Would You Trust Biden With the Nuclear Codes ?

I will start this off with my comment.
More than I trusted the last guy with them. And with every day that passes, the stories coming out about the last guy....make me glad there were SOME people willing to put up guardrails....or the last guy was just too incompetent to get around them. :auiqs.jpg:
The new guy might be old, but he's at least measured..willing to consult other people. So I'm not worried. :)
More than I trusted the last guy with them. And with every day that passes, the stories coming out about the last guy....make me glad there were SOME people willing to put up guardrails....or the last guy was just too incompetent to get around them. :auiqs.jpg:
The new guy might be old, but he's at least measured..willing to consult other people. So I'm not worried. :)

The fact that they were never considered during the Trump adminisdtration proves you totally wrong....
On the other hand.....,

FLASHBACK: Brain Surgeon Told Biden He Had Less Than 50% Chance of ‘Being Completely Normal’


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SHIT YES! We spent four years during the trump administration with a corrupt, mentally-ill monkey having his hands on them, and had to lay our trust in the wisdom of the Joint Chiefs. THANK YOU, GENERAL MILLEY AND YOUR ALLIES FOR KEEPING OUR NATION SAFE! I feel so much safer now that President Biden is in office and trump is nowhere near the Oval Office and "the Football."
Joe Biden has his good days and his bad days.

What worries me is he may be on some experimental drugs for dementia that may effect his judgement.

He also seems a bit quick tempered. Anger is a sign of dementia.

Joe Biden has his good days and his bad days.

What worries me is he may be on some experimental drugs for dementia that may effect his judgement.

He also seems a bit quick tempered. Anger is a sign of dementia.

He also seems a bit quick tempered. Anger is a sign of dementia.

It's also a sign of amphetamines....Haven't seen him in public where he isn't squinting and his pupils look like lumps of coal.
JackOfNoTrades Biden has proven to not even know what day it is..Mr Trump is a is not a dumbass child idiot like Biden is
So says you and just about every other alt-right "source".
It might be business as usual, but I'm glad that there is at least a return to some form of sanity...instead of Benny Hill everyday. :)
The fact that they were never considered during the Trump adminisdtration proves you totally wrong....
On the other hand.....,

FLASHBACK: Brain Surgeon Told Biden He Had Less Than 50% Chance of ‘Being Completely Normal’



And?? You're entire alt-right slanted post has nothing to do with nuclear launch codes.
I get it. You don't like him because of the "D" next to his name.

The bottom line is your savior had his ass electorally kicked by his grandpa!! LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
He also seems a bit quick tempered. Anger is a sign of dementia.

It's also a sign of amphetamines....Haven't seen him in public where he isn't squinting and his pupils look like lumps of coal.
Joe is not the right man to be in the Oval Office with the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians becoming more aggressive.

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