Would You Pay More For A Product To Help Workers

Would You Pay More For A Product If It Helped Workers

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Unions had a place. So do leeches. At one time, leeches were used medicinally and in some cases, still used Leech Therapy : AJN The American Journal of Nursing. However, too many leeches, bleeding off too much blood will eventually kill the host. That's what unions did. They started out getting better working conditions for workers then because solely concerned with getting power for themselves. Then they started killing companies. Unions killed off airlines, they killed Hostess, they came close to destroying the auto industry, they slaughtered teaching, we now get our steel from China because unions killed the steel industry in the US.

The day of the union is done, it's over. Anything I can do, no matter how small, to hurt unions I will do.
Unions had a place. So do leeches. At one time, leeches were used medicinally and in some cases, still used Leech Therapy : AJN The American Journal of Nursing. However, too many leeches, bleeding off too much blood will eventually kill the host. That's what unions did. They started out getting better working conditions for workers then because solely concerned with getting power for themselves. Then they started killing companies. Unions killed off airlines, they killed Hostess, they came close to destroying the auto industry, they slaughtered teaching, we now get our steel from China because unions killed the steel industry in the US.

The day of the union is done, it's over. Anything I can do, no matter how small, to hurt unions I will do.

Global Slave Labor and awful mismanagement killed those industries. It's unjust to blame the Workers. Blame the Businesses for craving the Slave Labor instead. Without Private Unions, the slavery would be much worse today. They've provided a brief respite in America's ongoing Slave Labor History. Rooting for their demise will only hurt you in the end. If Businesses refuse to pay their Workers a decent wage, it's you the Taxpayer who will have to pick up the slack.
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I voted yes because I already do that.
I actively buy American made whenever feasible.
I will not buy Chinese products as much as possible.
And most of all, price is not the primary reason I choose a particular product. Which I know makes me unfortunately an anomaly compared to the general self-centered hypocritical blindly stupid American consumer.
I voted yes because I already do that.
I actively buy American made whenever feasible.
I will not buy Chinese products as much as possible.
And most of all, price is not the primary reason I choose a particular product. Which I know makes me unfortunately an anomaly compared to the general self-centered hypocritical blindly stupid American consumer.

Well said. But i try not to come down too hard on American Consumers. It's human nature to want something cheap or free. Very few are capable of actually taking the time to wonder how a store like Walmart can provide such cheap goods. They just don't care. It's blissful ignorance. They got their cheap item, and that's all that matters to them. Thanks for the post.
Don't know if this was pointed out or not, but the premise is false. The only way this works is if the business actually markets a product as more expensive because they are paying workers more money. Otherwise, economically speaking, this is just straight out a false premise.
Don't know if this was pointed out or not, but the premise is false. The only way this works is if the business actually markets a product as more expensive because they are paying workers more money. Otherwise, economically speaking, this is just straight out a false premise.

So you wouldn't pay more if you knew it would help Workers?
We all love our cheap goods, but very few of us ever stop and think about how those cheap goods come about. There is a price to pay for those low prices. Would you pay more for a product if you knew it would help Workers?

Of course, and we already do over here.

Pretty sure you said you use these benefits.
So why are you always complaining about getting screwed by the system?
Are the tax payers in your system not giving enough for you?
Because from what you've said I highly doubt you're in a high bracket.
As a matter of fact I'm sure you pay no taxes when you figure in your use of entitlements.

You come across like a petulant child...
If you want more out of life,work harder and complain less.
Don't know if this was pointed out or not, but the premise is false. The only way this works is if the business actually markets a product as more expensive because they are paying workers more money. Otherwise, economically speaking, this is just straight out a false premise.

Goes way deeper than that.
Corporatism since the late 1970's, especially through the 90's has had a massive effect on the economy. Typically corporations are uber-efficient. Concerning labor that means one thing - the lowest labor cost possible without the slightest moral or ethical concern. At the same time, through mass buying deals they have access to foreign laborers in shady countries.
At any given time I would wager (just a guess) that in any Walmart/Cosco store - 75% of all products sold (non grocery) are made with slave or near slave labor.
I choose not to be a part of that. I understand that there is an extraordinarily high cost for a low price. On so many levels.
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Education requires money, which people can't get if they have jobs that don't pay them a decent wage. Once you pay rent, and buy food, and pay the bills, how do you have enough left over to go to school?

whoa, back in time and even today many people have done it...some worked two, three jobs....Oh the horror of that I know is tough for a lot people...
so if you can't make it, must be YOU..nobody is here (a job, government or the taxpayers) to help you get though life...try working harder at it

If you have three jobs, how do you find time to sleep while you are constantly working and studying? Or do you expect people to live on a few hours of sleep a night?

Keep your eye on the prize. Thats all you need to remember.
Before you know it you'll be working one job that pays as well as four of your previous jobs.
It's really not rocket science.
Don't know if this was pointed out or not, but the premise is false. The only way this works is if the business actually markets a product as more expensive because they are paying workers more money. Otherwise, economically speaking, this is just straight out a false premise.

Goes way deeper than that.
Corporatism since the late 1970's, especially through the 90's has had a massive effect on the economy. Typically corporations are uber-efficient. Concerning labor that means one thing - the lowest labor cost possible without the slightest moral or ethical concern. At the same time, through mass buying deals they have access to foreign laborers in shady countries.
At any given time I would wager (just a guess) that in any Walmart/Cosco store - 75% of all products sold (non grocery) are made with slave or near slave labor.
I choose not to be a part of that. I understand that there is an extraordinarily high cost for a low price. On so many levels.

I'm fully aware.

Put the premise, 'would you pay more for a product to help workers', only really works if the product is actually increased in price in order to furnish workers with higher pay. In that, i would consider it based on 1) the value of the product to either my consumption or business realted need 2) that I can be assured that the worker is actual reaping the benfit from the increase in price.
You're already paying much more. If Business won't pay, you the Taxpayer will. Americans should stop looking down their noses at these Workers. They're actually much more important than most think. They have value. They provide their skills and services to the masses who want and need them. They should not be looked at as being less than human. That mentality has led us to this Slave Labor nightmare.

You seem to be under the mistake impression that if government requires less money to operate programs like welfare and food stamps they will lower our taxes accordingly. I think that's rather naive.

In general, if people make more money, they're less likely to look to Government for Entitlements. But we can go back and forth on this forever. The bottom line is, if Businesses won't pay, the Taxpayers will. That's just the way it is. Slave Labor hurts everyone except the Walmarts of the World. They're enjoying their Slave Labor immensely. And it's at your expense.

My expense in taxes, yes. But you're trying to sell the notion that people should pay employees more because otherwise they'll pay more in taxes. Again that's very naive thinking that my tax rate would appreciably go down as a result of fewer people on welfare programs. If they don't spend it on that they'll find something else to spend it on.
You seem to be under the mistake impression that if government requires less money to operate programs like welfare and food stamps they will lower our taxes accordingly. I think that's rather naive.

In general, if people make more money, they're less likely to look to Government for Entitlements. But we can go back and forth on this forever. The bottom line is, if Businesses won't pay, the Taxpayers will. That's just the way it is. Slave Labor hurts everyone except the Walmarts of the World. They're enjoying their Slave Labor immensely. And it's at your expense.

My expense in taxes, yes. But you're trying to sell the notion that people should pay employees more because otherwise they'll pay more in taxes. Again that's very naive thinking that my tax rate would appreciably go down as a result of fewer people on welfare programs. If they don't spend it on that they'll find something else to spend it on.

Well, i can't argue with you much on the Tax issue. Government is out of control. I was talking more about taking some of the Entitlement burden off the Taxpayers. In general, Workers making a decent living, won't turn to Government Entitlements. But i hear what you're saying.
Don't know if this was pointed out or not, but the premise is false. The only way this works is if the business actually markets a product as more expensive because they are paying workers more money. Otherwise, economically speaking, this is just straight out a false premise.

Goes way deeper than that.
Corporatism since the late 1970's, especially through the 90's has had a massive effect on the economy. Typically corporations are uber-efficient. Concerning labor that means one thing - the lowest labor cost possible without the slightest moral or ethical concern. At the same time, through mass buying deals they have access to foreign laborers in shady countries.
At any given time I would wager (just a guess) that in any Walmart/Cosco store - 75% of all products sold (non grocery) are made with slave or near slave labor.
I choose not to be a part of that. I understand that there is an extraordinarily high cost for a low price. On so many levels.

I'm fully aware.

Put the premise, 'would you pay more for a product to help workers', only really works if the product is actually increased in price in order to furnish workers with higher pay. In that, i would consider it based on 1) the value of the product to either my consumption or business realted need 2) that I can be assured that the worker is actual reaping the benfit from the increase in price.

For sure - I was thinking more in broader terms overall rather than a single product making a labor claim...which I would be highly skeptical of.
I try to buy Made in America as often as possible. Finding things made in America can be quite the challenge.
It wasn't that long ago that buying anything made outside the US was a sign of being poor. Now a huge majority of goods are made offshore, which interestingly coincides with the fact that the American middle class is getting poorer and poorer to the point that actually having a middle class in America has become the American Dream.
Buy American, spend a little more money and help strengthen America by strengthening the middle class. That's what I do. With a weakened middle class, America is weakened.

I try to buy only things made without Union Labor. I'd rather pay MORE for something made in a foreign country than buy what was made with American union labor.
Buying Made in America is supporting fellow Americans. I really miss American-made stainless steel products. We used to have a lot of them, then all of a sudden, all the stainless seems to be made overseas. And some of the overseas stainless steel gets orange spots because they didn't do it right. The only other place that heats steel right is Germany. I miss the American-made steel industry, and I heard it hit some areas hard when they shut down American steel plants. :(
Sooo...there should be a tip jar at Target when I buy a basketball from the sports section?

What a strange concept.

Why are you against unions? As unions died out, wages started to flatten out. The very wealthy and the corporations have their unions with great political influence, the NAM, U.S Chamber of Commerce, AMA, WTO, thousands of lobbyists influencing politicians both dem and repub, and of course the U.S. Supreme court which now says money is speech and corporations are citizens, even if 100% of their shareholders are chinese communists or wahabi muslims. Don't matter, money rules but if workers try to unionize working stiff repubs freak out. More union membership might lead to higher wages and we can't have that.

As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers. You cast no blame on the Businesses. Try not to buy into Corporate Propaganda so much. With them, it's obviously always the Workers' fault. But you don't have to support their B.S. Companies that are mismanaged will go under. That's just the way it is. And it's very rarely ever the Workers' fault.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers

No offense, but where did I do that?
As unions died out, wages started to flatten out.

As unions killed their industries, wages in those industries started to drop.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers. You cast no blame on the Businesses. Try not to buy into Corporate Propaganda so much. With them, it's obviously always the Workers' fault. But you don't have to support their B.S. Companies that are mismanaged will go under. That's just the way it is. And it's very rarely ever the Workers' fault.

No offense, but you're way too quick to blame Workers

No offense, but where did I do that?
You do not, of course, as long as workers wages are allowed to decrease over time and they continue to not mind being poorer, and poorer, and poorer in relation to the wealthy. And as long as they do not unionize to contend with the monopoly power of the corporations for whom they work. And as long as they do not mind seeing their wages become less and less and less and less of the total output of the nation, while the earnings of the corporations continue to become more and more and more of the nation.
You pass the koch test again. What is good for the few, the corporations, and the very rich is good for you. Must be tough having that leash attached to your nose ring.
...workers wages are allowed to decrease over time and they continue to not mind being poorer, and poorer, and poorer in relation to the wealthy....
Ah, it's the wealthy versus the workers because the workers never get wealthy and the wealthy never have to work.

We may not agree on what reality is, but at least we're clear on where we're coming from.

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