Would you pay to see Saddam's execution?


VIP Member
Apr 23, 2004
There has been talk about this on the radio that when he's executed, it should be on pay-per-view or something, with the money going straight to the military or a charity that supports the military and their families either financially or otherwise, or something related to the men and women who helped locate this scumbag.

I think they may be on to something.

What do you think?
That seems a bit bizarre to me. I would not pay to see such a thing.
Saddam is a punk, screw all that non sense about paying to watch this clown hang. I say just do it already. The whole world knows he was and still is a evil man so close the history books on him:whip:
There was a poll about this on Neal Boortz's web site. First off, Saddam will be lucky to live through January. Unlike the U.S., convicted Iraqis only get ONE appeal. If the court does not find grounds, then the sentence is carried out. Second off, I wouldn't pay to see Saddam executed. However, I also don't have a problem with televising the event on Pay-Per-View, so long as it's OK with the Iraqis and the proceeds go to rebuilding the country. After all, this is their show, and as much as I'd like to donate the money to military causes, I think the Iraqis should have first dibs.
Personally, I'm not interested.

Ditto. I'm not interested in seeing the execution, but I am interested in seeing that it is carried out.

I would imagine that a great many Iraqis would be interested in witnessing this execution, just like many people in our country had an interest in witnessing Tim McVeigh's execution.
Not interested myself. i think he should be taken behind a shed and hung. just get it over with. Its sad that anyone does anything worthy of death, but when they do it should just be taken care of.
His death should be a minimalistic event. He should die thinking no one even noticed his departure.
Pay? Nah. I do like the idea of letting Iraqis see it for free, though. It should be a public hanging. Let him see all the people cheering as the noose is slipped around his neck, the same way he made wives and children cheer the torture and murder of husbands and fathers.
I couldn't disagree more. He should die knowing that the people he held under his thumb wanted him dead.
Then we disagree. A massive public hanging would only feed his absurd narcissism. He'll die thinking he's a martyr. I think he's too far gone to understand that his people hate him.
Then we disagree. A massive public hanging would only feed his absurd narcissism. He'll die thinking he's a martyr. I think he's too far gone to understand that his people hate him.

Back room shredder feet first works for me, screw the hanging stuff.
Then we disagree. A massive public hanging would only feed his absurd narcissism. He'll die thinking he's a martyr. I think he's too far gone to understand that his people hate him.

I think seeing people cheer as your life is about to leave you, and maybe giving them the opprotunity to throw a stone or two, would give him a good idea.
There has been talk about this on the radio that when he's executed, it should be on pay-per-view or something, with the money going straight to the military or a charity that supports the military and their families either financially or otherwise, or something related to the men and women who helped locate this scumbag.

I think they may be on to something.

What do you think?

We've already paid with enough blood. They should show it on broadcast television....
What I am hearing about the whole idea is that we need to really send the message that we won't tolerate people like him.

And I do like the idea better of the pay-per-view money going to the Iraqis, specifically some of the families he tortured.

I don't think I would watch it either, but maybe subscribe (and turn the channel) just to donate the money knowing it wouldn't be intercepted by someone else.

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