Would You Want the Colorado GOP Elite Running the Political System Everywhere in the USA?

Would Colorado GOP Elite be great for runnning ALL US politics?

  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Oh, fucking hell no.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No, shit, shit, just fucking shit god damnn it, NO

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Yes, because I love fascism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If you had to pick a state GOP elite to run the US elections, which would you pick the Colorado GOP?

These guys tossed out their primary, and ran a system that isnt even a caucus, but a regional convention where the leadership voted on who the delegates would be, irrespective of who they officially supported. And somehow that all turned out to be Second Place runner Ted Cruz supporters.

Wouldnt that be great for the whole USA?

Or would you want some actual democracy in there somewhere?

Or perhaps you sympathize with the death threats against he GOP Colorado chairman?

Wouldnt that be great? A US political system so effective and popular that even members of its own party wants to choke them all to death?

BTW, I broke up the no vote just to make it fair.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Stop confusing the GOP nomination process with the national election.


The state party has control of the selection process for the state party. In other words, they don't have to hold a primary to select delegates! It is their party and how they chose to select delegates is up to them!
But it wasn't because of Trump the rules are like that; you know that, right? They "tossed out their primary" way before Trump came on the scene.
Now, why Colorado voters accept this is a puzzlement to me, but I hear ALL presidential candidates were put forth this way until fairly recently--maybe 50 years ago?
Love the choices on your poll!
Colorado hasn't had a primary for years. What they had was a non-binding straw poll to tell the party leadership whom the rank and file preferred. Santorum won in 12, in part because the colo gop is first and foremost populated with evangelicals. However, the national party this year said any straw poll had to be binding. Colo's party leadership is against that because .... well, imagine if Santorum had all the delegates and wasn't even a candidate come national convention time.
A straw poll was tossed out rather than let it be binding.

And Cruz was running second in the only known state wide poll last November, with Trump leading it.

But some added remarks.....

Why Trump is Right: The Republican Nominating Process is a Scam - Tea Party News
Trump is right: These states’ rules are a scam, and saying so is not whining.

Take Colorado, for example. Voters in Colorado didn’t get to vote in a primary or a caucus because the state’s Republican Party executive committee decided last summer not to hold any presidential preference vote. Instead, voters had to gather at far-flung, time-consuming conventions to choose individual delegates.

Why wasn’t there a caucus with a presidential vote, as Colorado had held in previous years? Because this time the Republican National Committee had ordered states to bind their delegates to actually vote in line with voters’ presidential preference. Colorado Republicans didn’t want to do that, so they got rid of the presidential vote.

That is, the purpose of Colorado’s rule change was explicitly antidemocratic. It took power away from regular voters and handed it to the sort of activists who would be likely to spend a lot of time and energy participating in party conventions.

These were the rules, but they weren’t democratic rules.

Colorado GOP blundered on 2016 presidential caucus

GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.

Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of elites and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.

By contrast, far-sighted party leaders should have welcomed the extra attention to their caucus and the potential activism on the party's behalf it would have spawned.
The Republicans didn't make it easy to vote in our caucuses either. They only had ONE for our whole county, which is very large. The one caucus site was an hour's drive from the largest town in the county, and well over an hour and a half to the farthest northern town. In contrast, the Democrats had close to twenty.
This is a Political Dirty Trick called 'Reducing the Pool of Voters' and is designed to limmit suport for popular candidates and favor the Establishment candidate who will ahve more and closer supporters.
Is Colorado the only state that did this?
What's really funny about Jim is that he's for Bernie, and Bernie outperforms Hillary in caucus states.

Typically the underdog will win in Caucus states due to very low voter participation. Colorado is no exception. In Colorado less than 1% of either party bothers to show up at a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote, so typically underdog candidates overwhelm them and the underdog candidate wins.

I think the majority in this state, both Democrats and Republicans want to go back to a primary ballot--but the loudest noise always comes from the right wing of the party. But after this they may finally be on board.

If you're a Coloradoan you can go to Facebook, and like a page called Kill the Caucus. Here is that link.
Kill the Caucus

That's my understanding of Colo too. I have mixed feelings. I lived in Wyo for awhile, and it's probably the smallest population. ONE representative for the whole state. The caucuses were on weekends. For those of us who bothered, our votes actually mattered a little bit. I've always believed that rewarding initiative is a good thing.
If you had to pick a state GOP elite to run the US elections, which would you pick the Colorado GOP?

These guys tossed out their primary, and ran a system that isnt even a caucus, but a regional convention where the leadership voted on who the delegates would be, irrespective of who they officially supported. And somehow that all turned out to be Second Place runner Ted Cruz supporters.

Wouldnt that be great for the whole USA?

Or would you want some actual democracy in there somewhere?

Or perhaps you sympathize with the death threats against he GOP Colorado chairman?

Wouldnt that be great? A US political system so effective and popular that even members of its own party wants to choke them all to death?

BTW, I broke up the no vote just to make it fair.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?
Because it's only "totally unfair" when the Trumpster doesn't win.
If you had to pick a state GOP elite to run the US elections, which would you pick the Colorado GOP?

These guys tossed out their primary, and ran a system that isnt even a caucus, but a regional convention where the leadership voted on who the delegates would be, irrespective of who they officially supported. And somehow that all turned out to be Second Place runner Ted Cruz supporters.

Wouldnt that be great for the whole USA?

Or would you want some actual democracy in there somewhere?

Or perhaps you sympathize with the death threats against he GOP Colorado chairman?

Wouldnt that be great? A US political system so effective and popular that even members of its own party wants to choke them all to death?

BTW, I broke up the no vote just to make it fair.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?
Because it's only "totally unfair" when the Trumpster doesn't win.
Trump and his supporters are just a bunch of whiny children.
If you had to pick a state GOP elite to run the US elections, which would you pick the Colorado GOP?

These guys tossed out their primary, and ran a system that isnt even a caucus, but a regional convention where the leadership voted on who the delegates would be, irrespective of who they officially supported. And somehow that all turned out to be Second Place runner Ted Cruz supporters.

Wouldnt that be great for the whole USA?

Or would you want some actual democracy in there somewhere?

Or perhaps you sympathize with the death threats against he GOP Colorado chairman?

Wouldnt that be great? A US political system so effective and popular that even members of its own party wants to choke them all to death?

BTW, I broke up the no vote just to make it fair.

What does running a partisan primary have to do with running a general election?
If you had to pick a state GOP elite to run the US elections, which would you pick the Colorado GOP?

These guys tossed out their primary, and ran a system that isnt even a caucus, but a regional convention where the leadership voted on who the delegates would be, irrespective of who they officially supported. And somehow that all turned out to be Second Place runner Ted Cruz supporters.

Wouldnt that be great for the whole USA?

Or would you want some actual democracy in there somewhere?

Or perhaps you sympathize with the death threats against he GOP Colorado chairman?

Wouldnt that be great? A US political system so effective and popular that even members of its own party wants to choke them all to death?

BTW, I broke up the no vote just to make it fair.

What does running a partisan primary have to do with running a general election?

I never said it did.

What I did was called making an analogy.

See, I just made a big spoonfull of information just choochoo train right into your mouth, dumbass.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Damn, did IQs crater across the globe while I was washing dishes?

I never said that they were not electing delegates. What I said was....oh fuck you. Read the god damned article again.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Because South Carolina actually had a vote, dude.

You obviously didnt read the OP.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Damn, did IQs crater across the globe while I was washing dishes?

I never said that they were not electing delegates. What I said was....oh fuck you. Read the god damned article again.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Because South Carolina actually had a vote, dude.

You obviously didnt read the OP.
Maybe you should trouble yourself in learning how Colorado chooses delegates.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Damn, did IQs crater across the globe while I was washing dishes?

I never said that they were not electing delegates. What I said was....oh fuck you. Read the god damned article again.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Because South Carolina actually had a vote, dude.

You obviously didnt read the OP.
Maybe you should trouble yourself in learning how Colorado chooses delegates.
Its hilarious that you ASSume that I dont already know.
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Damn, did IQs crater across the globe while I was washing dishes?

I never said that they were not electing delegates. What I said was....oh fuck you. Read the god damned article again.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Because South Carolina actually had a vote, dude.

You obviously didnt read the OP.
Maybe you should trouble yourself in learning how Colorado chooses delegates.
Its hilarious that you ASSume that I dont already know.
Trump the worlds greatest negotiator sure is clueless as to how things work.
His kids too. Never knew they had to actually register to vote. Entire family is just a bunch prima donna whiners.
Trump the worlds greatest negotiator sure is clueless as to how things work.
His kids too. Never knew they had to actually register to vote. Entire family is just a bunch prima donna whiners.
Kids are kids; no man can slam another on the basis of what their kids do. But Iwould be proud of Trumps kids as successful, intelligent and competent as they are. They did not register because they were campaigning witht heir Dad, and probably netted him more than just two votes in New York.

And how do you know that Trump not fighting for Colorado was not part of his prep for negotiating with the RNC down the road? He sure seems to have the wind at his back now as compared to a couple of weeks ago.
But it wasn't because of Trump the rules are like that; you know that, right? They "tossed out their primary" way before Trump came on the scene.
Now, why Colorado voters accept this is a puzzlement to me, but I hear ALL presidential candidates were put forth this way until fairly recently--maybe 50 years ago?
Love the choices on your poll!

Textbook loaded question. But it is meant as parody so no foul, and funny.
Trump the worlds greatest negotiator sure is clueless as to how things work.
His kids too. Never knew they had to actually register to vote. Entire family is just a bunch prima donna whiners.
Kids are kids; no man can slam another on the basis of what their kids do. But Iwould be proud of Trumps kids as successful, intelligent and competent as they are. They did not register because they were campaigning witht heir Dad, and probably netted him more than just two votes in New York.

And how do you know that Trump not fighting for Colorado was not part of his prep for negotiating with the RNC down the road? He sure seems to have the wind at his back now as compared to a couple of weeks ago.
His kids did not register because they don't vote. They have no interest in taking part in one of the greatest processes in America. As far as success, apes make money when handed millions of dollars. Registering takes 2 minutes, stop with the laughable excuses for them.
His kids did not register because they don't vote. They have no interest in taking part in one of the greatest processes in America. As far as success, apes make money when handed millions of dollars. Registering takes 2 minutes, stop with the laughable excuses for them.
How do you think I could possibly derive ANY benefit to defending Trumps kids? You're whole partisan slant to this is just laughable. Kids fuck things up half the time precisely because THEY ARE KIDS (or very young adults). roflmao.

If his kids were in New York rather than somewhere between South Carolina and Utah your 2 minute observation would be relevant, but they werent, so you arent.

But here is what is just giving me big belly laughs, you and all these other loons think it matters. So what if Trumps kids do stupid stuff from time to time? It's not like their Daddy makes them do it, which makes it a complete NONISSUE. But yet you guys seem to draw some twisted pleasure in talking about it as if it matters or means a god damned thing at all.

His kids did not register because they don't vote. They have no interest in taking part in one of the greatest processes in America. As far as success, apes make money when handed millions of dollars. Registering takes 2 minutes, stop with the laughable excuses for them.
How do you think I could possibly derive ANY benefit to defending Trumps kids? You're whole partisan slant to this is just laughable. Kids fuck things up half the time precisely because THEY ARE KIDS (or very young adults). roflmao.

If his kids were in New York rather than somewhere between South Carolina and Utah your 2 minute observation would be relevant, but they werent, so you arent.

But here is what is just giving me big belly laughs, you and all these other loons think it matters. So what if Trumps kids do stupid stuff from time to time? It's not like their Daddy makes them do it, which makes it a complete NONISSUE. But yet you guys seem to draw some twisted pleasure in talking about it as if it matters or means a god damned thing at all.

Like I said, the entire Trump family doesn't have a clue as to the political process.

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