Would you sign a treaty or a trade deal with the United States?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump wants to end every trade and every treaty signed by the US.

France, Germany and Great Britain say there is no evidence Iran is violating their nuclear agreement. Only Trump says they are.

Nothing to replace Obamacare.

Nothing to replace trade agreements with our closest neighbors.

And remember:

The small business owners Trump never fully paid - CNNPolitics

After years of fighting through bankruptcy court, the Jenkins ended up with just 30 cents on the dollar. Their company was owed $231,000, according to the bankruptcy claim filed in the case. The Jenkins family received $70,000.
"It's 27 years later. I grit my teeth every time I see him on television blustering about what a wonderful businessman he is."
The Jenkins family realized they weren't alone. Dozens of contractors who had worked on the construction were also getting stiffed.


His entire history is breaking deals and contracts. If you were a foreign leaders, would you trust him on anything?
The US feels not to be committed to treaties. So no, respectively only in case the US delivers their part of an agreement first. Credibility has to be earned.
president moron has let the world know that our 'word' is worth nothing.
I agree, after Obama's line in the sand backtrack over Syria.

America looked weak and emasculated to the rest of the world. ..... :cool:
Holding Iran's feet to the fire means Trump is violating every treaty we ever made. Really? Every one?
Trump wants to end every trade and every treaty signed by the US.

France, Germany and Great Britain say there is no evidence Iran is violating their nuclear agreement. Only Trump says they are.

Nothing to replace Obamacare.

Nothing to replace trade agreements with our closest neighbors.

And remember:

The small business owners Trump never fully paid - CNNPolitics

After years of fighting through bankruptcy court, the Jenkins ended up with just 30 cents on the dollar. Their company was owed $231,000, according to the bankruptcy claim filed in the case. The Jenkins family received $70,000.
"It's 27 years later. I grit my teeth every time I see him on television blustering about what a wonderful businessman he is."
The Jenkins family realized they weren't alone. Dozens of contractors who had worked on the construction were also getting stiffed.


His entire history is breaking deals and contracts. If you were a foreign leaders, would you trust him on anything?

Yes this is the effect the orange-turd is having on US credibility around the world. Trump's making it clear the US can't be trusted when it signs an agreement, a contract. Which mimics Trump's private life, he hired many and signed contracts for them to do work and once they completed the work he refused to pay them. Many of them went bankrupts.

On the world stage all this does is keep anyone other country from trusting us. Get North Korea to a negotiating stance? How? They look at Trump breaking treaties and have to assume anything they sign with the US has no value so what is the point.

We have an 8 year old wearing a bad comb-over making these decisions. Trump supporters, the gullible few.
Holding Iran's feet to the fire means Trump is violating every treaty we ever made. Really? Every one?
France, Germany and Great Britain say Iran is meeting the agreement.

It was signed by those three countries as well as China and Russia and the US.

It was reviewed and passed by the United Nations Security Council.

Trump breaking the agreement means Iran can go back to building Nuclear weapons. No more inspections and the US will go it alone without the support of our three biggest allies.

How can you not know that? Because they don't talk about it on Fox or Brietbart?

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