Would you pee yourself to avoid being kicked off an airplane?

Dude should have followed the rules. We dotn fuck around with planes anymore.
We cant make exceptions for people. For one "im about to piss myself" could mean "I got to take this stick of dynamite out of my ass"
You know I luv ya but, come on...seriously?!

Had the plane taken off on time instead of delayed for 30 mins
the plane would have been in the air and he would have
been able to get up and use the washroom.

If someone has a stick of dynamite up their ass,
chances are they're not going to draw attention to themselves
and are willing to wait a little longer to pull it out and use it!

I think he's stupid, I would have started pleading with the stewardess
while my son was catching it all on his phone,
peed my pants, cried on and off the entire flight,
and sued for emotional distress
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.
Airline employees probably get sick of dealing assholes on a daily basis.
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.
Airline employees probably get sick of dealing assholes on a daily basis.

You know, in the military I had to deal with assholes on a daily basis as well, because I worked personnel, which is very customer oriented, and I never took it out on the people who needed my help.

However..................I did have one unique way of handling people who were less than friendly, and that was to go strictly by the book, because it would take 20 percent longer to complete, and they couldn't do anything about it.

I remember one guy came up to my office screaming that he hadn't been paid his leave rations, and that he was owed around 55 bucks (10 days worth of leave rats). Well, I looked at what had happened, and found out that somehow, someone had failed to log his leave time. I started to explain to him that he would be better off letting it go, but he kept screaming about his money.

Well, I then typed up the paperwork, got it signed (my PN1 asked me if he knew what the situation was, and I told him I'd tried to explain), escorted him to Disbursing so that he could get paid, gave him his money, and then after all was said and done, I pointed out to him that he now has 55 bucks, but he's also a month out from reenlistment, meaning that he was also eligible to sell back leave at that time. I then showed him where his daily rate of pay was around 33 bucks a day, and then explained that if he would have kept his mouth shut, he could have sold back those 10 days for 330 dollars because of his pay rate instead of accepting the measly 55 bucks he now had.

He then asked me if I could cancel the paperwork, and I told him no, because both the Personnel and Disbursing supervisors had been made aware of his situation and it was too late.

It was also one of the reasons I did his paperwork so fast and escorted him to the pay office.
The guy should have just peed all over the floor and seat. If you can't go to the bathroom fine, just make as big a mess as you can for the airline company. I hope united paid out ten million.....thats a fair number. I have a disfdain for airline companies in america now.
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.
Airline employees probably get sick of dealing assholes on a daily basis.

You know, in the military I had to deal with assholes on a daily basis as well, because I worked personnel, which is very customer oriented, and I never took it out on the people who needed my help.

However..................I did have one unique way of handling people who were less than friendly, and that was to go strictly by the book, because it would take 20 percent longer to complete, and they couldn't do anything about it.

I remember one guy came up to my office screaming that he hadn't been paid his leave rations, and that he was owed around 55 bucks (10 days worth of leave rats). Well, I looked at what had happened, and found out that somehow, someone had failed to log his leave time. I started to explain to him that he would be better off letting it go, but he kept screaming about his money.

Well, I then typed up the paperwork, got it signed (my PN1 asked me if he knew what the situation was, and I told him I'd tried to explain), escorted him to Disbursing so that he could get paid, gave him his money, and then after all was said and done, I pointed out to him that he now has 55 bucks, but he's also a month out from reenlistment, meaning that he was also eligible to sell back leave at that time. I then showed him where his daily rate of pay was around 33 bucks a day, and then explained that if he would have kept his mouth shut, he could have sold back those 10 days for 330 dollars because of his pay rate instead of accepting the measly 55 bucks he now had.

He then asked me if I could cancel the paperwork, and I told him no, because both the Personnel and Disbursing supervisors had been made aware of his situation and it was too late.

It was also one of the reasons I did his paperwork so fast and escorted him to the pay office.
I was infantry and I can't stand stupidity.
Stupidity is dragging off a person for no reason. Those security guys should be terminated and united owes that guy millions......stick it to the company.
May Delta be the next airline to take a financial nose dive.....no pun intended.

God bless you and that man always!!!


P.S. I don't blame him if he chose not to go quietly.
I once spent over 2 hours on the runway waiting for clearance to take off. Many of us complained that they should have taken us back to the terminal, where we could, at least wait in relative comfort, for the traffic jam to be resolved. They refused. If I had known that all I had to do was to go the the restroom, and they would return to the terminal, it would have saved us all a lot of discomfort.

The wife and I got socked for a 6 hour delay on the tarmac in Kansas City.
It was the first time we've been upgraded to first class in our lives.
It sucked...but it would have sucked way more in cattle class.
I once spent over 2 hours on the runway waiting for clearance to take off. Many of us complained that they should have taken us back to the terminal, where we could, at least wait in relative comfort, for the traffic jam to be resolved. They refused. If I had known that all I had to do was to go the the restroom, and they would return to the terminal, it would have saved us all a lot of discomfort.

I had the same thing happen to me for 3 hours one time-so I completely understand how pissed you were (and it caused me to miss my connection)...absolutely ridiculous. I get we need to be strict on terrorism and all, but damn it sucks when crap like that happens huh?
Dude should have followed the rules. We dotn fuck around with planes anymore.
We cant make exceptions for people. For one "im about to piss myself" could mean "I got to take this stick of dynamite out of my ass"
You know I luv ya but, come on...seriously?!

Had the plane taken off on time instead of delayed for 30 mins
the plane would have been in the air and he would have
been able to get up and use the washroom.

If someone has a stick of dynamite up their ass,
chances are they're not going to draw attention to themselves
and are willing to wait a little longer to pull it out and use it!

I think he's stupid, I would have started pleading with the stewardess
while my son was catching it all on his phone,
peed my pants, cried on and off the entire flight,
and sued for emotional distress
Good points. I didn't know the flight stalled. Or I read it and it didn't sink in
Frequent flyer trick nobody talks about:

Business people of a certain age who have to make frequent long international flights wear Depends or similar products. The people who make them are missing a huge marketing opportunity by not advertising them for that purpose.

There's a side benefit, too.

If an airline has treated it you like shit you can retaliate by, near the midpoint of the flight, flush the soiled pair and put on a new one out of your carrion luggage (intentional). Any idea what havoc one such flush can do?
Seriously though.................do you think that it was right for the airline to kick this guy off the plane? And, if this guy had wet himself to keep his seat, what do you think the airline would have done then?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I don't know all the details but I don't think he should have been kicked off the plane. I think peeing in your seat is far worse. Lol
Kinda depends when he asked. How close were they till take off and how long they had been sitting there.
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Seriously though.................do you think that it was right for the airline to kick this guy off the plane? And, if this guy had wet himself to keep his seat, what do you think the airline would have done then?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I don't know all the details but I don't think he should have been kicked off the plane. I think peeing in your seat is far worse. Lol
Kinda depends when he asked. How close were they till take off and how long had they been sitting there.

They had boarded the aircraft and had already been sitting on the tarmac for 30 min when he asked. They were just sitting still when he got up and went to the bathroom. The only reason the plane moved during that time was to go back to the terminal to kick this dude off. After that, they then took off.
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.

Should have taken his piss before getting on the plane.

This one seem more of tha passenger fault and not the crew.
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.

Should have taken his piss before getting on the plane.

This one seem more of tha passenger fault and not the crew.

He very well might have, but the problem came when they were stuck on the tarmac for over 30 min. Things have probably changed a great deal since I last flew back in 2002, but I know when we were seated and the door closed, you were only about 10 min. from being in the air and able to move around the cabin.
In the latest on the air wars here in America (airlines abusing their passengers), there is yet another one.

Seems that an aircraft had to stay on the tarmac and wait, so after about 30 min, a guy asked if he could use the restroom. He was told "no" because they were preparing for takeoff and he would have to wait.

Well, apparently, his bladder was about to burst, so he jumped up, went to the bathroom, and went back to his seat. The airline then taxied back to the loading dock and he was kicked off.

Delta passenger kicked off flight after using restroom

Apparently, it's actually an FAA law that says when the remain seated light is on, you actually have to remain in your seat. It's illegal to do otherwise.

So, my question is..................what do you think of this one? Should the guy have wet himself and remained on the aircraft? Should he have been thrown off?

Looks like another thing you should bring with you on the aircraft is a bottle to pee in, so that when they stay on the runway, you don't get thrown off.

Should have taken his piss before getting on the plane.

This one seem more of tha passenger fault and not the crew.

He very well might have, but the problem came when they were stuck on the tarmac for over 30 min. Things have probably changed a great deal since I last flew back in 2002, but I know when we were seated and the door closed, you were only about 10 min. from being in the air and able to move around the cabin.

Things changed a lot. Look I do feel bad for the guy, but if you are told to keep your butt in that seat, well you better or one of those crew members might slap you or call the local security to beat you and then remove you.

My last flight was in 2009 and in Houston I encounter the TSA punk ways and said I would never fly out of Houston ever again.

So today you have to worry about the Airlines Nazis and they can be horrible!

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