Wow check out federal debt

The GOPers only care when the Dimocraps occupy the WH and congress, the Dimocraps only care, well, never.
Their earthly deity slashed taxes and exploded spending, and could only manage a 2.4% GDP.

And now they're crying.

Perhaps if you thought every once in a while instead?

O'bummer with Demonicrats controlling both houses slashed taxes in 2010 and could only manage a 2.56% GDP growth. Then consider it was rock bottom beforehand, where was the recovery?

That and your number is wrong, Trump slashed taxes in 2018 and GDP gained 2.93%. Then consider there was less room to grow than in O'bummer's case. It was nothing like the 40% GDP growth Trump's last two quarters, huh Mac?
Bill Clinton and the Republican congress had things pretty well in control. And I'd also give credit to GHW Bush who knew the pitfall of voodoo economics, later termed "Reaganomics". It sure seemed to me that GW Bush upon taking office set about reversing the 2 biggest criticism of his dad. First by bringing back Reagonomics and second by taking out Saddam Hussein.

Consider why they had things "in control":

A. We opened our trade gates to China, greatly expanded.

B. The web and tech. EXPLOSION

Neat.........Now consider the long term consequences, we're destroying small business for sake of the 0001%ers & China. We can no longer compete globally while PROGS scream minimum wage, high taxes and entitlements. We've reduced job opportunity and the standard of living at home. They turned States blue with misinformation, a major contributor to destroying States, predominantly California. Consider the impact of social media, dumbphones, 24/7 propaganda, replacement of job opportunities while tech. takes over positions. Orwell had it right, possibly even the year considering implementation takes time. The thanks we get is they release COVID on us and reduce incentives to work.

Was it worth it?
Perhaps if you thought every once in a while instead?

O'bummer with Demonicrats controlling both houses slashed taxes in 2010 and could only manage a 2.56% GDP growth. Then consider it was rock bottom beforehand, where was the recovery?

That and your number is wrong, Trump slashed taxes in 2018 and GDP gained 2.93%. Then consider there was less room to grow than in O'bummer's case. It was nothing like the 40% GDP growth Trump's last two quarters, huh Mac?
The economy was at 2.4% when the virus hit, with Trump's tax slashing, with Trump's profligate spending, which he approved and applauded.

We had gone through an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, the NY Fed had to save our asses by pouring $1.5T into short term credit markets in 2019, bond yields had crashed by 60% and Trump followed through on his insane line, "Who CARES about the budget! We're going to have a country!"

You people are a joke. And not a very funny one.
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