Would you support cutting welfare to illegal aliens to fund The Wall?

Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!

Based on the content of your posts it’s quite clear you’re a bottom feeder...so tell us how you’re effected by the national debt? I’ve noticed that LefTards with no dog in the fight tend to bitch the most...it’s fucking weird.
Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.

Who did you vote for?

Jill Stein
Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........

Indeed, we just fucked ourselves with worse!

So the Hag gave you woods?

Compared to your fat Orange idiot? Are you serious?
Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!

Based on the content of your posts it’s quite clear you’re a bottom feeder...so tell us how you’re effected by the national debt? I’ve noticed that LefTards with no dog in the fight tend to bitch the most...it’s fucking weird.

Everybody is effected by a.debt of this magnitude. It is a very good reason why no President has not been able to do much of anything as far as infrastructure. It also has a net negative effect on inflation and buying power of our people and nation as a whole!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!

Based on the content of your posts it’s quite clear you’re a bottom feeder...so tell us how you’re effected by the national debt? I’ve noticed that LefTards with no dog in the fight tend to bitch the most...it’s fucking weird.

Everybody is effected by a.debt of this magnitude. It is a very good reason why no President has not been able to do much of anything as far as infrastructure. It also has a net negative effect on inflation and buying power of our people and nation as a whole!

You make no sense though....you’re always bragging about the Kenyan Zulus economy....didn’t he increase the debt by $10 trillion?
Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!

Based on the content of your posts it’s quite clear you’re a bottom feeder...so tell us how you’re effected by the national debt? I’ve noticed that LefTards with no dog in the fight tend to bitch the most...it’s fucking weird.

Everybody is effected by a.debt of this magnitude. It is a very good reason why no President has not been able to do much of anything as far as infrastructure. It also has a net negative effect on inflation and buying power of our people and nation as a whole!

You make no sense though....you’re always bragging about the Kenyan Zulus economy....didn’t he increase the debt by $10 trillion?

I am, perhaps you would like to find any evidence that I grabbed about his economy. I will wait here as you find this evidence and laugh as you change the subject and redirect as you did here. Carry on Gump!
Why are we gifting welfare to illegals when we have a $20 trillion dollar debt?
Because when they come here and have children, those children born on U.S. soil are U.S. citizens even if their parents are in the country unlawfully. And our government pays money to people who have children that they cannot financially afford to care for.
Illegals are not allowed to get welfare but their kids go to school. And no 1 is 4 open borders... Congratulations again to the GOP propaganda machine for misleading so many people. Special thanks to all our silly ignorant racists...
Is there something that is factually inaccurate in my comment?
Yes they are not eligible for money, just schooling and food. The last time they checked, 94% of adult illegals worked, 67% paid taxes, and 35% own homes.
We have an illegal alien problem.

A lot of them avoid going through a legal port of entry by simply walking, driving, swimming or whatever, across the southern border. Therefore it is obvious that our border security infrastructure is severely lacking. We need a physical border wall to make it much more difficult for those people, some of whom are rapists and murderers, to illegally enter the USA via that method.

What is often overlooked is that there are also many illegal aliens who entered the USA legally at a port of entry, but then overstayed their visas. In order to put a check on that problem I think the USA should require that those hombres be bonded.

Make them get a significant bond (maybe $50,000 or whatever). If they don't show up at a port of entry before their visa expires, they have a bounty on them.
Last edited:
Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........

Indeed, we just fucked ourselves with worse!

So the Hag gave you woods?

Compared to your fat Orange idiot? Are you serious?

Why do you call him "your" darling?
Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........

Indeed, we just fucked ourselves with worse!

So the Hag gave you woods?

Compared to your fat Orange idiot? Are you serious?

Why do you call him "your" darling?

Nope yours and Vlads!
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?
By Mizanur Rahman on January 25, 2008 at 8:53 AM

Illegal immigrants swarm into our country and quickly jump on the welfare rolls. They cost hard-working U.S. citizens billions and billions of dollars in taxes because of this subsidy.

That’s a familiar, easy charge leveled by critics of illegal immigration. But is it fact or fiction?

It’s actually a myth, according to the Congressional Research Service, the investigative arm of Congress. This point is highlighted as one of the “top five immigration myths of the campaign season,” a list put out by the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Here’s their look at welfare:

MYTH #3: The nation spends billions of dollars on welfare for undocumented immigrants.

FACTS: To the contrary, undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive any “welfare” benefits and even legal immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits they can receive.

As the Congressional Research Service points out in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible to receive public “welfare” benefits — ever.

Legal permanent residents (LPRs) must pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for approximately 10 years

before they are eligible to receive benefits when they retire. In most cases, LPRs can not receive SSI, which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards.

A 2007 analysis of welfare data by researchers at the Urban Institute reveals that less than 1 percent of households headed by undocumented immigrants receive cash assistance for needy families, compared to 5 percent of households headed by native-born U.S. citizens.

A 2007 analysis of U.S. Census data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities makes clear that it is the U.S.-born, U.S.-citizen children of undocumented immigrants who are eligible for programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program

(SCHIP). The analysis found that, between 1995 and 2005, the share of low-income, non- citizen immigrant children (either undocumented or legally present) who received Medicaid or SCHIP dropped from 36 percent to 30 percent.

Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?
Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?
By Mizanur Rahman on January 25, 2008 at 8:53 AM

Illegal immigrants swarm into our country and quickly jump on the welfare rolls. They cost hard-working U.S. citizens billions and billions of dollars in taxes because of this subsidy.

That’s a familiar, easy charge leveled by critics of illegal immigration. But is it fact or fiction?

It’s actually a myth, according to the Congressional Research Service, the investigative arm of Congress. This point is highlighted as one of the “top five immigration myths of the campaign season,” a list put out by the American Immigration Lawyers Association.

Here’s their look at welfare:

MYTH #3: The nation spends billions of dollars on welfare for undocumented immigrants.

FACTS: To the contrary, undocumented immigrants are not eligible to receive any “welfare” benefits and even legal immigrants are severely restricted in the benefits they can receive.

As the Congressional Research Service points out in a 2007 report, undocumented immigrants, who comprise nearly one-third of all immigrants in the country, are not eligible to receive public “welfare” benefits — ever.

Legal permanent residents (LPRs) must pay into the Social Security and Medicare systems for approximately 10 years

before they are eligible to receive benefits when they retire. In most cases, LPRs can not receive SSI, which is available only to U.S. citizens, and are not eligible for means-tested public benefits until 5 years after receiving their green cards.

A 2007 analysis of welfare data by researchers at the Urban Institute reveals that less than 1 percent of households headed by undocumented immigrants receive cash assistance for needy families, compared to 5 percent of households headed by native-born U.S. citizens.

A 2007 analysis of U.S. Census data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities makes clear that it is the U.S.-born, U.S.-citizen children of undocumented immigrants who are eligible for programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program

(SCHIP). The analysis found that, between 1995 and 2005, the share of low-income, non- citizen immigrant children (either undocumented or legally present) who received Medicaid or SCHIP dropped from 36 percent to 30 percent.

Illegal immigrants on welfare: fact or fiction?
Yes, because illegals would never do anything illegal to get on welfare.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

Move money from one bad thing to another huh?
The fact of the matter is that Illegal aliens cost US taxpayers billions of dollars just in health care and housing costs alone. And because of the recent influx of family units from Central America, that cost will necessarily skyrocket if nothing is done about it.

The lack of modern border security infrastructure on our southern border is simply unaffordable. That's one of the most compelling reasons that we need a wall on the southern border.

And the fact that thousands of living wage jobs will be created by such a great infrastructure project on the southern border is another good reason to build the wall.

It seems to me that only reason the left doesn't want the job creating southern border security infrastructure project is simply because Trump wants the wall built. They were not bitching and whining about it when a Democrat was president.

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