Would you vote FOR these or for Sequestration?

Vote FOR any of these that you SUPPORT:

  • Just let sequestration happen. Its the most we can cut at this time.

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • Keep the sequestration cuts but put them over 3-years

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Impose a transaction tax on stock, option, derivatives

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Tax losses for options & derivatives are not tax deductible

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Go after off-shore tax shelters (ala Wellstone)

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Close ALL corporate & individual tax loop-holes

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Fix Social Security by raising age 1-year for those under 50

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Cut Federal government by 10% via attrition and cap it

    Votes: 9 50.0%
  • End Foreign Aid (until we get a surplus)

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Medicare gets annual & lifetime caps like other insurances

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
I keep hearing the dems whining about sequestration on TV. I wish the DC idiots would just put these to the voters to decide.

The US spends more on defense than the next 13 countries. Panetta whines for more spending.

Please vote as if you are a senator or congressman for these taxes and spending cuts.

Actually DOD gets more than the next 25 countries.

Cut that bloat by 25%.
Look at it this way. Pensions are being eliminated and replaced with 401k's. That means that the government needs to do a better job of protecting small investors from computer trading, derivatives, and other risky components to the stock market. If we have another bad recession, people will starve.

I'm almost in favor of a Federal Reserve mutual fund that guarantees a safe return, but provides better yield than T-Bills and T-Notes. Something too big to fail, and clubs the stock market sharks.

But that's the problem. We have to stop this insanity of "I'm a helpless child - government protect me".

An investor is responsible for understanding the risks. If a person is too lazy to take the time, they get exactly what they deserve. We need to get government the hell out of everything except for the specific 18 enumerated powers the Constitution authorizes them to be involved in.

We disagree on this issue. I've seen in the last few years how government whores let the Wall Street crooks (Madoff as an example, there are many others) rip investors off. There is no other pension option than stocks and bonds if all we have are 401k's instead of "defined benefit plans".

I want the SEC and the Fed to actively police the stock market, and I want transaction taxes to pay for it. Buy and hold needs to be the only investment option.

I'm not sure if you were in the market when it went to 7,000 but investors lost trillions thru no fault of their own. The government needs to keep investing legitimate, since all of our pensions depend on it.

First of all, people went directly to Maedoff on their own. They BEGGED people who knew him to let them in on his investing. That's just further proof of people being both greedy and STUPID. If you blindly hand your money over to someone you don't know, you get exactly what you deserve.

Second, the fact that you mention a man who operated for decades ripping people off just proves that it doesn't matter anyway. The government can pile up stifling rule after stifling rule and all it will do is stifle the market and growth. The criminals will still be there ripping off stupid people. You fail to understand that the government cannot regulate stupid out of people.

As far as your pension, be your own damn pension and stop relying on others. Skip on the latest iPhone and put the money away for your retirement.
I keep hearing the dems whining about sequestration on TV. I wish the DC idiots would just put these to the voters to decide.

The US spends more on defense than the next 13 countries. Panetta whines for more spending.

Please vote as if you are a senator or congressman for these taxes and spending cuts.

Only one of your options goes far enough.

Three simple steps to achieve a budget surplus:

1. (Option A): Ban all tax expenditures. All of them. Everyone wants the other guy to give up his tax break, but refuses to give up their own. Every tax break has to be paid for by someone else or by borrowing money from China or Japan. These are costing us over a trillion dollars a year. Ban them. All. We could lower income tax rates to 20 percent if we did this.

1. (Option B): Eliminate income taxes and replace them with the Fair Tax. This is the better of the two options. It is a tax on consumption instead of the tax on production that income taxes are. And you can't hide a tax increase in the Fair Tax. You want free puppies from the government? Fine. We will raise the Fair Tax another point, and that will come out of EVERYONE's pocket. Including yours.

2. Raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70, and then index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population henceforth. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

3. Cut Defense spending. We are spending at levels not seen since WWII. We made it through the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the nuclear arms race, the Reagan buildup, all without spending anywhere near what we are spending now and still being the greatest superpower in the history of the world.

This would channel all the money currently being diverted to the government back into the private sector.
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Cut foreign aid drastically....until we have the money to fund it.
We have to borrow money to give it away in foreign aid....

Are we that friggin stupid,or crazy,or reckless,or all these.

Do more than cut foreign aid... we should eliminate it altogether.
seriously, how fucking stupid are we to borrow money just to give it away.
Somebody really needs to explain why we gave $12 million in Foreign Aid to China?
Simply eliminate all Foreign Aid to all Countries.
Actually DOD gets more than the next 25 countries.

Cut that bloat by 25%.

There is no doubt about that......

Other than to make Contractors like Halliburton and Blackwater rich,
Why do we hire them to do the work of our military?

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