Would you want your daughter to marry Donald Trump

As much as I would like my daughter to marry Harry Reid or Bill Clinton....

Is this stupid $*** REALLY in 'Politics'?
Another Trump is a poopy pants thread. There should be some kind of daily limit painful pimple butts.
As long as she is happy.
I would appreciate the ferrari christmas presents as well.
Would you want your daughter to marry Donald Trump.

It sure as would be better then marrying your broke dumb ass.
The question was not meant for you. The question is for men who are able to father a daughter. No woman would sex with you so you will never have a daughter. If a woman would want to have sex with you, you wouldn't be able to perform.
As much as I would like my daughter to marry Harry Reid or Bill Clinton....

Is this stupid $*** REALLY in 'Politics'?
As disgusting as Bill Clinton and Harry Reid are, they are not nearly as disgusting as Trump.
He has never been loyal to a wife. By the time he is on his third wife and in his 60's you think he may have grown up. But he did not. Months after his third marriage he is bragging about grabbing women by the pussy and how he loves grabbing and kissing women. A year after his 5th child is born he is chasing a porn star around his hotelk room in his tighty whities.
No decent human being would want this disgusting creep to marry anyone in their family.
I don't have a daughter, but sure, why not.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Wouldn't be the first or the last marriage that didn't work.:dunno:
I thought Trump is already married. He wouldn't trade "your daughter" for his lovely wife anyway. Dumb thread.
I think his current wife is willing to trade him for a dog turd.
Melania has had enough. The paying off of the porn star was the last straw.
Most parents would strenuously object to their daughter marrying a billionaire US president.

Any parent with a moral compass would object to a slime bucket like Donald Trump no matter of wealth, power or position.
Parents without a moral compass do not understand.
I wouldn't wish the disgusting, filthy, trump on any decent woman.

It's better that trump remains butt-buddy to other slimeballs, such as his top, Putin.
Most parents would strenuously object to their daughter marrying a billionaire US president.

Any parent with a moral compass would object to a slime bucket like Donald Trump no matter of wealth, power or position.
Parents without a moral compass do not understand.

HIs infidelity was an issue early in the campaign.

BY NOW, everyone knows about it.

It is a minus to many people. Hell, it is a minus to me.

He got a lot of support because his policy positions were so popular.

What part of this is hard for you to understand?

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