Wouldn't This be Considered Child Abuse.

OMG, you unconscionable lying little POS... YOU JUST ARGUED THIS WITH ANOTHER POSTER..... WTF man... You just argued with another person when i came back in....

Are you off your meds asshole?

EDIT: thats it moron make it a childish rant..... Only a true douchebag would act the way you just did... That only proves, this isn't about anything but you being right... Well fuck you pal, you are not right...

HA , you're talking about art15? he doesn't argue points, he just does fly by insults, read all of his posts and point me to the one where he posted this wasn't neglect? He never made that argument.

poor gslack can't read :lol:

Oh and its pretty clear who is acting childish in this thread.............

Ah going to try and change your claim now?

Okay tool lets settle this...

you said the following...

"You notice that there are only two people arguing this point with me. You and Syrenne?"

then I said this...


then your excuse is....

"HA , you're talking about art15? he doesn't argue points, he just does fly by insults, read all of his posts and point me to the one where he posted this wasn't neglect?"

WTF??? So, if you don't like a person than they don't count? And if they don't say something exactly they way you want them to, then their argument is something else entirely?

WOW, you really are that full of yourself.... I thought you were just an asshole, but I see here you are for worse than that...

First your response about the "beating your wife" was a little telling of you, and now we see you trying to interpret law to suit your own desires, lying about other posts, and altering your own claims to suit your current argument....

you sure do give the "im the boss" vibe pal.... In fact you give a definite sense of a control freak...

Well dickhead, you may be able to bully the women and young people in your life, but you better work on it if you plan on trying it with me or other people with a backbone... Most of us do not knuckle under to bullies, liars, or over bearing men with an overblown sense of self importance...:lol:

LOL - you really can't read can you

I wrote

"Notice that you and Syrenne are the only two arguing THIS point with me"

You responded with

"No *name calling* you were just arguing with another poster

I countered with

"Show me where he was arguing THIS point with me"

You come back with

"but he was arguing with you"

and various assorted name calling on your end thrown in for good measure.

Read slowly, I didn't say Art did'nt count. I said Art wasnt arguing with me about whether this parents decision was neglect or not, he in actuality never gave an opinion on the matter, he was arguing a different argument, thus when I said notice that you two are the only ones arguing THIS point, I was correct, as I always am.

My response of beating my wife was a little telling? Why because I responded to the accusation? I'm pretty sure had I said nothing you would have commented on that as well.

Funny that you are the one attempting the bullying here and accusing me of doing so, but I figured out you were a giant hypocrite long ago. :lol:

As for the name calling, well you will note that I have attempted to refrain from returning fire, but I must tell you that one of the absolute scummiest things you can accuse a man of is spousal abuse so I don't ever and I mean fucking EVER want to see you chastising another poster for name calling you you moronic, ignorant, pathetic worm excuse of a man.
HA , you're talking about art15? he doesn't argue points, he just does fly by insults, read all of his posts and point me to the one where he posted this wasn't neglect? He never made that argument.

poor gslack can't read :lol:

Oh and its pretty clear who is acting childish in this thread.............

Ah going to try and change your claim now?

Okay tool lets settle this...

you said the following...

"You notice that there are only two people arguing this point with me. You and Syrenne?"

then I said this...


then your excuse is....

"HA , you're talking about art15? he doesn't argue points, he just does fly by insults, read all of his posts and point me to the one where he posted this wasn't neglect?"

WTF??? So, if you don't like a person than they don't count? And if they don't say something exactly they way you want them to, then their argument is something else entirely?

WOW, you really are that full of yourself.... I thought you were just an asshole, but I see here you are for worse than that...

First your response about the "beating your wife" was a little telling of you, and now we see you trying to interpret law to suit your own desires, lying about other posts, and altering your own claims to suit your current argument....

you sure do give the "im the boss" vibe pal.... In fact you give a definite sense of a control freak...

Well dickhead, you may be able to bully the women and young people in your life, but you better work on it if you plan on trying it with me or other people with a backbone... Most of us do not knuckle under to bullies, liars, or over bearing men with an overblown sense of self importance...:lol:

LOL - you really can't read can you

I wrote

"Notice that you and Syrenne are the only two arguing THIS point with me"

You responded with

"No *name calling* you were just arguing with another poster

I countered with

"Show me where he was arguing THIS point with me"

You come back with

"but he was arguing with you"

and various assorted name calling on your end thrown in for good measure.

Read slowly, I didn't say Art did'nt count. I said Art wasnt arguing with me about whether this parents decision was neglect or not, he in actuality never gave an opinion on the matter, he was arguing a different argument, thus when I said notice that you two are the only ones arguing THIS point, I was correct, as I always am.

My response of beating my wife was a little telling? Why because I responded to the accusation? I'm pretty sure had I said nothing you would have commented on that as well.

Funny that you are the one attempting the bullying here and accusing me of doing so, but I figured out you were a giant hypocrite long ago. :lol:

As for the name calling, well you will note that I have attempted to refrain from returning fire, but I must tell you that one of the absolute scummiest things you can accuse a man of is spousal abuse so I don't ever and I mean fucking EVER want to see you chastising another poster for name calling you you moronic, ignorant, pathetic worm excuse of a man.

So.... in all that we can see the following...

1. Its only arguing the point unless you say its arguing the point... And even then that is limited to your decision on it which will change to suit your needs....

2. its child abuse if you say its child abuse, and the laws say what you say they say.. And again that can change at any time..

3. you are always right because you say so...

4. it isn't name calling when you do it, only when others do it.. And more importantly even when YOU start the insults and name calling, you didn't really start the insults or name calling.....

5. you don't have a life...

Dude you seriously need to go get some sleep now... You are making a fool of yourself...:lol:
Ah going to try and change your claim now?

Okay tool lets settle this...

you said the following...

"You notice that there are only two people arguing this point with me. You and Syrenne?"

then I said this...


then your excuse is....

"HA , you're talking about art15? he doesn't argue points, he just does fly by insults, read all of his posts and point me to the one where he posted this wasn't neglect?"

WTF??? So, if you don't like a person than they don't count? And if they don't say something exactly they way you want them to, then their argument is something else entirely?

WOW, you really are that full of yourself.... I thought you were just an asshole, but I see here you are for worse than that...

First your response about the "beating your wife" was a little telling of you, and now we see you trying to interpret law to suit your own desires, lying about other posts, and altering your own claims to suit your current argument....

you sure do give the "im the boss" vibe pal.... In fact you give a definite sense of a control freak...

Well dickhead, you may be able to bully the women and young people in your life, but you better work on it if you plan on trying it with me or other people with a backbone... Most of us do not knuckle under to bullies, liars, or over bearing men with an overblown sense of self importance...:lol:

LOL - you really can't read can you

I wrote

"Notice that you and Syrenne are the only two arguing THIS point with me"

You responded with

"No *name calling* you were just arguing with another poster

I countered with

"Show me where he was arguing THIS point with me"

You come back with

"but he was arguing with you"

and various assorted name calling on your end thrown in for good measure.

Read slowly, I didn't say Art did'nt count. I said Art wasnt arguing with me about whether this parents decision was neglect or not, he in actuality never gave an opinion on the matter, he was arguing a different argument, thus when I said notice that you two are the only ones arguing THIS point, I was correct, as I always am.

My response of beating my wife was a little telling? Why because I responded to the accusation? I'm pretty sure had I said nothing you would have commented on that as well.

Funny that you are the one attempting the bullying here and accusing me of doing so, but I figured out you were a giant hypocrite long ago. :lol:

As for the name calling, well you will note that I have attempted to refrain from returning fire, but I must tell you that one of the absolute scummiest things you can accuse a man of is spousal abuse so I don't ever and I mean fucking EVER want to see you chastising another poster for name calling you you moronic, ignorant, pathetic worm excuse of a man.

So.... in all that we can see the following...

1. Its only arguing the point unless you say its arguing the point... And even then that is limited to your decision on it which will change to suit your needs....

arguing =/= arguing THIS point. hell fire, i gotta bout 40 peoople arguing with me in various threads , none of them have ANYTHING to do with THIS point, neither did art's argument

2. its child abuse if you say its child abuse, and the laws say what you say they say.. And again that can change at any time..

No, what I say the law says NEVER changes, it says exactly what it says feel free to read around the forum and see that I am consistent in that in every thread which contains reference to a law, and I've been in quite a few
3. you are always right because you say so...

No I'm always right because I use my education and actual facts to back up my statements. You on the other hand add words to laws that aren't there and make stuff up. Not to mention I'm just smarter than you.
4. it isn't name calling when you do it, only when others do it.. And more importantly even when YOU start the insults and name calling, you didn't really start the insults or name calling.....
Who said that? It's always name calling, and I never said otherwise, just another blatant lie from you.
5. you don't have a life...

At present my life consists of recovering from an injury sustained while on duty; a bullet wound to the leg , no matter how minor, does require some recovery time.
Dude you seriously need to go get some sleep now... You are making a fool of yourself...:lol:

Someone here is surely making a fool of themselves , but it isn't me.
Bullshit you fraud...LOL

You started the name calling then cry when i call you names you did so several times now you twit...

You tried to alter your claim to pretend art15 wasn't arguing the same point...

You are not always right moron, no one is always right.. And the fact you would try and say so tells us what a lying POS you are... Thanks for confirming what I said about you so clearly...

Injury or not, your life consists of telling everyone how to live and whats whats what in an internet forum..

Well until you can stop lying, and try to be honest on here I will consider you a useless internet emperor .. A lot of your types around here. You aren't new, and you aren't even unique...
Bullshit you fraud...LOL

You started the name calling then cry when i call you names you did so several times now you twit...

Pointing out your... hypocrisy =/= crying, no matter how often you type it.

You tried to alter your claim to pretend art15 wasn't arguing the same point...

No, YOU tried to alter , I never altered, I said only you and Syrenne were arguing me on THIS point, obviously meaning was this neglect. Art came in arguing that my signing up with the military as a minor was also neglect, he n ever not once argued that what this daddy did was neglect. He was arguing a different point. Hence what I said about only you and Syrenne arguing That point was correct.
You are not always right moron, no one is always right.. And the fact you would try and say so tells us what a lying POS you are... Thanks for confirming what I said about you so clearly...
I am right more often tham I am wrong, of course no one is perfect, it's called hyperbole. look it up.

Injury or not, your life consists of telling everyone how to live and whats whats what in an internet forum.....

Do you not understand the concept of a message board? Pretty much all it is people telling each other they are right and everyone else is wrong, if you can't handle that I suggest you take up knitting, bitch.

Well until you can stop lying, and try to be honest on here I will consider you a useless internet emperor .. A lot of your types around here. You aren't new, and you aren't even unique...

You're the liar, and as far as what you think about me, well that means less to me than a Barrack Obama promise.

But I continue to fully support your right to be an idiot as long as you aren't harming others, including your own children.
Ah I see now.... I am dealing with a child again.... Got it...

Okay junior.... When can we expect to see the "I know you are but what am I" crap?

Come on man we know you want to say it... it shows in your bullshit crying....

The first bit of name calling between us I can find in here....

"If you will stop being stupid, I will be happy to stop calling you stupid." -conhog..

And that after you spent several pages calling everyone else stupid, dumb, etc, etc....

yeah go take your hypocrisy excuse and place it where you keep your head....
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

This is why I don't post much more than one-liners and Octopron.:tongue:
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

This is why I don't post much more than one-liners and Octopron.:tongue:

I am beginning to see the merit of Octopron.
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

Ah I see the other trolling twerp has to chime in.... Typical gosuxbfgrn, come and cry about me... Seriously man is that all you do anymore?

LOL, got that man crush bad now don't ya...:lol:
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

Ah I see the other trolling twerp has to chime in.... Typical gosuxbfgrn, come and cry about me... Seriously man is that all you do anymore?

LOL, got that man crush bad now don't ya...:lol:

I am actually being serious, Fester. I mean, granted, it's no secret that I think you are ginormous douchbag.

However, your M.O. for coming into threads and turning them into food fights/idiotic insult fests between you and another poster is becoming well known. You basically take every thread and turn it into a rage-fest that is all about you and another poster. It's disruptive and makes you look foolish. For fuck's sake, you aren't even smart enough to figure out that you are being ignored by serious posters on other threads, because you offer absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.

Since you think I am a dick, you will no doubt not deem this as an attack as opposed to constructive criticism.

However, in all seriousness, the perception of you is starting to change from that of an average poster who likes to throw a few jabs to a full, blown, royal-fucking asshole that has some sort of bizarre chip on his shoulder. You are new here, so you probably don't realize that a lot of the board dynamics are determined by PMs and cross talk that is never on the regular board.

Take it for what it's worth.
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

This is why I don't post much more than one-liners and Octopron.:tongue:

better than 8 liners and monopron I suppose.
True, but IMO the parents of this girl were negligent in their parental duties, and as everyone knows, mine's the only opinion that counts. :D

:) With your children, yes :) Yours is the only opinion that counts :)

and once again for the patently slow, you ARE wrong. YOURS is NOT the only opinion that counts in raising your children or we wouldn't even have department of child services. Is that really that hard to figure out?

What part of WITHIN the law don't you understand?
Hey Conhog was is child abuse when you joined the military at 16 like you claimed? I mean, you were a CHILD and in no position to make such a decision.

LOL - You are a total moron.

Understanding the geopolitical reasoning and refusing to serve b/c of your opinion on it are two different things entirely.

As for having the nads to stand up for what I believe in, that's exactly what I did when I signed up for the military when I was 16. That's right I signed up when I was 16, went to boot camp when I was 17 , finished HS, went to further training and have been fighting for what I believe in ever since.

This was a really lame attempt by you to flame me.
I think you can STFU now.

Although I signed up when I was 16, didn't officially join until I was 17 when I went to boot camp and the DAY I officially joined I was considered an adult as far as the USG is concerned and was therefor no longer protected by child abuse laws.

It was a nice try though.

And you had to have PARENTAL CONSENT at the age of 16.
You notice that there are only two people arguing this point with me. You and Syrenne? Wonder why. ANd give it up pal, she's not going to send you nude pictures just because you tried to play captain save a ho on a message board.

What the hell are you on about nude pics?
Hey Conhog was is child abuse when you joined the military at 16 like you claimed? I mean, you were a CHILD and in no position to make such a decision.

I think you can STFU now.

Although I signed up when I was 16, didn't officially join until I was 17 when I went to boot camp and the DAY I officially joined I was considered an adult as far as the USG is concerned and was therefor no longer protected by child abuse laws.

It was a nice try though.

And you had to have PARENTAL CONSENT at the age of 16.

But I faced NO imminent risk until well after I was emancipated.
Although I signed up when I was 16, didn't officially join until I was 17 when I went to boot camp and the DAY I officially joined I was considered an adult as far as the USG is concerned and was therefor no longer protected by child abuse laws.

It was a nice try though.

And you had to have PARENTAL CONSENT at the age of 16.

But I faced NO imminent risk until well after I was emancipated.

You still needed parental consent to join the military. And If you don't think people get injured or killed in boot camp you dont know much about the military. Is it probable that you will end up dead in boot camp, no. BUT it is possible. Is it probable you will be injured in boot camp. Hell yes!
Wow. You can tell that Slack-ass has visited this thread:


Anyone interesting in any further serious conversation on this issue should abandon all hope at this point as it will devolve into the usual, special brand of lame-ness that only gslack can provide.

Ah I see the other trolling twerp has to chime in.... Typical gosuxbfgrn, come and cry about me... Seriously man is that all you do anymore?

LOL, got that man crush bad now don't ya...:lol:

I am actually being serious, Fester. I mean, granted, it's no secret that I think you are ginormous douchbag.

However, your M.O. for coming into threads and turning them into food fights/idiotic insult fests between you and another poster is becoming well known. You basically take every thread and turn it into a rage-fest that is all about you and another poster. It's disruptive and makes you look foolish. For fuck's sake, you aren't even smart enough to figure out that you are being ignored by serious posters on other threads, because you offer absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.

Since you think I am a dick, you will no doubt not deem this as an attack as opposed to constructive criticism.

However, in all seriousness, the perception of you is starting to change from that of an average poster who likes to throw a few jabs to a full, blown, royal-fucking asshole that has some sort of bizarre chip on his shoulder. You are new here, so you probably don't realize that a lot of the board dynamics are determined by PMs and cross talk that is never on the regular board.

Take it for what it's worth.

So you are telling me how you and your pal coordinate your posts and attack strategies? Wow thanks for the confession....

And you are right about one thing... you are a dick... And as far as yours and your pals perception of me? HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Fuck you!...No really from the bottom of my heart you and your pals/socks/proxies can all kiss my ass in unison if you like....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I have a bad reaction to internet fakes and frauds... Guys like you and your pals who have several identities because they lack the social/life skills to stand on their own two feet, and use claims of higher intellect or higher education (which you obviously don't have) to try and stifle debate or bully your way into a false victory.. Yeah I tend to call you on your bullshit and you can't handle your little kingdom being rattled...

Dipshits like you have nothing but an internet persona, and thats why you get so desperate.. here you think you are the king. You can be anyone you want, anything you want and no one can prove you wrong or argue with you here.... yeah nothing like real life huh tool.... LOL, in real life you are the idiot who is overlooked or ignored, or told to shut the fuck up...

Well asshole, I represent the real world.. I live in that world, I work in that world, and I actually only exist in that world... All of this in here... its make believe just like your persona's and all your big stories about yourself...

So from the real world I bring the same message they send you daily into your kingdom.... They told me to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

LOL, now if you are going to follow me around crying all the time, wear a diaper like a real baby would....:lol::lol::lol:
And you had to have PARENTAL CONSENT at the age of 16.

But I faced NO imminent risk until well after I was emancipated.

You still needed parental consent to join the military. And If you don't think people get injured or killed in boot camp you dont know much about the military. Is it probable that you will end up dead in boot camp, no. BUT it is possible. Is it probable you will be injured in boot camp. Hell yes!

Correct, but giving consent is not the same thing as allowing someone to do something. For instance I could consent to allowing my child to drink at age 21 when he's 18, but that isn't illegal. Actually allowing him to drink at 18 would be illegal.

Same thing here, IF these parents would have told this girl at 14 say when you turn 16 you can become emancipated and sail solo around the world then there is no neglect. I was emancipated before I went to boot camp, this girl was NOT emancipated before she went on her cruise. It's apples and oranges.
Ah I see the other trolling twerp has to chime in.... Typical gosuxbfgrn, come and cry about me... Seriously man is that all you do anymore?

LOL, got that man crush bad now don't ya...:lol:

I am actually being serious, Fester. I mean, granted, it's no secret that I think you are ginormous douchbag.

However, your M.O. for coming into threads and turning them into food fights/idiotic insult fests between you and another poster is becoming well known. You basically take every thread and turn it into a rage-fest that is all about you and another poster. It's disruptive and makes you look foolish. For fuck's sake, you aren't even smart enough to figure out that you are being ignored by serious posters on other threads, because you offer absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.

Since you think I am a dick, you will no doubt not deem this as an attack as opposed to constructive criticism.

However, in all seriousness, the perception of you is starting to change from that of an average poster who likes to throw a few jabs to a full, blown, royal-fucking asshole that has some sort of bizarre chip on his shoulder. You are new here, so you probably don't realize that a lot of the board dynamics are determined by PMs and cross talk that is never on the regular board.

Take it for what it's worth.

So you are telling me how you and your pal coordinate your posts and attack strategies? Wow thanks for the confession....

And you are right about one thing... you are a dick... And as far as yours and your pals perception of me? HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Fuck you!...No really from the bottom of my heart you and your pals/socks/proxies can all kiss my ass in unison if you like....:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I have a bad reaction to internet fakes and frauds... Guys like you and your pals who have several identities because they lack the social/life skills to stand on their own two feet, and use claims of higher intellect or higher education (which you obviously don't have) to try and stifle debate or bully your way into a false victory.. Yeah I tend to call you on your bullshit and you can't handle your little kingdom being rattled...

Dipshits like you have nothing but an internet persona, and thats why you get so desperate.. here you think you are the king. You can be anyone you want, anything you want and no one can prove you wrong or argue with you here.... yeah nothing like real life huh tool.... LOL, in real life you are the idiot who is overlooked or ignored, or told to shut the fuck up...

Well asshole, I represent the real world.. I live in that world, I work in that world, and I actually only exist in that world... All of this in here... its make believe just like your persona's and all your big stories about yourself...

So from the real world I bring the same message they send you daily into your kingdom.... They told me to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

LOL, now if you are going to follow me around crying all the time, wear a diaper like a real baby would....:lol::lol::lol:

Actually he and I don't even see eye to eye on most issues, but you're a stupid hypocritical piece of shit, on that we agree.

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