown cold. Many truly do look down their noses at their fellow Americans. They feel McDonalds and Walmart Workers are worthless undesirables. It's a very sad mentality. Too many just don't understand how important these Workers are. They take all their greedy anger out on them. But it's not they who deserve the anger and scorn. It's the Businesses who demand their Slave Labor that deserve the scorn.

The Middle Class Taxpayers are paying for their Slave Labor. Those low prices really aren't that low. They're actually very costly in the end. Those products are that cheap for a reason. Americans just need to start looking into why those prices are so low. When they do, I have a feeling it's going to be a very surprising sobering experience.

They feel McDonalds and Walmart Workers are worthless undesirables. It's a very sad mentality.

It's true, liberal support for unlimited immigration depresses the wages of our unskilled workers.
Close the borders already, it's the law!
Too many Americans' hearts really have grown cold. Many truly do look down their noses at their fellow Americans. They feel McDonalds and Walmart Workers are worthless undesirables. It's a very sad mentality. Too many just don't understand how important these Workers are. They take all their greedy anger out on them. But it's not they who deserve the anger and scorn. It's the Businesses who demand their Slave Labor that deserve the scorn.

The Middle Class Taxpayers are paying for their Slave Labor. Those low prices really aren't that low. They're actually very costly in the end. Those products are that cheap for a reason. Americans just need to start looking into why those prices are so low. When they do, I have a feeling it's going to be a very surprising sobering experience.
Mr. Paul, in my father-in-law's lifetime, he managed meatpacking companies for a now belly-up business that was once a household word in every American hope. A well-liked man, his last 10 years of service to his company was to try to make peace with the unions that were placing the company on the skids competitively, and their unwillingness to negotiate with management for less that 5% of a company-wide pay cut (including management) led to the closure of dozens of meat-packing plants across the South, and the sale of these properties to up-and-coming nonunionized companies.

It was hell for him. He loved other people with all his heart, and he patiently went over line for line those company books, explaining why cuts were necessary to stay even marginally in business. It was nothing doing, because the unionaires had long since decided their equivalent today of $35 per hour wasn't good enough, they decided management folks were way-too-well paid, and they weren't talking. He only saved 2 plants that were shut down sometime after he retired because the union decided to start false rumors about the alleged wealth of management, how the company would never shut down because of it being so famous, and that it would all go away by just not negotiating on a terminal basis. And terminal it was. The company is no more. It purchased a lingerie manufacturer and kept the new logo to replace their company, defeated by people who would not give an inch, reinforced by lies and disinformation put out by the union to enrage workers.

Who has the small heart? The people who told the truth, or those who persisted with myths and put 600 people's jobs on the line to support the lies. Everybody lost, but they had good warning. The company did its best to relocate jobs for the people who lost their jobs and made good retirement and care plan promises. They were good right to the end to the people who were manipulated by cold and cunning people who knew better, but believed the lies they themselves had dreamt up, hoping there was truth in there somewhere. There wasn't.

Lying destroyed those people's jobs, and trusting in the liars made them very bitter indeed at the wrong people.

Is it any wonder why thousands of years ago, wise men knew that false witness was a deadly sin in society and included it in their 10 commandments. Not in my mind, and it's still true. Lying is a deadly sin, no matter what language in which the lie is proffered.
I think too many Americans are very confused. The United States of America was built with Slave Labor. It's not anything new. There was a brief respite when Unions were at their height, but it has always existed. But that greed is coming back to haunt us. The Entitlement Masses continue to swell in numbers. Businesses don't want to pay, so the Taxpayers will have to. The Middle Class is being destroyed. In the end, Slave Labor is bad for all of us.

One of the most disjointed posts I have read in a long time.
I try to buy only things made without Union Labor. I'd rather pay MORE for something made in a foreign country than buy what was made with American union labor.

You know shipyards and overseas shipping are controlled by unions. So the only people you are hurting is working Americans and their family.

Very true, the means of foreign distribution is controlled by unions. But, you have to start someplace. I intend to hurt unions and those who work for unions as much as I can. Which is infinitesimal, but any small thing, any tiny act of rebellion is worth it.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.
You know shipyards and overseas shipping are controlled by unions. So the only people you are hurting is working Americans and their family.

Very true, the means of foreign distribution is controlled by unions. But, you have to start someplace. I intend to hurt unions and those who work for unions as much as I can. Which is infinitesimal, but any small thing, any tiny act of rebellion is worth it.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.

As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.
I think too many Americans are very confused. The United States of America was built with Slave Labor. It's not anything new. There was a brief respite when Unions were at their height, but it has always existed. But that greed is coming back to haunt us. The Entitlement Masses continue to swell in numbers. Businesses don't want to pay, so the Taxpayers will have to. The Middle Class is being destroyed. In the end, Slave Labor is bad for all of us.

One of the most disjointed posts I have read in a long time.

How so?
Very true, the means of foreign distribution is controlled by unions. But, you have to start someplace. I intend to hurt unions and those who work for unions as much as I can. Which is infinitesimal, but any small thing, any tiny act of rebellion is worth it.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.

As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers. You cast no blame on the Businesses. Try not to buy into Corporate Propaganda so much. With them, it's obviously always the Workers' fault. But you don't have to support their B.S. Companies that are mismanaged will go under. That's just the way it is. And it's very rarely ever the Workers' fault.
And what is stopping these under paid masses from continuing their education so they can make more money?

Why is it up to me to pay an over inflated price for something just to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves?

You're already paying much more. If Business won't pay, you the Taxpayer will. Americans should stop looking down their noses at these Workers. They're actually much more important than most think. They have value. They provide their skills and services to the masses who want and need them. They should not be looked at as being less than human. That mentality has led us to this Slave Labor nightmare.

You seem to be under the mistake impression that if government requires less money to operate programs like welfare and food stamps they will lower our taxes accordingly. I think that's rather naive.
And what is stopping these under paid masses from continuing their education so they can make more money?

Why is it up to me to pay an over inflated price for something just to help someone who doesn't want to help themselves?

You're already paying much more. If Business won't pay, you the Taxpayer will. Americans should stop looking down their noses at these Workers. They're actually much more important than most think. They have value. They provide their skills and services to the masses who want and need them. They should not be looked at as being less than human. That mentality has led us to this Slave Labor nightmare.

You seem to be under the mistake impression that if government requires less money to operate programs like welfare and food stamps they will lower our taxes accordingly. I think that's rather naive.

In general, if people make more money, they're less likely to look to Government for Entitlements. But we can go back and forth on this forever. The bottom line is, if Businesses won't pay, the Taxpayers will. That's just the way it is. Slave Labor hurts everyone except the Walmarts of the World. They're enjoying their Slave Labor immensely. And it's at your expense.

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