Would You Want the Colorado GOP Elite Running the Political System Everywhere in the USA?

Would Colorado GOP Elite be great for runnning ALL US politics?

  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Oh, fucking hell no.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No, shit, shit, just fucking shit god damnn it, NO

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Yes, because I love fascism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Colorado delegates are chosen by their local caucuses. They are ranchers, car mechanics, store clerks...... So yes, I wish the nation was run at the local community level by everyday Americans.

Damn, did IQs crater across the globe while I was washing dishes?

I never said that they were not electing delegates. What I said was....oh fuck you. Read the god damned article again.

Why aren't you whining about Trump getting just 1/3 of the votes in SC yet he got 100% of the delegates?

Because South Carolina actually had a vote, dude.

You obviously didnt read the OP.
Your dismissiveness and patriarchal tone tends to out your lack of substance. An OP doesn't control logic. The point was SC's primary vote no more reflects the will of the voters than Colo's ultimate allocation of unbound delegates. In fact, Colorado's is actually closer to the will of the 60K who voted in the precinct caucuses where Trump lost, because more Cruz delegates to county caucuses and the state caucus were "elected" by the 60K voters.

It's true that had Colo had a primary, where all the delegates were selected and bound by % of vote for a candidate, the result would reflect "the will" of a greater number of people. But, SC's result did not reflect the voters' will.

So, whatever the point is that you are trying to make, it has nothing to do with the allocation of natl delegates actually reflecting the will of the voters.
An OP doesn't control logic. The point was SC's primary vote no more reflects the will of the voters than Colo's ultimate allocation of unbound delegates. In fact, Colorado's is actually closer to the will of the 60K who voted in the precinct caucuses where Trump lost, because more Cruz delegates to county caucuses and the state caucus were "elected" by the 60K voters.

Nice Straw Man, dude

I am not arguing that Colorado's vote did not reflect the will of 60k people.

Obviously it did. But it did not reflect the will of the broader GOP membership that also paid its dues in effort to join and maybe cash as well and were members of the GOP.

It's true that had Colo had a primary, where all the delegates were selected and bound by % of vote for a candidate, the result would reflect "the will" of a greater number of people. But, SC's result did not reflect the voters' will.

SC's result reflected a plurality of a greater number or percentage of SC's Republican membership, obviously.

That you would argue to defend a reduction of democracy in our political system says more about you and your 'patriarchal tone' than mine by quite a measure.

So, whatever the point is that you are trying to make, it has nothing to do with the allocation of natl delegates actually reflecting the will of the voters.

Yes, it does.

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