Would you support cutting welfare to illegal aliens to fund The Wall?

Mexico is not paying for a wall.

I wouldnt be so sure about that. The new trade agreement between Mexico and the U.S will give America more than enough money to pay for the wall. Mexico will not be able to pawn off as many of their poorly skilled and uneducated on us. Money will be saved by not having to pay for anchor babies, their education and healthcare. The wall will pay for itself even without the new trade agreement. Mexico has invaded America but they used the uteruses of their women and aimed them at us instead of guns.

So the money is coming from the Mexican treasury in the form of cash or check? Oh boy can't wait!
If we secure the border...........Stop so many from coming in...........and FORCE BUSINESSES to stop hiring illegals and force them to hire them under LEGAL MEANS......................

Then we would pay for the wall OVER AND OVER AGAIN..........with the savings and increased revenues and fees ...........

There are legal ways to work here............and under that system.....employers are required to pay fees and meet certain standards for hiring........

Illegal immigration costs this country about 113 BILLION A YEAR........about 45 Billion of that is from the Feds.........

His proposal to build the wall is about 24 to 25 billion..............

So no matter what the money is NOT coming from the Mexican treasury. Thanks for finally admitting it.
So...........We could just pay for it with the Drug money caught on the border then.........That Okie Dokie with you..........

Plenty of it crossing over...........

Yup as long as US taxpayers are not paying for it. Build it, build it wide and build it high. Steal all the land you need from our American citizens to build it. Just not our money. That was the promise. Oh ya also make sure Mexico likes it too, that was promised as well.
A study has concluded the Wall could easily pay for itself.
I wonder if Mexicrats have ever put a pencil to paper on this. Your thoughts?

I'd prefer cutting welfare off to everybody and paying down the national debt. We don't need a wall

Millions of illegals in the US and American citizens raped and killed by illegals would suggest otherwise.
So the money is coming from the Mexican treasury in the form of cash or check? Oh boy can't wait!

Alas leftist don't understand economics or finance.

Lol, you don't understand that Mexico is not sending one peso for the wall of Rump!
Under the current Trade agreements...................auto manufacturing...............they just lost 13% more than the old NAFTA agreement.........That requires U.S. produce more of the vehicle parts...................

In regards to Trade..............that will end the Trade Deficit............Not to mention.........they are now required to pay $16 an hour at any plant that produces parts for automobiles in the United States.....................and increase Enviro policies also................which they agreed to do decades ago.........They NEVER DID IT.

This is about Mexico paying for a wall they will not be paying for, you will. You are finally catching on here. Orange lied to you and you drank his jizz.
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
Alas leftist don't understand economics or finance.

Lol, you don't understand that Mexico is not sending one peso for the wall of Rump!
Under the current Trade agreements...................auto manufacturing...............they just lost 13% more than the old NAFTA agreement.........That requires U.S. produce more of the vehicle parts...................

In regards to Trade..............that will end the Trade Deficit............Not to mention.........they are now required to pay $16 an hour at any plant that produces parts for automobiles in the United States.....................and increase Enviro policies also................which they agreed to do decades ago.........They NEVER DID IT.

This is about Mexico paying for a wall they will not be paying for, you will. You are finally catching on here. Orange lied to you and you drank his jizz.
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............
Lol, you don't understand that Mexico is not sending one peso for the wall of Rump!
Under the current Trade agreements...................auto manufacturing...............they just lost 13% more than the old NAFTA agreement.........That requires U.S. produce more of the vehicle parts...................

In regards to Trade..............that will end the Trade Deficit............Not to mention.........they are now required to pay $16 an hour at any plant that produces parts for automobiles in the United States.....................and increase Enviro policies also................which they agreed to do decades ago.........They NEVER DID IT.

This is about Mexico paying for a wall they will not be paying for, you will. You are finally catching on here. Orange lied to you and you drank his jizz.
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Under the current Trade agreements...................auto manufacturing...............they just lost 13% more than the old NAFTA agreement.........That requires U.S. produce more of the vehicle parts...................

In regards to Trade..............that will end the Trade Deficit............Not to mention.........they are now required to pay $16 an hour at any plant that produces parts for automobiles in the United States.....................and increase Enviro policies also................which they agreed to do decades ago.........They NEVER DID IT.

This is about Mexico paying for a wall they will not be paying for, you will. You are finally catching on here. Orange lied to you and you drank his jizz.
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.
This is about Mexico paying for a wall they will not be paying for, you will. You are finally catching on here. Orange lied to you and you drank his jizz.
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
Who da fuck cares if you don't get how it will pay for itself................

Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.
Because the Orange demagogue promised, at his rallies that Mexico would pay for it and like it. You rubes squealed like lil girls at a Beatles concert when he did.
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
That's your opinion............who cares.........I don't even want a wall across the entire southern border........just in certain congested areas........

The rest with tech..........more manpower.........and more courts.........make it easier to send them back........and punish business for hiring them.........They must do that legally............

I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............
I am just glad that Hillary The Hag is not POTUS. It could be so much work.

What about the.wall you rubes were lied to about?

After the I can keep my healthcare plan if I like it lie.
After the I can keep my doctor plan if I like them lie.
The $2500 yearly reduction in healthcare premiums lie.
After the 57 states lie.
The Manchelle Obammy is a woman lie.
View attachment 214543

It doesn't phase me any more darling.

Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.
I actually do not disagree with you, but Rump whipped you rubes into a frothing at the mouth pack about a Mexican paid for wall and you loved it. You squealed louder when he told you Mexico would pay for it. So... get my wall and the money to build from Mexico.
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!
Who da fuck is we..........You have a mouse in your pocket.

Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!
Went right over your head...........you don't keep up with current and upcoming events..........

You'll figure it out soon enough.
What about the.wall you rubes were lied to about?

After the I can keep my healthcare plan if I like it lie.
After the I can keep my doctor plan if I like them lie.
The $2500 yearly reduction in healthcare premiums lie.
After the 57 states lie.
The Manchelle Obammy is a woman lie.
View attachment 214543

It doesn't phase me any more darling.

Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
After the I can keep my healthcare plan if I like it lie.
After the I can keep my doctor plan if I like them lie.
The $2500 yearly reduction in healthcare premiums lie.
After the 57 states lie.
The Manchelle Obammy is a woman lie.
View attachment 214543

It doesn't phase me any more darling.

Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........
Nope I am living rent free in your spacious dome though. Now go secure that money from Mexico for my wall!
You sniffed too much glue now didn't you.

Lol, still waiting for that big beautiful wall, funded by Mexico, you and Vlads dad, Rump promised me. Get to it now!:113:
Stay tuned..........gonna have a balanced budget for a while coming up.............tsk........tsk.............

LOL, balanced budget? From the king of debt?:5_1_12024::backpedal::banana::dance::sleep::spinner::thankusmile: I haven't laughed like that in a very long time! Keep it up, you may soon have your own show on comedy central soon. OOr Faux Paus Nuz, same thing! Oh my God I might have peer a little!
Went right over your head...........you don't keep up with current and upcoming events..........

You'll figure it out soon enough.

Actually I do, Rump is running up record debt in a booming economy. Why you ask, he told you he is the king of debt! More huge tax cuts for the corps and rubber wealthy coming, stay tuned!
Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........

Indeed, we just fucked ourselves with worse!
After the I can keep my healthcare plan if I like it lie.
After the I can keep my doctor plan if I like them lie.
The $2500 yearly reduction in healthcare premiums lie.
After the 57 states lie.
The Manchelle Obammy is a woman lie.
View attachment 214543

It doesn't phase me any more darling.

Sure it does sweetums, you're still talking about it.

What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.

Who did you vote for?
What that you guaranteed Trump had no path to victory?


Never did and.didn't vote for.Northeast either! So exactly when is Mexico sending money for Rump's wall?

Can I get a translation of your post for English speakers?

I can tell you went to public school.

Did not vote for Hildabeast, even Auto correct hates her.
Autocorrect is smart then............America recognized what the beast was and sent her packing.........

Indeed, we just fucked ourselves with worse!

So the Hag gave you woods?

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